Interrupted | 2 🚿

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Luffy's eyes slowly shut, feeling Zoro's lips caressing his neck, shamelessly leaving round red marks which were visible to the public eye.

The younger didn't mind having hickeys on his body, it was something that never seemed to cause him discomfort or embarrassment whenever he was questioned about them.

Zoro on the other hand, he didn't seem too enthusiastic about getting love bites, oppose to giving them. His masculinity wouldn't allow him to submit to many things, for this reason, Luffy often found himself wanting to test the waters.

He believed that Zoro had a weak spot yet he struggled to find a way to get to him.

"What are you doing?" Zoro asked as Luffy's tongue traced his chest, leading down to his waistline.

"I'll do it today!" He decided with a mischievous smile, conjuring up a plan in his mind.

Agreeing with what he wanted to pursue, his first mate pushed himself back up against the bed frame, his throat growing slightly dry as he gulped, looking down at Luffy.

"Are you sure about this?" The younger nodded, his cheeks turning red. With no further hesitation, he lowered his head and took Zoro's length in his mouth, bending his back over and maintaining either end of his knees on the ground.

Meanwhile, the receiver, who was still unsure of Luffy's decision in taking over today, was currently basking in the pleasure he was getting, all the while, keeping a low profile.

During the session, his breathing patterns changed his pitch of voice ever so slightly, yet it still remained deep enough to turn his moans into seductive sins that emitted from the trembling within his lips.

This made Luffy's skin crawl with goosebumps, increasing the speed of his movements, getting used to the rough sensation left in his mouth as it began to tingle.

Soon, his facial expressions changed and narrowed down to a serious gaze, focusing on doing the job properly.

"Luffy, are you okay?" Zoro's voice seemed unsteady unlike before, as he delve deeper into the pleasure, but still felt concerned over the younger boy.

Luffy nodded, pulling his mouth out for a moment. Zoro's body relaxed completely, breathing out a sigh of slight relief and confusion.

"Am I doing good?" His captain innocently asks, his mouth dripping with saliva and precum. Zoro smirked, pulling him up to his face.

"Hell yeah, you are. Wanna keep going?" Luffy giggled, swallowing quickly before diving back down to finish what he started.

"Wait a minute," The older spoke, pushing Luffy's head back for a moment.

"You can stop here, that's fine." He stated. This made his partner confused for a moment, yearning for answers.

"But you haven't-"

"I know," Thinking ahead of him, Zoro cut in. "I didn't want to. Not yet, at least. Get what I mean?" Luffy nodded, appearing to understand the procedure.

With no further hesitation, Zoro cupped his face, bringing him closer. They parted their lips once more, reconnecting them as Luffy slipped out of his bathrobe.

His hair was dripping wet, the cold water sent tingles throughout him with every movement Zoro made, tracing his hands below him.

The air grew more dense than before in between the two men when they felt their bodies heating up.

"You... Smell good.." Luffy admitted, snuggling into Zoro's neck. Zoro thanked him with his subconscious body speech, gently shifting their positions until they agreed on the most comfortable one.

"Breathe deeply." Luffy took a sharp breath in, feeling it hitch

Just before anyone could make another movement, a
loud shuffling noise alarmed them, followed by the sound of a door creaking open.

"Crap! I forgot to lock the door." Zoro admitted, holding onto Luffy's arm. Unsure of what to do, they started to panic.

"Gum-gum no..."

"Hold on, don't do anything stupid." The boy released Zoro's waist, growing desperate.

Just before the door could open, Zoro found a hiding place both he and Luffy could fit into and disguise themselves within.

"Let's just hope no one decides to look in here..."

Seconds after, they jolted when the person entered the restroom.

"H-hello? It looks empty... Okay. I'll take a quick tour." A tiny voice spoke, their soft footsteps tippy toeing around the area.

"It's Hopper, huh?" Luffy thought to himself, breathing out a sigh of relief while remaining silent.

Both he and Zoro were lying down in the tub, crammed within it.

"It's a little messy in here- OH! There's clothes everywhere!" The curious little frog freaked out when coming in contact with a pair of socks.

His scream was intimidating to Luffy, but Zoro didn't seem phased one bit.

"Ha, seems like he found our underwear."

"These socks are so dirty, jeez." Luffy started to giggle, suppressing his laugher, quietly.

"Five bucks he'll find our underwear next."

"If he does, then we'll keep going even with him here."

"What if he actually finds it?" Zoro smirked, taking Luffy's bet into consideration.

"Pfft, yeah, right." The naughty boy stuck his tongue out, making fun of Zoro's idea, knowing he wouldn't lose.

"Looks like I've seen everything, I think I'll go find Nami now. She wanted to show me a new map she found."

"Hehe, I win." The celebration his captain initiated when believing he won the absurd bet he placed with Zoro was shortly lived by him when Hopper accidentally knocked something over.

"Clumsy me, now I know why Doctorine never let me handle medicine." When bending down to pick up a towel he had dropped, the boy found a colorful pair of boxers.

"Eh? EHHHH!!!? O-oh dear." The shy froggy went from green to red in under a minute when realizing he was stepping on the underpants.

"I better go." He rushed out of the door, closing it behind him.

Immediately after, the sound of suppressed laugher escaped Luffy's lips while Zoro locked the bathroom door behind him, turning over to face his partner.

"You didn't think this was over, did you?" He smirked, walking over to him.

"I was hoping not." Luffy responded to the other.

"Come here."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now