A Silent Game | 3 📚

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"Coming out already? Are we done then?" Luffy asked when seeing Zoro rise up from underneath the table.

"Done? I haven't even started yet, are you kidding me?" He smirked. The longer they stayed at the Library, the less amount of time they had to pull off their shenanigans.

Luffy's phone suddenly went off, pausing their game momentarily.

Luffy: "Who's this?"

???: "Luffy, it's Nami! Where are you two? Did you find those books yet?"

Luffy: "Ohhh, Nami! Zoro, it's Na- Yeah, never mind!" While the Captain was distracted talking to one of his crewmates, his first mate was making good use of this moment.

Nami: "Where are you now, we're leaving in about half an hour!"

Luffy: "That soon? Well, we are.... We a... I'll c-call you back-" Luffy struggled to end his call when Nami continued speaking to him.

Nami: "DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON ME, stay on the phone until you answer my questions. Did you find the books Robin and I told you about? They're very important."

Luffy: "YEAH! We sure did!! Hahaha!" His laughter was bringing him unwanted attention, but it wasn't his fault. In the end, he couldn't figure out how to keep his emotions stable enough to talk to Nami and focus on what Zoro was doing to him.

Nami: "What titles were you assigned in finding then, Captain?" Her question caught Luffy off guard, so he looked over to his side, searching for the answer in Zoro.

Zoro shrugged, grabbing onto a large book with a map printed over it.

"G...Geography?" He spoke on accident.

Nami: "What was that?"

Luffy: "MAPS! YUP YUP, we found them, and really good ones too. We also found information on Pony... Pony.. Glands? Phoney glimpse?"

Robin: "Poneglyph?" His friend Robin chimed in.

Luffy: "Yeah, those!"

Robin: "That's perfect, then! Great work, you guys."

Luffy: "Thank y- Ah!" The boy forgot all about the call for a minute when Zoro started jerking him off, applying pressure to his length.

Nami: "We have to get going-"

Luffy: "Sounds good, bye then!"

Nami: "Hey wait! Make sure you get those books-"

-Call Ended-

"Z...Zoro, that's s-s-so mean." The boy shyly admitted, furrowing his thin black eyebrows.

"As if you didn't do the same to me. That's karma for you, 'Captain'." Zoro stated, getting his revenge on the younger for what he did before.

"We h-have to hurry, or else Nami will be mad at us."

"Keep your voice down then, we'll be out of here in less than an hour." The Swordsman continued tugging at Luffy's length, feeling him squeeze his legs tightly, twisting his body every which way.

"Zoro..." He quietly called out to his lover, subconsciously, hiding his face in the hem of his shirt.

"Crap, this is bad! Luffy, she's coming back." Zoro whispered with a frightful tone of voice.

"Who is?" His shy Captain questioned him, alerted by the man's words.

"The Librarian Lady. She's headed here already, pretend to be asleep!" Luffy closed his eyes, hiding his face into Zoro's chest.

"Zoro... Don't stop yet." His lover insisted.

"She's almost here, we need to stop."

The lady approached the two boys, seeing the mess they had all around her.

"We're closing now, please be mindful and clean up after yourselves. Alright, boys?"

"Don't worry, I'll personally clean everything up." Zoro replied, sounding convincing to the lady.

"What about you, huh? So much reading finally got to you." She giggled, patting on Luffy's back, making him jolt and hiss out in shock.

The woman caught a glimpse of Luffy when he jumped, exposing the nude bottom half of his body that was guarded and covered by Zoro's long white jacket.

"What's going on here?" She asked, growing impatient with the younger adults.

"Excuse me, do you happen to have a copy of this book? I'm desperately searching for two of the same." Luckily for Zoro and Luffy, a random person walked up to the Librarian in search of a book.

"You two, get out of my Library! And don't ever think of coming back, you're banned from this place." She raged.

"No worries, we were just leaving, you old hag." Luffy spoke, turning over to face the woman as she screamed.

"You're... You're naked!! Leave, this instant!" Luffy grabbed Zoro's hand, running away with him and the books he was supposed to get from the Library.

"Let's go!" Luffy fell to his knees, feeling weak from the way Zoro had been touching him. The feeling lingered on his body even after they ran away from the Library.

"What's wrong?" Zoro walked back towards Luffy, realizing he left the boy behind.

"First off... You're going the wrong way. The exit is this way."

"My bad, I don't do too well with following directions." Luffy chuckled at Zoro's clumsiness.

"Hey, do you feel alright? You're walking... Kind of funny." The older man questioned, seeing Luffy shake his head at him with disappointment in his eyes.

"I feel weak." His legs folded beneath Luffy, causing him to fall over and Lang in Zoro's embrace.

"Not good..."


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