4 | A Chef's Secret IV

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Zoro's POV:

After mentioning Luffy, I grew slightly more interested in what Sanji had to say, but if he says something stupid, I'll just walk away.

I don't really bother listening to this perverted cook, yet he insisted I hear him out anyways, leaving me no choice left but to listen to him.

"A chef's secret, huh. What does it have to do with Luffy.. And why is it a secret, eh?" I questioned him, growing slightly judgemental.

He moved his hands closer to where I had places my arms, but I didn't move or flinch, wanting to know more about this supposed 'secret' of his.

"It has a lot to do with you too, Zoro. Especially you."

What's that supposed to mean? Now I'm just getting offended.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad or anything. Contrary; It's actually good! Really... Really good." His tone of voice was changing and grew slightly higher, why'd his pitch of voice change all of a sudden?

Something's going on with this man.

Author's POV:

"I don't hate you. Okay?" He spoke, earning a sigh from Zoro.

"Surprise surprise, that seemed obvious to me with the way you were acting so oddly nice to me today." The Swordsman sarcastically responded.

"I don't exactly 'like' you either, Moss Head."

"There you go, I knew it was too good to be true. Me? Receiving a compliment from you? HA." Zoro walked away, heading towards the staircase below when Sanji grabbed ahold of his shirt, tugging at it to hold Zoro back on leaving.

A vein popped on the side of Zoro's head out of frustration as he grew annoyed furthermore by Sanji.

"I don't like to be touched! LET GO." He released his shirt from Sanji's hand, accidentally pulling the man towards him.

Sanji looked angered while crumbling Zoro's shirt within his hands, leaning onto him so fast, Zoro lost track of what was going on when he felt a pair of lips caress his own.

The kiss Sanji gave him was so unexpected, he couldn't pull away from it fast enough to stop it from happening any longer.

"I don't like or hate you. I'm too prideful to admit that. But I can't hold back anymore... How pathetic." Zoro's eyes could almost emit fire from the anger he felt.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, ASSHOLE!" Zoro shouted, wiping his lips with his arm, cringing.

"I'm in love with you, got that? And I can't stand you being with that little kid all the time." The gaze in Sanji's eyes grew sinister, his hate for Luffy was now completely exposed to Zoro, and he couldn't believe what he had just admitted to him.

"Get away from me! Sanji, let me make one thing clear to you: I don't intend on giving Luffy up. Not for food, weapons, treasure, and definitely not for you." Sanji's eyes grew shadowed with his hair as it covered half of his face out of the regret he felt.

"If you thought we could even start a friendship, you ruined your chances of us even being acquaintances,
as of today, we're total strangers." Zoro has never been a man of many words, but the speech he just poured out on the chef made Sanji feel completely different.

He lowered his head, apologizing to him, with what little pride was left in him. Afterwards, he parted ways with Zoro and went back to the kitchen to wash dishes.

In the meantime, Zoro went to check up on Luffy to see if he was still asleep or if he had woken up from his nap, given that it had been awhile since he went to sleep.

"I can't even tell if Sanji was being sincere or if he meant his confession as a joke. Not that I care. After the way he spoke about Luffy, he lost my respect for him." Taking a break from the voiced outside of the ship, Zoro thought it was a perfect time to head to his shared bedroom with Luffy and sleep away any remaining thoughts on the discussion he had with Sanji.

He knew that sleeping was the best thing he could do to forget about everything that had happened in between him and the chef.

Gently twisting the doorknob to go inside, Zoro walked into the bathroom before checking up on Luffy, then turned the faucet on, dipping his head towards the sink.

Water started splashing every-which-way while the man scrubbed his lips with his hand, feeling odd about the kiss Sanji had given him.

Soon, all thoughts on that incident faded away when he found himself lying beside Luffy and chuckling softly.

"Feel cold, Luffy?" He asked but never received a response from the boy. The only part of his body exposed was his soft hair, resting peacefully against his pillow.

Zoro noticed a slight tremble in the boy's body, yet he didn't pay much mind to it, his mind was still lost and confused because of Sanji, so he decided to fall asleep quickly.

"Sleep well, Luffy."


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