Sick Day | 2 🌧

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As the day went on, Nami spotted an Island nearby, ending in them taking a temporary trip for supplies.

While Nami and Robin took a walk with Chopper around the small village, Sanji went around the food markets they offered.

Back at the Sunny was still Zoro who decided to stay in his room, having no motivation or strength to truly go anywhere.

His sniffles echoed throughout the seemingly empty boat and his body was shivering.

"Ahoy! I'm Monkey D. Luffy!!... Hmm, doesn't sound good. Let me try again. Ahem!

My name is Monkey D. Luffy, I'm gonna be the King of Pirates! Hmmm, little better. Again!


"Stop rehearsing in here, Luffy!" Zoro shouted, alarming the boy that was a few feet away from him.

"Zoro, w-what're you still doing here? Don't you wanna go outside like everyone else?" He questioned
the older man, tilting his head.

"Nah, you guys go a- ACHOO! Ahead... As you can see," he sighed, his nose turning red from the amount of times he's blown it. "I'm not in the best condition to kick some ass like you are." The man chuckled through his misery.

Luffy, wearing a blank facial expression on him, placed his hands around the man's face, watching them heat up instantly.

"You have a fever, I'm calling Chopper!"

"Hold on, don't." Not wanting to cause a scene, Luffy remained calm, turning back towards his trusty Swordsman who was worrying him.

"You've been shaking in this bed for a long time now, look at how sick you got, Zoro..." The boy whined, making Zoro feel slightly more joyful.

"What's this? Are ya' worried about me or somethin'?" He smirked, watching as Luffy's face turned a shade of red, darker than Zoro's.

"I just thought you'd be lonely without anyone around!" Luffy nervously giggled.

"Looks like we match now, huh?" Zoro continued to tease the boy, shining a mirror into his face, exposing his flushed cheeks.

"Guess I should stay home with you then." The smile Zoro carried on him had disappeared in an instant, seeing Luffy get closer towards him.

"I won't be lonely, don't worry." The man stated, rather coldly.

"I'm gonna get some rest now," he turned over, flinging the blanket over his body. "Thank you for checking up on me, Captain." Soon, the blush faded away, as well as the slight heart jitters in Luffy's chest when Zoro stopped facing him.

His lips were parted to say many things to the man, yet all he did was lower his head and walk away, slowly.

"Well, I'll be back to check on ya' later on, see you soon!" He closed the door behind him as he walked out of the room, never once turning back.

"I'm sure he'll eventually go back to normal again, soon. Too bad, I really had to ask him... Maybe later."

Despite his disappointment getting to him every now and then, that didn't stop the energetic boy from feeling happiness.

Meanwhile, during his attempt to recover from his cold, Zoro grew deeply immersed in his own thoughts.

"Is it me, or is he not his self today... It's probably this stupid cold that's got me like this." Intrigued by how strange Luffy was acting, Zoro wondered what was going on in his friend's head.


Soon, the remaining crewmates that were aboard the ship, Franky and Jimbe, had stepped out of the Sunny to explore the curious little Island, leaving no one but Zoro left on the ship.

The ill male was curled up in bed, staring at his swords.

"Not gonna be lonely, eh?" Zoro jolted when Luffy reappeared nearby, causing him to drop his swords onto the ground.

"Says who?!" He grumpily groaned. Luffy now had a rather sour facial expression and worrisome mood that caused trouble for Zoro.

He knew something was going on with his buddy, yet he wasn't sure exactly what.

"Says I." Luffy spoke, his bittersweet ways lead Zoro to feel frustrated.

"If there's something else you gotta 'say', just say it already. You look like you're hiding something." No longer looking up at the older man, Luffy's eyes were shadowed and hidden beneath his straw hat.

He appeared to be visibly irritated and showed no signs of wanting to hide it anymore.

"It's you that's hiding something!" His voice made Zoro feel slightly intimated, until he finally loosened up to him and let everything out.

"Ever since the game ended yesterday, you've been ignoring me, Zoro. Whenever I enter the room, you turn away or pretend to be asleep, and it's driving me crazy!" He admitted, catching Zoro by surprise.

His first mate was at a loss for words, unsure of how or what to even respond.

"If I've been around you, it's because... I wanted to ask you something serious." Zoro gulped, facing the boy at long last.

"Did I make you mad because my team won yesterday?" His face remained stone cold and motionless, but Luffy no longer tried to hide his emotions anymore.

Zoro carefully assessed the situation he now found himself in because of the huge misunderstanding Luffy got him into.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I came off as a jerk or something, but I'm not mad about the game." He corrected, thinking he could have settled things by saying that alone.

But it wasn't enough. And after admitting that, Luffy had gotten even worse.

"Then it's me who you're mad at..." The boy stood up, his voice trembling within every step he would take, nearing the exit.

Zoro stood up from the bed, walking behind him.

Before Luffy could reach for the door handle, the door slammed shut and a shadow appeared behind him.

"Turn over." He held Luffy's shoulder, but the younger was persistent with his decision in wanting to leave, so he grabbed onto the handle.

With just one twist, Zoro kicked the door shut before the boy could go, then he gently held onto both of his hands, pinning them above his head.

"Give me one good reason why you think I got mad at you over the game... Hey," Zoro paused, seeing Luffy's chest rising abnormally faster than usual.

"Why are you crying? I'm the one that lost, I should be the one crying." He furrowed his eyebrows, taking pity in Luffy when he realized how guilty he looked.

"If you... If you lost, why am I the loser then?" A sob unintentionally escaped Luffy's lips.

"I knew something was wrong with him, but I didn't think it was enough to make him cry."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now