Interrupted | 1 🚿

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(⚠QUICK WARNING: This chapter contains boy x boy content, if you're not a fanatic of adult situations, then this book is definitely not for you. However, to anyone who genuinely came here for this exact reason, enjoy lol!)

On a bright and sunny day, Luffy and his friends were outside enjoying the ocean breeze. Zoro had just woken up from his fourth afternoon nap, having to plans on doing anything other than to eat a delicious lunch Sanji had prepared.

"Hand this to Chopper, please." The blonde man said, giving two plates to Zoro.

"Here you go Chopper," He mindless spoke, looking down at his plate while handing the second plate.

"Thanks, Zoro!" The sweet doctor replied.

"Here, Chopper 2."

"Thank you, Zoro!" A similar voice to Chopper's responded, in a slightly higher-pitch tone of voice.

Zoro hummed in response, shutting his eyes for a moment. His eyes suddenly widened when he took a look back at the voice that had replied to him.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" He fell out of his seat, dropping his swords onto the deck.

A squeak emitted from the familiar looking boy who he had given a plate of food to as he ran to Chopper and hid behind him.

"OOOOOOOOOOH, WHAT'S THAT?" Luffy pointed out his fork to poke at the little fury buddy behind Chopper.

"D-did I forget to mention it to you guys...? I have a twin brother, his name is Hopper." A little green frog peaked his head behind Chopper, waving gently.

"AMAAAAAZING, can we keep him? Please? Please?" Luffy begged, bouncing impatiently on his feet.

Chopper's shy brother looked at him, becoming fond of who Luffy was.

"My name... My name is Hopper. I was a human before but ate the Hop-Hop  fruit and became a frog." Everyone looked at the shy froggy boy and welcomed him.

Luffy encouraged him to being a pirate, but Hopper insisted that he would only be staying in his boat for a few days until he could get to his destination.

"Awww, fine. But if Chopper is a doctor... does this mean you're A doctor too?" Hopper shook his head.

"Nope nope! I'm a Detective. I set sail with you to find all kinds of unsolved mysteries from each Island!" Luffy's eyes widened.

"Ooooh, sounds cool!!" Soon enough, they became good friends and started acting goofy with each other, making the crewmates laugh.

Zoro had disappeared for awhile, earning Luffy's curiosity.

"Where's Zoro?" Most of the Strawhats shrugged, unsure of what to answer.

Suddenly, Usopp smiled. "Ah, I remembered now! He said he was going to the cellar to get more beer!" The sniper spoke.

"Gotcha, gotcha."

Luffy raised an eyebrow at him, coming to a realization. "Usopp... Zoro doesn't know where that room is yet, does he..." Usopp's smile turned to a poker face.

"Knew it. I'll go look for him to help him find it." He chuckled, excusing himself to find Zoro.


"Is this Sake?" Zoro took a sip of something in a small crystal bottle, thinking it was his preferred alcoholic beverage.

Seconds later, he ended up coughing it up and reading the label on the glass bottle.

"P...pickle... Juice... YACK! WHAT TYPE OF MORON KEEPS PICKLE JUICE IN THE BEER CELLAR?!" He started gagging as Luffy entered the room.

"There you are, I found you when I heard you coughing." He started laughing, seeing the look on Zoro's face.

"What're ya' doing with that pickle jar?"

"Oni... GIRI!" Almost instantly, the jar was smashed onto the ground, spilling the liquids all over Zoro and Luffy's clothes, causing them to gag.

The younger boy grew stone-faced as he stretched his arm out to playfully punch Zoro in the stomach, earning a nervous laughter from him.

"Ha...Well, there's no liquor here." He yawned, turning around. Something suddenly attached itself to his back, causing him to fall back and be soaked in the pickle juice.

"LUFFY, HEY HEY HEY, WAIT! I'm gonna-" The sounds of gagging echoed within the cellar as Luffy got his revenge, earning an apology from Zoro.

"Let's go shower before I turn this room into more of a biohazard than it already is." He walked out of the room, taking his heavy boots off to not leave the stench on the wooden flooring.

The boys walked towards the bathroom, after grabbing their clean towels.

As the soothing sounds of water falling down relaxed them, Zoro pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.

"Dammit, not even a single drop of beer. All I wanted was one beer, ONE." He whined, letting his pants drop to the floor as Luffy continued laughing.

His contagious laughter made Zoro smirk. "Hmm? What's so funny?" He asked, wrapping his arm around the boy's waist.

The younger turned red, shaking his head. His first mate leaned in, making Luffy's heart race.

They connected their lips together, walking towards the bathtub. "Wait a m-" Luffy's words were muffled from the kisses Zoro was giving him, yet he insisted on staying outside of the shower.

"Zo-ro... Wait.." The younger suddenly reached down, earning Zoro's attention as he caught him off guard.

"I had to take my pants off!" Zoro turned red, placing his finger over his own lips.

"Not so loud!" He whispered, furrowing his eyebrows as his jaw clenched.

Luffy felt his body heating up with embarrassment while getting rid of his clothing. He reconnected his body to Zoro, kissing his neck.

They continued where they left off, letting the water cascade over their bodies, showering normally at first.

Luffy's unsteady hands suddenly started to slip with the soap threatening to fall from his grip.

"Ahh, so close!" He giggled, bending over to reach for it.

Zoro wrapped himself around Luffy's waist, placing a kiss down his back.

"Z...Zoro?" His lips parted for a moment before the dominant male slipped two fingers into Luffy's mouth.

"May I?" Zoro politely asked, winking at the younger while he nodded, earning his consent.

"ARG!" The older male flinched, making Luffy giggle.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it."

"You bit me!" They both stood up, looking at each other for a moment.

"I bit you!" ... Both Zoro and Luffy shared a short laughter as they drained the bath.

"Let's continue this outside, I don't want you drowning in the shower." Luffy looked up at Zoro in disbelief.

"Impossible, how would I drown, Zoro?" Soon, Luffy's cheeks turned bright red when Zoro whispered something in his ear.

He hid his face in the older man's back, being carried on his shoulders by him.

"So that's how, huh..."


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