6 | A Chef's Secret VI

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As Zoro lazily rubbed his eyes, squinting at the sudden brightness, he rushed over to find out what was the cause of such a commotion.

"Hey, hang in there! What's wrong?!" Chopper's voice echoed from where the only dim amount of lighting was escaping, giving Zoro a hint of which room everyone was huddled up in.

While some of the crewmates were still sleeping, most of them had gotten up to check out the noise, just like Zoro.

As the swordsman took a sneak peek into the bathroom, his eyes widened when he saw who Chopper was desperately attending to.

He pushed through everyone, seeing the doctor placing his stethoscope on a boy's shirtless body.

"Luffy! W-what happened..." He asked, turning over to Chopper.

"H-his legs fell asleep. He can't move!" Tears streamed down Chopper's face while he attempted to diagnose Luffy.

"Give him space, everyone." Zoro insisted as the others backed away for a moment.

Sanji arrived a few seconds afterwards, witnessing Luffy's weakened body laying limp on the bathroom floor.

"He lost conscious for awhile after hitting his head against the wall. Apparently he had been throwing up this entire time, judging by how pale he looks."

"You found him... Passed out..?" Sanji asked, breathing heavily. While the others turned to look over at Sanji, Zoro's eyes grew dilated with anger.

He immediately launched himself at the chef but was held back by Franky.

"YOU BASTARD! What did you do to him!" He exclaimed, causing a scene in front of everyone, and awakening the rest of the sleeping members.

"I have a diagnosis, but I need you all to calm down!" Chopper spoke up, earning everyone's attention and respect while they grew quiet.

"Did Luffy take any sleeping pills before he went to sleep?" He breathed out, readjusting his stethoscope.

Heads turned to one another, but no one knew what to respond aside from shaking their heads in confusion.

"He has some type of food poisoning, but I'm almost certain there's something else to it." He concluded, making everyone turn over to look at Sanji, the head chef of the ship.

"Meaning what, Chopper." Robin raised an eyebrow at the doctor.

"Wait a minute, Chopper-" Zoro interrupted, getting closer to him. "Luffy hasn't eaten anything aside from the breakfast that he had this morning and.... The fruits. You put something in them, didn't you." His voice grew deadly quiet as he stared at Sanji.

"It was never my intention, I swear. I just wanted to buy some time!" Zoro spotted one of his swords near him which influenced him to charge at Sanji once more, wielding the sword at his neck.

"Time? You did this for time? What type of shit did you put in his food." He gritted his teeth, wrapping his bandana over his head.

"Sanji, please tell us. Luffy's life depends on it!" The other's insisted.

"Chopper's liquid anesthetic." He shamefully admitted, awaiting to face the punishment as a consequence for his actions.

"It's no time for fighting, you two! Be useful instead and give me space to assist him." Chopper carried the boy to his room to treat him for his food poisoning.


After a full day of medical treatment, Luffy's eyes fluttered open when he found himself in a different room than the one he had fallen asleep in.

The room was bright and sunny, giving him the strength to keep his eyes from closing again as he had slept for many hours and still felt weak.

Having barely any memories left of last night, the teen didn't understand why he was in Chopper's bedroom, or why his body felt so heavy, until he looked beneath him.

"Zoro? Wha-" Zoro's arms were placed gently on top of Luffy's lap as he slept temporarily.

"Good morning, Captain. You scared us so much last night, Luffy. How are you feeling today?" Chopper asked, hoping for a positive answer from his sick patient.

"Chopper? What happened to me last night?" The young doctor began to explain what little he could of last night to Luffy, helping him remember everything that happened.

"So that's what happened to me. I see... Thank you, Chopper." He smiled gently at his trusty crewmate, attempting to get up.

Chopper instructed that as long as he was careful walking around and didn't feel dizziness, he could get up from bed.

Not wanting to be bedridden for too long, Luffy decided to take Chopper's word for it and planned on going outside to get some fresh air.

He flinched ever so slightly when feeling his lower body grow restricted, causing him to become unable to leave the bed he was sitting on.

"Not yet..." Whispered a groggy voice.

"Zoro?" Luffy gently tilted his head downwards at the older male, squinting his eyes at the sunlight.

Suddenly, Zoro stood up and squeezed into the bed with Luffy, brushing his hair back.

"Why don't we keep sleeping, hmm?" He suggested with a sleepy voice. His eye bag were visible enough to be seen far away, causing him to seem incredibly tired.

"Hey Zoro, did you sleep late last night because of me?" Luffy asked, feeling sorry for the way he made Zoro worry.

"Idiot, of course not." Zoro spoke, slightly louder and less sleepily.

"That's a relief." The other giggled, showing Zoro a soft smile.

"Let's stay like this for a little longer."

"Five more minutes?" Luffy asked, as the green haired man nodded, his head pressed against the pillow.

"Five more minutes." He replied, falling asleep in the process of saying so.

In the end, the captain and his first mate were found by Chopper and Nami, cuddled closely beside each other's side. From there on, they remained asleep until the next day.

~ The End ~

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