✨ᴺᵃʳᵃ'ˢ ᴹᵒᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᴺᶜᵀ✨ pt. 1

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M̳o̳m̳e̳n̳t̳s̳ ̳w̳i̳t̳h̳ ̳N̳C̳T̳ ̳t̳h̳a̳t̳ ̳w̳e̳r̳e̳ ̳w̳i̳t̳n̳e̳s̳s̳e̳d̳ ̳b̳y̳ ̳f̳a̳n̳s̳ ̳a̳n̳d̳ ̳s̳t̳a̳f̳f̳s̳

Renjun was riding home from his radio show with Chenle, Nara and their manager. Nara accompanied Renjun for his night show with Chenle since none of the Littles turned that day. The two singers were chatting with each other while Nara was chatting with their manager.

Just then, Renjun suggested to do a V-Live to their manager and he agreed before handing him, his phone.

The two excitedly talking with their fans and read a few of the comments. After a few moments of talking, the two felt thirsty and looked around for their water bottles but couldn’t found any.

妈(Ma), do you have any water?” Chenle whispered, asking Nara in the front seat, but the phone managed to capture his voice and comments began to blow up.


‘Can we see her?’

‘Turn the camera to her, please??!’

The comments kept going and the two laughed, making the caregiver to turn to them.

What’s so funny? Lele, I think there’s a bottle in my backpack at the back.” Nara said from behind the camera and the youngest of the two went to reach out for the said bag. “There’s also Junnie’s thermos in there. Make sure he drinks it.

姐...” Renjun whined a little before sulking. Chenle passed the thermos to him “I know when to drink.

The way you acted last week said other wise.” Nara giggled when the singer interrupted her. “Czennie, Junnie got..

妈妈!!” He shouted, making Nara to laugh along with his manager.

“Aigoo...” She and Chenle coo-ed over him and the younger went to pat his head. “Our Junnie is sulking.”

The fans are asking who 姐姐is and why are we calling her, 姐姐and 妈妈.” Chenle said after reading the comments and waited Nara or the manager to give him permission to say something. Nara giggled and shook her head.

Czennie...姐姐is one of our staffs, where she took care of us and annoy us at the same time.” Renjun answered and giggled when Nara playfully glared at him. “She treats us like her child, leading to us calling her, 妈妈 sometime.” Chenle nodded as he agreed.

Love you, 姐姐!

“Hi Czennie!!” Hendery was doing a V-Live in his room and having fun chatting with the fans when someone shouted for him

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Hi Czennie!!” Hendery was doing a V-Live in his room and having fun chatting with the fans when someone shouted for him. “Heng Heng!! Snack time!!

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