Chapter 9

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Irene's manager scoffs at her answer. “Irene, you can't be serious, right?” he asked, trying to make sure that Irene actually mean what she just said.

Irene looked at her manager dead in the eye and nodded before crossing her arms, “I am serious. And if you want me to prove it, then I can do it today.”

Her manager let out yet another scoff before digging his phone out of his pocket. “Fine. I will call him and send him our current location,” hearing what her manager just said caused Irene to panic. But having just said something that took Irene days to come up with to tell her manager, she tried her best to not show her emotions.

“I-I mean... He's probably busy with work today so... M-maybe don't do that?”

Her manager stopped whatever he was doing upon hearing Irene stuttering before putting his phone back in his pocket. Irene was looking at her manager with her brows raised while nodding slowly with an awkward smile on her face. Her manager, on the other hand, was looking at Irene while thinking about what he should do to make Irene come back to her sense. After staring at each other for a few more minutes, Irene's manager finally gave up.

“Fine. Do what you think will suit you best... But please consider the consequences of your action, alright?”

Irene nodded at her manager's words. “I will,” she said before entering the house again. She immediately find her way to the kitchen and saw Y/n supervising Wendy on what she should and should not be adding into the dish she's cooking.

Y/n's eyes scanned the dining room and the kitchen entrance while Wendy was cutting onions right next to him. That was when his eyes met Irene's and a smile immediately start forming on Y/n's face.

Irene returned the smile with a bigger smile before making her way towards both Y/n and Wendy. “So... What are you guys cooking?” she asked, looking at the boiling stew in the pot. Wendy pour the onions into the pot before looking at Irene while wiping her hands with the apron she was wearing. It was the apron that Y/n always wear while cooking and Irene, who has lived with Y/n for a few days now noticed it. A feeling of jealousy started forming in Irene's heart but she didn't make it obvious as she waited for Wendy to answer.

“Well... I don't know the exact name for this dish but we kind of... Just throw random ingredients into the stew and see what result we're getting,” said Wendy finally as she started stirring the stew with a ladle.

“I see...” Irene said while looking at Y/n, slightly showing her displeasure with the fact that Y/n lets Wendy use the apron but wouldn't let her use it when she asked to a while back. Y/n nodded at Irene's answer, oblivious to what Irene was feeling at that time.

After waiting for almost an hour, the stew was finally ready to be served. Yeri and the girls' manager helped with serving them and after they were done with lunch, Wendy and Irene did the dishes while Y/n was getting ready to help his family at the farm.

“Heading out to the farm?” asked Irene after seeing Y/n put a strawhat on. The latter smiled at her and nodded.

“Mhm! Those potatoes aren't going to dig themselves,” said Y/n before putting a pair of boots on and headed for the front door. Irene untied her messy bun before properly tying it into a ponytail.

“Can I come with you?” asked Irene again.

Y/n stopped before he could open the door and turned to face Irene. “Are you sure? I mean, your friends are here so...”

“Oh, don't worry about it, Y/n! We're just about to leave too!” said Wendy, chiming in after putting the dishes on the rack. Irene looked at Wendy and then back at Y/n while waiting for him to give an answer.

“Alright, if you guys think it's fine then you can come along,” said Y/n after a while. He smiled at Irene as she happily made her way upstairs to get changed into a more appropriate outfit for the farm.

“Y/n, please take care of her, alright? She's been through a lot and...” Wendy said to Y/n, trying to start up a conversation while waiting for Irene to return. “...I can see that she's genuinely happy around you. You seems like a genuine good guy too,” she finished off. Y/n nodded at Wendy and thanked her for the kind words but little did he know about the relationship between Irene and Suho.

“Well then, we'll be leaving now,” said their manager who appeared from the living room. “The girls have a show to record this evening and I don't want them to get there late,” he added before bowing to Y/n. The latter bowed as well before seeing them off at the front door.


After Wendy, Yeri and their manager left, Y/n and Irene headed for the farm. They talked about a lot of things while they were on their way there including the topic of how friendly and kind Wendy was to Y/n but of course, Irene wasn't particularly happy with how Y/n was smiling when he's talking about her. Irene looked away as to trying to hide her jealous and upset expression from Y/n and Y/n, for some reason was oblivious about it.

“Seems like you really like her,” said Irene after Y/n have been talking for a while. He was caught off guard by how Irene say it as he immediately looked at her.

“Huh? what do you mean?” he asked, trying to look Irene in her eyes. But she kept avoiding his eye as not to show that she's upset with the current topic they were on.

“I mean, the way you talk about her make it as if you really... Really like her,” said Irene, still not looking at Y/n. “I mean, you two would look good together... Both of you can cook, you guys share the same interest... And you even let her use your personal apron,” she added and Y/n tilted his head, trying to figure out what's going on but it didn't take him long.

“You make it sounds like you're jealous — wait a minute! You are jealous!” exclaimed Y/n, a huge smile forming on his face.

Irene's cheeks started turning red as her eyes widen. “I-I'm not jealous! Why would I be?” she denied.

A chuckle escaped Y/n's mouth as Irene started to walk faster. She was a few meters ahead of Y/n when the latter said something that Irene wasn't expecting.

“Don't worry, Irene! I like you more! Besides, we've kissed, something that I would never do with another girl, ever!”

Irene's cheeks started getting more and more red as she was struggling to form a proper sentence. Everyone would if they are in the same situation as Irene was in at that moment. “I... That's...”

Y/n shook his head and snickered before speed-walking behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rest his chin on Irene's shoulder while closing his eyes. Irene gasped at the sudden contact but couldn't help herself from smiling.

“I can't believe I would be saying this so soon but... I love you, Irene.”

After hearing Y/n's words, Irene became too stunned to speak.

“Now, you don't have to say it back because I know it's too sudden... Just thought I should let you know,” said Y/n again as Irene lets him hug her for the next few minutes.

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