Chapter 13

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Suho walked back and forth in the living room while waiting for Irene to wake up. After half an hour, he finally gave up seeing her and looked at Yeri, Joy, Seulgi, and Wendy. "She must be so exhausted," Suho exclaimed before sighing. He looked at Irene's manager, "I'm heading back to the city now. Tell Irene I said hello," he said before leaving the house.

After Suho left, Yeri rushed upstairs to Y/n's room, knocking on it aggressively. A few seconds after knocking nonstop, the door finally opened, revealing Irene, who was still half-asleep. Yeri didn't waste any time as she pulled her a few meters away from the door.

"What is it?" Irene asked sleepily.

"Suho sunbae (senior) came here an hour ago," Yeri answered lowly. The answer washed Irene's exhaustion away, and she looked at Yeri wide-eyed.

"You're lying," Irene replied, denying. Yeri shook her head and walked closer to her.

"I'm not. Manager Kim took him here," Yeri whispered. Irene frowned while clenching her jaw -- how could her manager do something like that? He had promised her whereabouts would be kept a secret.

"Where is Manager Kim?" asked Irene.


Irene walked toward Y/n's room and closed his door before marching toward the stairs -- she wanted to have a word with her manager. He took Suho to the one place Irene didn't like any of her labelmates to know her current whereabouts -- especially Suho, given the relationship between the two.

Once downstairs, Irene continued to march toward the living room, where the rest of her members and their manager were talking. "I thought I told you not to tell anyone where I am," she exclaimed, and the whole room's attention was on her. "I am okay with the girls being here, but Suho? I already said that I am not ready to face anyone from the industry yet."

"I'm sorry, Irene. But I can't let you give Y/n any more fake hopes," Manager Kim walked toward her. "Y/n deserves to know that you are in a relationship," he continued.

Irene sighed and crossed her arms, "I already told you my decision, didn't I?" she looked at her manager.

"What decision?" Wendy joined the conversation.

Irene looked at her, "I have decided to break up with Suho," she answered, and Wendy shrugged.

"Well, you could've done it an hour ago. If you would've woken up early," Wendy stated.

Irene shook her head and walked toward the shoji door connecting the living room with the lawn. "I wanted to break up, yes. But I'm not ready to face him yet," she said to her members before sliding the door open. "And I certainly do not want Y/n to find out about us," he added before turning around to look at her manager.

"But Y/n will find out eventually," her manager retorted. "Maybe not from me, but someone else."

Irene sighed and walked toward the stairs, not wanting to go through an argument early in the morning, "listen, I don't want to fight right now. But trust me," she looked at her manager, "Y/n won't find out," she said confidently before walking upstairs. Once upstairs, she entered Y/n's room again and got on the bed with Y/n.


Later that day, Y/n and Irene went to the potato farm with Yeri, Seulgi, Wendy, and Joy. "Oh, you guys are late today!" Sejeong exclaimed when she saw them. As soon as they got there, they immediately helped Y/n's family dig potatoes -- it was exhausting work, but Irene was getting used to it, but not for Yeri and the other three girls, who did it for the first time. Sejeong helped the girls to do the work -- she told them the proper way to use the tool and how not to damage the potatoes.

After a few hours, they finally stopped working. "Let's have lunch!" Y/n called for the others while waiting under a shady tree. He cleaned the area where they were going to have lunch while his mother put a big mattress on the flat surface.

"Can I help?" Y/n looked at Irene, approaching them with the girls behind her. Y/n shook his head and told her that she should rest, but Irene insisted on helping, so she went on to help Y/n's mother serve the lunch. Once they gathered, they sat in a circle and started to enjoy their meals.

"Have some of this," Y/n said before putting a few pieces of meat in Irene's lunchbox. The latter smiled and thanked him before eating them.

"You never gave me meat even when I begged you," Sejeong whined after witnessing the two. Y/n looked at her and stuck his tongue out, teasing her. Sejeong huffed and looked at her grandmother, "grandma, look at Y/n!"

Her grandma looked at Y/n and then at Sejeong, "Just let them be~" she sighed, "They are kids in love, okay? So his gesture is understandable," she added. Sejeong rolled her eyes. Her grandma didn't react as Sejeong expected, and Y/n laughed at her.

Y/n's grandfather looked at the girls and then remembered something. "Who was that guy that visited this morning?" he asked, and the Red Velvet girls froze on the spot. They exchanged looks before one of them talked.

"Ah, he was a friend of ours," Wendy said, nervously reaching for the water bottle in front of her -- Y/n didn't pay much attention to the conversation as he was busy tending to Irene. Y/n's grandfather nodded. Another question popped up in his head.

"Why was he looking for Irene? Is he her boyfriend?" Y/n stopped what he was doing and looked at Wendy, waiting for her to answer the question. Wendy thought for a while, glancing at Irene to see if she was okay with Wendy answering the question. Irene looked at Wendy for a moment before focusing on her meal.

Wendy drank her water before opening her mouth, "no, grandpa. That guy is not Irene's boyfriend. He is just one of our colleagues," she didn't show it, but she was nervous. Y/n's grandfather seemed like he could read other people, but when he nodded at Wendy's answer, she felt relieved.

"Someone visited this morning?" asked Y/n, looking at Irene. The latter looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, but when I woke up, the person had already left," Irene replied.

Y/n's mother watched the two talk in silence. Based on the conversation between Y/n's grandfather and Wendy, she could tell that Irene's boyfriend visited that morning, but she didn't say anything because she was afraid Y/n might get hurt for knowing the truth.

"Well, you guys talk -- I'm going back to work," Y/n's grandma said and put her lunchbox on the mattress before putting her boots on and heading to the field.

"I'm going too," Seulgi stated and put on her boots as well, "Thanks for the meal, Y/n's mom," Seulgi bowed to her and went to the field. One by one, they headed to work until it was Irene and Y/n left. They cleaned the place they used to have their lunch -- Y/n putting the lunchboxes in a bag and Irene rolling the mattress.

Irene glanced at Y/n once in a while, thinking of something. "Hey, Y/n."

Y/n hummed and looked at Irene while smiling -- it made Irene smile too. "Let's go on a date," she suggested, and Y/n tilted his head.

"Date? But we are working right now," Y/n replied.

Irene rolled her eyes playfully and giggled, "not right this moment, silly. I mean tonight," she picked the mattress up from the ground and rested it against the tree. She looked at Y/n afterwards and waited for his answer.

"Oh, in that case, sure. But where do we go?" Y/n asked, not knowing where to take Irene as the only place he knew was the hill, but Irene might not want to go there because of the story Y/n told her.

"I don't know. You can choose. I will be okay with anywhere," Irene answered and walked toward Y/n, offering her hand.

Y/n smiled and took her hand, "alright then," he nodded, and they walked toward the field while holding hands.

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