Chapter 63

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Half an hour after Mr. Kim delivered the news, Y/n and Sejeong started working in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the people in the house while their grandmother and Y/n's mother were watching the TV in the living room. Mr. Kim went to their room to get some rest, while the Red Velvet members would take turns helping Y/n and Sejeong in the kitchen when the cousins asked for them.

"Are you going to the hospital tomorrow, Y/n?" asked Sejeong while slicing the onion – her eyes set on it despite the stinging sensation from the smell. The light rain hitting the window outside accompanied the two cousins as they cooked.

Y/n stopped stirring the sauce he was making and thought about it before shrugging, "I don't know – I might go, or I might not – it would depend on my mood," he answered before looking over his shoulder, where Sejeong was now putting the sliced pieces into a bowl. "But if you want me to come with you, then sure," he added quickly to his previous statement before stirring the sauce again.

Sejeong hummed softly before putting the pieces into the boiling sauce in the saucepan, "I mean, if you don't want to come, it's fine – I was asking because I don't want you to see me being pathetic in case you would be coming with us," she said with a small smile.

"What are you talking about..." Y/n chuckled as he shook his head in disbelief – it was a good thing to see his cousin slowly returning to her usual self, but he could tell she was still in denial of the situation with her father.

Irene was about to step into the kitchen, but she quickly stopped when she saw the interaction between the cousins – it was a rare sight, even for those who only got to know them that year, to see Y/n and Sejeong talk without bantering with each other. A small smile formed on her as she quietly backed away from the kitchen and returned to the living room, where the rest of the girls were.

"Why did you come back? I thought you said you wanted to grab a glass of water?" asked Y/n's mother with a smile as she looked at Irene.

"Did something happened?" asked Seulgi, raising an eyebrow.

Irene shook her head before sitting beside Joy, who was indulging in the variety show airing on the TV, with her mouth agape – she quickly closed her mouth and looked at the former when she felt her presence, "don't tell me you were scared of walking past the hallway?"

The question sent Irene into disbelief as she gently flicked Joy's forehead, "that's not it, silly – it was just my first time seeing Sejeong and Y/n interacting without getting on each other's nerves, so I decided to leave them be."

Lina nodded understandingly before humming softly, "that's good to know that they are in the kitchen actually cooking and not burning it," she exclaimed jokingly, earning a soft laugh from the people in the living room with her. The light-hearted atmosphere was exactly what the family needed amidst the heavy news from Doctor Shin.

Back in the kitchen, Y/n and Sejeong continued talking as they watched the food simmering in the stockpot. "Have you gave it taste? See if you got the seasoning right," Sejeong pointed out at some point as she looked at the former.

Y/n shrugged and tilted his head before chuckling, "I don't know – I was sure I did," he replied before grabbing a spoon from the rack by the sink, wiping it with a clean towel before giving the stew they were cooking a taste – nodding after making sure that he seasoned it perfectly.

"Don't worry – it tasted good," he said before returning to his previous spot, leaning against the kitchen counter beside Sejeong. The latter nodded as they went through a few minutes of silence before Y/n looked at her, taking a deep breath before exhaling sharply. "Sejeong, can I ask you something?"

Sejeong hummed and looked at him before raising an eyebrow, "what is it?"

The latter took a few seconds to muster his courage, crossing his arms before looking at Sejeong with a small smile, "you don't actually hate your you?"

The question stunned Sejeong for a few seconds as she struggled to maintain a poker face – she looked away from her cousin for a second before sighing, "I..." She cleared her throat and looked around the kitchen before shaking her head. "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Yes, Y/n – I don't know. A part of me can't forgive him for what he did to mom – he did something that a husband should never do, but then there was a part of me that longed to have a parent taking care of me – not that I don't appreciate grandma and grandpa, or Aunt Lina, but..."

Y/n shook his head before placing a hand on Sejeong's shoulder, "don't worry – I get what you were trying to say," he said, smiling reassuringly. He knew that Sejeong hated Sang-Il, mainly for being an abusive and alcoholic father, but he also knew that Sejeong missed having one of her parents around – especially now, when her mother had passed away. She missed a father figure, something both of them lacked.

Their moment was interrupted when Lina entered the kitchen with a soft smile, "is dinner ready?" she asked, gaining the two's attention.

"Oh, yeah..." Y/n nodded before taking his hand off Sejeong's shoulder and turning the gas stove off, giving the stew one last stir before wiping his hands with a kitchen towel. "Should we have the dinner in the dining room, or in the living room?"

Lina thought momentarily before looking over her shoulder at the living room. Her smile grew slightly as she looked back at her son, "let's have it in the living room – it is a bit more spacious there," she said before walking into the room and telling the others.

A few seconds later, she returned with Irene, who smiled at the two cousins, "there was the leftover from lunch in the fridge – I forgot to tell you guys," she informed before opening the fridge, pulling out a red container containing Kimchi fried rice that they had for lunch.

Y/n smiled and took the container from Irene before nodding, "why don't you guys set the living room then? I will heat this up and join you later," he said to them before putting the container by the gas stove, heading upstairs to get Manager Song, who was in Y/n's room.

Fifteen minutes later, Manager Song joined the others in the living room – his face was obviously one that belonged to someone who had just awakened from a very good nap.

"How was your nap, Manager Song?" asked Lina as she saw him.

Manager Song chuckled and hummed softly, "it was good, ma'am. The rain and the temperature in Y/n's room was perfect for napping – I could've slept in if it weren't for Y/n," he replied.

Not long after that, Y/n returned with the heated fried rice, "Manager Song, do you think we can go to your apartment tonight? I forgot something there," he asked as he put the container on the table, unaware of their previous conversation.

"Y/n, don't you think Manager Song was tired already from driving us around today?" Y/n's grandmother asked, worried that the manager would be overworked.

"It's okay, Mrs Kim. I am used to working overtime," Manager Song said, getting in Y/n's defense as he looked at the Red Velvet members, "after all, it was harder when I have to get the girls to their schedule."

Y/n chuckled before sitting on the empty spot beside Irene, "don't worry, Manager Song – I will drive," he winked. 

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