Part 108

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12 bulletproof SUV with loaded with arms and ammunition, and other gadgets are moving to Marwar in fog. In first Arnav is on driver seat, Kaka is on passenger seat, Shakti and Akash on backseat. In second Aman is driving, Chirag is on passenger seat and rest in back seat. In other 10 Rajeev and others.

Shakti is looking at Kaka and Arnav who are serious as well as worried but he didn't ask because of Akash's presence. Akash want to travel with his bhai so Arnav allow him to travel with him.

Akash "bhai why I feel something is not right."

Arnav "Akash I am giving responsibility of AR to you."

Akash "bhai I like to work with you. AR is yours I can't handle it like you."

Shakti "Arnav what happen."

Arnav "they are back."

Shakti face become pale and Akash is shocked as well as confused to see all the exchange.

Arnav "Akash can you do a favor to me."

Akash "sure bhai."

Arnav "follow Kaka's words in my absence and protect Khushi from any harm."

Akash "bhai why are you saying all this, you are for Khushi to protect."

Arnav "today I am but I don't know about tomorrow. Promise me you will protect her for me and take care of ma and NK too."

Akash now something is deadly. He ask "bhai tell me whom you are fearing. You bring 50 bodyguard with you, what is that you are scared so much."

Shakti "Arnav Marwar will grow like always. Marwar will rule by Rathore only. We will make sure. Let's remove the black cloud for forever."

Kaka "we need to pay price for this."

Shakti "we are ready but Marwar will not lose its King and Queen this time."

Arnav nodded. It's midnight when Arnav feel something. He stop his car to look before where he saw a shadow. Arnav know who he is. He is going to open the door when Kaka stop him but he assured him with eyes and ask everyone to stay in car and lock the door as well as closed the window. All car have communication through which they can communicate with each other. 

Akash saw his bhai is moving in front of car. Kaka and Shakti loaded their gun. Akash is confused and scared too.

Arnav stop after few steps. He forward his hand but they didn't saw anyone. 5 minutes after he come back. These 5 minutes are very long for everyone. He come back and ask Shakti to take every to Marwar, he will come later. He ask Kaka, Akash and Shakti shift in other car. When Kaka is going to object Arnav said go in strict tune.

They come out and shift in others. Arnav stand their and waiting for them to go. One by one cars went. When last car went Arnav ask come out.

A person come out from fog who is none other that Baba.

Baba and Arnav get in car. Arnav start car.

Baba "I need to come like this. Hukum except you only Suraj Singh know I am alive."

Arnav "what you want to discuss."

Baba "palace is protected from any kind of evil forces but human can enter palace."

Arnav "I know that is why I increased security of palace."

Baba "we need something strong to finish them for forever. If this time they got away then they become more powerful for next attack. He need to die then only we will win. Arnav this time someone need to sacrifice life its own. Arnav they will attack after 4 day on full moon. Ask Kula Guru to keep pooja in Kula Mandir and then do Mahamrityunjaya pooja from tomorrow in palace. On pradosh and Shivaratri you and Khushi do Rudraksha Abhishek together in mandir in palace. This all will give us strength to fight with them. Pooja is on both of your name but Mahamrityunjaya and Rudraksha Abhishek on you son who is in Khushi's Womb. I will be in palace but don't tell anyone about my presence."

Arshi (editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें