Part 80

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Payal "how"

Khushi "jiji do you remember the day Neeti Didi died I was found at our door step and no one know even myself don't know how I was their but few days back I remember everything about that night."

Payal look at her and know what Khushi is going to tell is not something which she wants to hear.

Khushi look into her eyes and said "it was Neeti Didi who protect me that day by giving her life and dignity. Garima ask me to go to market but what I don't know that it was Shyam and her plan. Shyam planned my kidnapping but he was not successful because of Neeti Didi. I don't know how she know about their plan. She met me on the way to market. She scold me that why I come out at this time. I told how Garima force me to go to market. She was bringing me back to house when we hear some voice then she hide me in the bushes and said don't come out for anything. I was hiding their when I saw Shyam and Didi's fight then Shyam raped her along with his other men. Didi's body found somewhere else not that place where she got killed. I was losing consciousness then I saw blur images of a woman strangled Didi's neck. She is chocking her. It was that woman who killed her. I didn't remember all this till few days back. Then Neeti Didi come and wake me up. She said ' Khushi let's me drop you.' It was Didi who drop me. I don't know how she drop me when she is dead. You know jiji the last word of her."

Tear is flowing from both of them eyes by imaging the pain Neeti go through.

Payal ask "what are they."

Khushi "she told him that Shyam Khushi is your doom, she is protected by her guardian angels. I hate that woman feel like killing her. Don't you want to know who was that woman."

Payal nodded her head because it is difficult for her to form a word.

Khushi "she has limp. Anjali Jha. She is the one who killed Neeti Didi."

Payal was shocked with this new information. She saw pain in Khushi's eyes. She hugged her. Khushi is crying and asking "jiji she want to protect me and she gave her life to protect me. I hate that woman I want to kill her before that I want her to shed blood tears. I want to snatch everything from her jiji. They has to feel Neeti Didi's pain."

Payal " they will it's my promise. Khushi don't cry bachcha your Neeti Didi will be sad. You know that day it was Neeti's soul who come to you. Her love for you make her come back after death also. Think how can someone come after death. We will revenge together."

Khushi nodded. Today she feel light after sharing her pain with her jiji.

Payal "Khushi we have to tell all this to buaji. She is not your enemy but she is try to protect you from Amma. It was Neeti and I called her to Lucknow when we got to know her plan."

Khushi "I know now I am sorry what I did that day."

Payal "I am happy that my Khushi is strong. I am happy that you got married to Arnav ji but I am angry with you that you didn't told me about your marriage. Don't think I don't know that you married before me. You know when you come back buaji and I got to know that you are married but we are waiting for you to share with us."

Payal "Khushi what about Arnav ji. Anjali is his sister."

Khushi "jiji Anjali is not his sister. Think what sister try several time to kill her own brother."

Payal "Anjali."

Khushi nodded her head. "I told Arnavji that it was Shyam and Anjali's plan to keep me away from him. Shyam try to get married with me with Anjali's help. You know jiji that day when I was struck in that building when Arnavji saved me. It was Anjali's plan to kill me without anyone's knowledge but it's my luck Arnavji got to know. Arnavji know later that Anjali planned multiple attempts on my and Arnavji's life. He loathed her."

Payal "Khushi before marriage I told Akash about Shyam and Anjali. I told him how Shyam give me money to make you marry him and I accept his money. I am sorry Khushi I accept his money because I know you are not safe her. I planned to send to abroad for study with buaji's help. All your documents are ready. No one know where are you but you get married to Arnavji."

Khushi "jiji I am happy with Arnavji."

Payal "I am happy to learn that you know buaji is going to make Amma's life hell. Khushi how much you trust Arnavji."

Khushi "I trust him as much I trust my self. I trust him with my life. Why."

Payal "Khushi Neeti had two brothers one is Karan and other is Abhishek. Do you remember Abhishek whom my marriage was fixed. Its him. We all are together in getting them punished. Today he along with his wife come. And.."

She got papers. "and we goth these papers. We thought to use them but we don't find someone who help us "

Khushi go through those papers and said "jiji I think we need to talk to Arnavji and jijaji. They can help us."

Payal "do you think we should tell them."

Khushi "yes jiji they are in business, they know better than us how to handle them. And I don't want them to be in dark. But we can do this if you say."

Payal "I think you are right. Akash went to hospital. I will call him, you call Arnavji. And Khushi whose apartment is this."

Khushi "my Arnavji gifted me when I told him how Garima and buaji behave with me at home then he gifted me this apartment by saying that it's my house I can throw anyone out even Arnavji himself."

Payal smile at Khushi's attempt to show herself strong.

Khushi call Arnav to come to apartment and Payal message Akash to call her when he will be free. 

Payal received Akash's call.

Akash "Payal is everything alright."

Payal "yes Akash. Is their anyone around you."

Akash "ma and Papa."

Payal " just listen. Akash I am sending you an address come there and make sure no one knows. It's urgent."

Akash "ok Payal I will pick you up from railway station."

Akash "ma and Papa I need to pick Payal from railway station so I will not drop you."

Mami "Don't worry we will go. And take Payal out for dinner, she will like it."

Akash "ok then I will take your leave."

Akash drive to the address given by Payal. After parking his car. He saw Arnav is waiting for lift. He was shocked and confused both.

Arnav saw him and ask "Akash you here." To show that he didn't know about anything.

Akash "bhai Payal ask me to come here."

Arnav "Khushi ask me to come here."

Till then lift come both enter inside the life and press the same key. They reached on the floor, till now Akash know both are going for same address. It was Khushi who opened the door.

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