Part 19

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(First I wish you very good day. I hope everyone is healthy and happy with their loved ones. This week I am busy so I didn't give you update. I had hangover don't get it wrong I don't drink and not like drunk people. My friends drink it's their choice but they now I don't so never offer me. So where were I ya hangover, it is because of my suger intake increase in this week. Whenever I was in office I stay active but after coming home at late night I feel like I am druck. My uncle ask me didn't I now how it feel after drinking. My family is making fun. But seriously guys in my whole life I never feel like this. I used to start my day around 5 o'clock in the morning but in this week my mother wake me up. She always ready with stick in one hand and a glass of water in another hand. She ask me what is needed to wake me up. I know she love me alot so she will use water but if she use that my bed will wet it's not good. I woke up around 7. I went to my family doctor today, after examining me and know about my daily routine or diet. He said the reason behind this is that inside the body there is change which increases my suger craving. He ask me stop eating or drinking things which are hot in nature. He ask me to take gond katora I hate this. I have to take this in every summer to control my heat which cause nose bleeding. Hey don't get bore by reading this I just write this like that only.)

Jhanvi "Shashi ji I ask our family Guru to know about their marriage. Arti send me Khushi's horoscope. Their is one asupious date which Devotthan Ekadashi on 11 November it is most auspicious for them. Otherwise we have to wait for till February, which I don't want I hope you also don't want to wait that long."

Shashi ji " I am ready Jhanvi ji but I want to give my daughter her dream wedding also."

When Abhay saw his wife is going to say something. He said "don't worry Shashi ji about wedding prepration, Khushi will get her dream wedding. Everyone here is make sure about that. We all are enough to do the preparation together in grand manner. And Arnav can do anything to make her Queen wish to be fulfilled. If anything left my wife is there to take care. Isn't is Arti."

Arti " don't look at me like this. I know what you are trying to say. (She trun to screen and said) Shashi ji you don't worry we all make there wedding happening. You ready to do kanyadan."

Jhanvi " Shashi ji you tell me what you think."

Shashi ji " I am ok with this date."

Jhanvi "so let's start preparation. Expect Khushi and Arnav all go to Marwar. Marriage is going to happen there I will come tomorrow in the morning."

Abhay "bhabhi I will stay in Lucknow. I will come on 10th November. I can't risk with them."

Arnav "ma I think Chacha ji is right. You all go Dev, Chacha ji and me come on 10th. Aman help you in preparation and stay media out of it. Khushi and uncle also come with you."

Khushi " Arnavji how can I go. What will I give excuse."

NK " Khushi ji you can tell them you are taking uncle to Kerala for his treatment. No one ask question after what you did yesterday and I am sure Guptas will also give cover to you. What you said bhai."

Arnav " Akhil you solved the problem. Khushi he said right."

Khushi look at her babuji when he nodded her head. 

Khushi said "ok Arnavji we will go. Today I got our things from house."

Suddenly Khushi shouted " Arnavji what will we told them about our marriage."

Everyone smile listening this except Khushi and Shashi ji.

Arnav "uncle and Khushi we all planned everything before. When Akash and Payal marriage we will also married. Before you ask question I will answer. Khushi we akso decided that on that same day we married and went home to tell them about our marriage. There are guests so news will be out that ASR married to his love. They can't do anything."

Khushi kiss on his cheek and said " you are the best Arnavji. Yahoo we are getting married but thank God we are not married on the same day now."

Everyone smile by listening her thought.

Shashi ji thought "my Khushi will be safe from those Devils. I wish Payal is not like her mother then she will also happy in her life now. Abhishek is really is a good man for her but I don't know why I feel that her marriage with Akash is biggest mistake of her life. Whatever happen to them is their karma."

With that everyone said bye to other and went to do the things which requires for their journey.

Dev drop Khushi to Gupta house. Arnav and NK went to Shantivan to plan there next move.

When Khushi enter inside her house she saw Shyam is sitting with Gupta's ladies and they are chatting happily. By seeing this her blood is boiled like volcano. She look here and there. She has glint her eyes. But the occupants doesn't saw her. She pick the bat which is one of her neighbour's whom she played sometime. She said thank to you Ajay (whose bat is), you will get jalabi treat from me. 

She move bat behind her back. When she went near them. They all smiles. Payal said Khushi Shyam ji is here to talk to you.

Khushi smile and ask "Shyam ju what you want to talk."

Shyam " Khushi ji I really love you. Anjali I forcing herself in me. Once we get divorce the you and me get married soon. I clear them also. They are happy with this. I know you also love me as much as you."

Khushi smile and bring bat in front of her. By seeing this Gupta ladies got scared but Shyam who didn't know about all this said "Khushi ji you want to play cricket with me."

Khushi " yes Shyam ji."

She make innocent face and said " let's play."

She start hitting him with bat and doing competory at the same time. She hitting him really hard. He try to save himself but can't himself. Gupta ladies are so scared to help him. 

She said hit him on leg and said this is going to be sixer. And here come Dhoni's helicopter shots by roating bat like him hit him on stomach. He with great difficulty try to reach to door to run but what he saw that door is locked. Khushi is hitting him not stop, she put as much as force she can. There are crowd outside her house by listening voices coming out of the house. With great difficulty he open the door. Crowd saw Khushi with bat and Shyam in bad condition. He ask them to save him from her. 

Happy ji ask "what happen Khushi beta."

Khushi said "she wants to make me his mistress. And my family is ready to do that. You know Happy ji he is already married who is leaching on his brother in law money. He is nothing but pathetic excuse of human being. Even I warn not to come here. He come here again with marriage proposal. He said he will marry me and make me his queen. Happy ji if babuji is here he will protect me but my babuji is not here so I have to protect myself when (by seeing Gupta ladies, she pointing finger to them and said) they are hell bent to destroy my life by making me his mistress. I know I am orphan but what I did to you that you are doing this. Payal is elder to be still you want me to marry him why not Payal."

By saying this she start crying. Crowd sympathize with her. Khushi smirk to Guptas' ladies. By seeing her smirk they get scared. Khushi know very well that she is loved by everyone here, so they will teach them a good lesson. She just need one thing that is enjoying there condition. But the devil's are scared to not know what the crowd do. Some aunties from crowd brind broom and stick with them. They start hitting Shyam left right before he know anything. Other also start hitting him. After they give him want is much need. He look like banana peel. No one is helping him. ASR men laughing mess. One recorded all this and send to ASR.

Arshi (editing)Where stories live. Discover now