Part 101

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Arti "anger and self pride make people blind but not her."

Arti "we are in same boat. Can we go somewhere to talk peacefully."

Mami nodded. Both women follow Mama to his car.

Mama took them to temple which has less crowded at this time of day.

They sat in open ground on floor.

Arti "Manorama you know now Arnav is not Ratna's son but you still have his Mami."

Mami "how."

Arti "Arnav's mother is none other than your sister Shristi's husband Manoj Khurana's only sister. We elders never let this truth come out to protect Arnav from Anjali and Deviyani."

Mama "it means Arnav is still my nephew."

Arti "yes he is still your nephew. Manorama we both lost our first baby to their selfishness now I don't want my children faces same. I think you both want same." They nodded their head in yes.

Arti "Arnav is my son too because he is Arvind bhai son who help Abhay and me against Subhadra Malik, Deviyani Raizada and Ratna. Now it's my time to pay back to him for what he did for us by saving Arnav and Khushi. Subhadra Malik won't hurt our children if we join hands together. Manohar ji I want to finish all our children enemies so that they can live their life without any fear. Their enemies are Subhadra Malik, Deviyani Raizada, Anjali Jha, Shyam Manohar Jha, Sheetal and Arav too. Are you both ready to help me."

Manohar "Arti ji we are ready because I don't want their shadow in our life. How will we do."

Arti "Subhadra Malik is power hungry woman who can't stand defeat and I did hurt her that nerve. We need to wait to see the effects of our words. Words are more powerful weapon then anything in world it brings peace and harmony when used rightly but when used wrongly they bring destruction. I used them now let's see what they bring in those Jha's life. You just need to give fuel to this fire."

Mama "I understand what I need to do. Don't worry Arti ji till now I never thought that a day come when I will bring this truth infront of world."

Mami "what truth Manohar ji."

Mama "leave that to me. Arti ji very soon you will get good news, can we have your number to tell you good news."

Arti "sure (she gave her and her husband's number). You know what is similar between us that is our children enemies as well as our culprits in past are same for us."

They all are agreed. Arti left from their.

Mami "what truth you are talking."

Mama "truth about the death of Raghvendra Singh or Arnav's Dada ji's death. Leave that to me you just rubbed salt on Anjali and ma's wound."

Mami I will do that lets go to home.

Whereas Arnav and Khushi reach Gupta House.

They saw Garima massaging Shashi's legs outside in sun.

Shashi open his eyes saw them.

Khushi run and hug him tightly said "babuji I missed you."

Shashi "that is why you come after so many day."

Shashi's speech is good and now he is walking with the help of walking stick.

Arnav come forward to take his blessings.

Shashi blessed him and said "how are you Arnav beta."

Before he answer Khushi said "you are my babuji than you should talk to me first but you are asking him not me."

Arshi (editing)Where stories live. Discover now