Part 89

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Baba "Arnav you both are unique the reason for this uniqueness are Khushi being first girl child in her family and she break the curse on her family. About you Arnav you were born on sawan Shivaratri in singh lagana it make you special."

Arnav and Khushi look at him.

Baba "People think that we are superstitious about our religion but that is not true. God provide knowledge for betterment of the human but they misused and manipulate it for their benefits. God never divide human but it's human who divide themselves on the basis of religion, caste, country or many more. Nature is the dharma what all our ancestors follow but it's human who first divided into caste then religion."

Arnav "I understand what you want to say but how it is related to us."

Baba "Arnav it's true that people died but soul never died. Khushi's soul is pure because she never try to harm in any of her birth which increases her power to be closed to nature. She wants to kill them not because she hate them but she don't want those evil forces stay here to hurt inocent. She give chance to other but when they don't want to leave their evilness then she wish for their death but somewhere in her heart she feel bad for this."

Arnav look at Khushi and held her hand.

Baba "Khushi your purity is what give you power to interact with nature."

They look at him like what he is saying.

Baba "Khushi you can feel the other living creatures soul which help you understand about their nature. Nature can also understand you very well but your power was in sleeping state which wake up with you being his wife. Khushi you can talk and understand anything which have soul in them. That is your power."

Khushi "Baba I remember your words when I come with my parents here on vacation before their death. You said 'when I can't find answer to my questions then I can come to you' but all this year I didn't remember you suddenly I got remember your words today only."

Baba "Khushi beta when need arise then only we searched answer for our need. Same happened with you. You know our mind is unique in many senses which science doesn't know till now."

Baba "Arnav you power is not something which can take lightly. Arnav till now you thought that you hold power to hear others thought and control their thoughts or manipulate them. Arnav it's not your power but you got it with practice. You practice meditation from your birth without knowing what you are doing which give you this power. You practice meditation for long."

Arnav "you mean I can feel presence the soul or talk to them are also not some kind of power."

Baba "no it's not some super power what you think but you earn by practice meditation. Your all senses are more active then normal human being that is the only reason for all your power what you thought as super power. But you had power which you yourself don't know till now and that is the reason of engraved of both of your name."

Baba "Arnav remove open your shirt button."

Arnav open it and Khushi saw KH in place of K which is in morning she saw. Arnav look at Khushi who is confused and shocked also.

Baba "Arnav and Khushi your full name will appear with time not only initial. With your unity symbols other letter appear. Khushi had A and you had KH."

Arnav want to ask but Baba said "Arnav and Khushi every living creatures has God and devil inside them but what dominate it's depends on them. Khushi's pure side dominate which weakness devil inside her to the level of its death but it's not the case with you Arnav your both side are equally powerful and they work together."

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