Part 18

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Khushi "Arnav ji I think I have to think about marrying you." She said with serious face.

Arnav " Khushi what the hell you said now. If you are thinking about not to marry me than you are wrong. By hook or crook, you are going to marry me. Throw any kind of thought from your pea size brain, which always busy in thinking something crazy. I am telling you this will put you in grave danger."

Khushi " how you are threating me, me. Go I will not marry you. Now I have 2 big brother who will beat you. Did you forget how bhai beat you. I will complain about you to them that you are threating me."

Arnav " what you expect me to say when your pea size brain in full of nonsense."

Khushi " you are very bad Arnav ji. You said I have pea size brain and your brain is like buffalo."

Arnav " Khushi this is not funny."

Khushi " when did I said it's funny."

Arnav slap his forehead and grumbling " this girl never leave chance to fight with me. I do not know what is so special about me that she always picks fight with me only. Now Arnav beta you must bear her for lifelong. Ya, I have best idea let her handle her Raizada's ladies. She will definitely make their life hell with her crazy ideas and that must be free entertainment for me."

Khushi " Arnav ji what are you saying I did not get it. Can you speak again."

Arnav " Khushi I am saying that we should go back it's going to be 5 pm and I have to call ma also."

Khushi slaps her forehead and said " Arnav ji we forget one thing that you have to introduced me to your brother and I have to ask him what I will call him."

Arnav chuckle and said " let go Khushi. How can we forget such important thing."

Khushi " are you try to make fun of me."

Arnav "how can I tease you. I am saying what you said."

Arnav try to control his laugh by seeing Khushi's expression.

Khushi narrows her eyes. She knows that he is teasing her but she is ok with it. After knowing the truth, she know how difficult for him to relieve all these once again. She is trying to only had normal with him.

They left for Aman's house.

After reaching his apartment she rings the bell. Door is open by NK.

Khushi looks at Arnav. Arnav know what she wants but to tease her little he said "Khushi are you planning to stay here for whole life. If it is what you planning then I am out. I can't stand here for few more minutes than I have no plans to stay here while life because unlike you I have business to run."

By saying this he drags her along with NK. NK is confused but did not say anything by seeing his brother back to colour after their father's death.

They saw that everyone is sitting in living room. Shashi ji is also with them.

His phone ring brought everyone's attention to him. By looking at the name a smile come on his face. His eye also signs with happiness. He attended the call and said parnaam ma.

Arnav "we are at Aman's house."

Arnav "Aman can you bring your laptop."

Aman went to his room to bring his laptop.

Arnav "Akhil, you told me everything."

NK "yes bhai. Ma calls me after you left and ask about you, then I told her everything which we learn. She is furious. I do not know what she will do when she met Raizada's and Jha's.

Arnav "I know ma she will destroy her enemy."

NK "and she will show them hell when they harm or think to harm her children."

Till then Aman bring the laptop.

Arnav "log in for video call."

They were in group call, his sister's, and Chacha - Chachi is also in the group.

Arnav introduced them to everyone "uncle, aunty, Khushi that's Jahnavi Rathore Queen of Marwar and Akhil and my ma, Mama - Mami, Chacha - Chachi, my sister's."

Arnav "pointed to Khushi said she is Khushi your daughter in law, to Shashi he is Khushi's Babu ji, to Asha she is Aman's ma, you already know Aman and he is Dev."

Jahnavi "Khushi I am thankful to you to bring happiness in our life. Shashi ji your daughter is lucky charm for our family."

Chachi " Jahnavi let's talk about for what you call."

Jahnavi " Arti why do I feel you are really excited for what I will tell you all."

Arti " do not make fun at my expenses Jahnavi. Why will I not excite our son is getting married. Now there is someone who call me sasuma (mother in law) 24*7. Isn't it great."

Jahnavi " first let's decide who will play what role."

Arti " fine I will not talk you say what you want."

Jahnavi "ok. Shashi ji I am asking your daughter's hand for my son Arnav. Now you say what you think about my Arnav."

Arnav was shocked by listening this.

Shashi smiles and said "my Khushi is lucky that she got Arnav. I have faith in him that he will keep my Khushi happy and safe."

Arti clapped her hand and said "so let's start preparation for their marriage. It will be grand."

Abhay starts laughing and said "dear you are going fast-forward. Till now the date is not fixed you start planning."

Arti slaps him on his hand "do you know how many things to do in marriage."

Jahnavi "can you guys shut up for some time."

They make faces.

Jahnavi "Shashi ji are you ok with this marriage."

Arnav " ma you not only need uncle's permission but you need aunty, Aman and Dev also."

Jahnavi " I know this but you will know all this when you will have daughter. Now shut up let me handle this."

NK, Dev, and Khushi chuckle. Arnav narrow his eyes to them and then said " Khushi ma means you will be mother to my princess."

By listening this she become shy and blushed.

Other two know he is shameless, so kept their index finger on their lips.

Jahnavi shakes her head and said "Arnav don't tease her."

(Note: Namaskar 🙏 to everyone. Guys there is good and bad news. Good news is that our city impose lockdown on weekends and bad news is that cases are increasing rapidly. I pray to God that keep everyone safe. Stay safe, healthy, and happy along with your loved ones. Who are working in an organisation keep themselves safe. My family is worried about me because I had to go to office. After coming from office, I stay in my room. Few days my mother talk to me and ask is everything ok. First, I didn't get but when I got her meaning I told my mother, mom we lived in joint family and most are working or studying from home I am the only one who come in contact with other that is why I stay in my room because I don't want other to be infected if I got infection. Mom I am just taking precaution nothing else. In this period, I developed reading and writing habits.)

Arshi (editing)Where stories live. Discover now