Julianna Catching Fire: Prologue

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I slammed my bedroom door, making the walls rattle. I marched over to my bed and plopped down, sighing once I hit the fluffy duvet.

I was upset, mad, furious! How dare my father do that to me? I couldn't believe this.

I couldn't believe he sent me here to live with my mom. Apparently I was getting "out of control." Out of control? What the hell? If I am out of control, it's all his fault! Who raised me for the last six years? He did. So he was responsible for this mess, not me. He led me down this road, he held my hand as I walked down this path.

And now he thinks he can just get rid of me because I have been having just a little too much fun? Ha, I'll be damned. I'm bound to find just as much fun down here as I had back up home. If they think they can change me, they have another thing coming. I'll have just as much fun, if not more. I'll get into and cause just as much trouble, if not more. I'll act just as badly, if not worse.

So what? They could deal. It was their fault I was in this mess anyway, not mine. They were responsible for this, not me.

I was going to have fun, and if that means doing stupid, foolish things and getting into tons of trouble along the way, so be it.

They'd get over it. They always did.

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