Theodore was convinced that the completion of this unique magic was closely related to reaching the master level.

“Hahaha! Indeed, Sir Ted’s words are right!” Baek Jongmyung spoke with a much lighter expression. “Today’s confrontation is a draw! I am blessed to be able to face a mage of the west.”

“I am also honored by my confrontation with an expert,” Theodore agreed. Sometimes it was better to compete once than a hundred times. The two men acknowledged each other’s power and finished up with dignity.

Theodore covered his bare upper body with a cloak while Baek Jongmyung asked him, “With this, the second condition is over. Then can I hear what the third condition is?”

“Umm… The third condition…” Theodore fell silent instead of answering.

It was because Elsid and his companions were approaching them after discovering that the spar was over. There was no need to conceal it, but it was best not to get caught.

Theodore swallowed his words and said something else, “Master Baek, I’ll tell you after we return to the mansion. Today, there are other guests.”

“Hmm, I understand. It hasn’t even been three weeks, but I shouldn’t let my liege wait for me. Sir Ted, thank you for your deep consideration.”

Theodore blinked as he had suddenly become a thoughtful man, but there was no chance to clarify the misunderstanding.

Soon after that, he couldn’t talk to Baek Jongmyung due to the arrival of the crown prince’s group. It wasn’t bad to be remembered as a good person, but he couldn’t help feeling ashamed due to Baek Jongmyung’s humility.

The story with the crown prince ended more smoothly than he’d thought it would, and there wasn’t any friction.

‘…Perhaps watching the spar with Master Baek is the cause of that.’

It was an unintentional display of force, but Theo didn’t need to buy any favors from the prince. After the guests left, Randolph and Theodore had a heated debated about what had happened during the spar with Baek Jongmyung.

Then exactly three days afterward, the rest of the Baek Family arrived at the harbor and knocked on the door of the mansion. Theodore, who had gone to Baek Jongmyung to present the third condition, was faced with an unexpected person.

* * *

It was as expected from a warrior family. They had great strength, so the members of the Baek Family moved in quickly. The empty rooms which Theodore and Randolph neglected were quickly filled with exotic furniture, accompanied by bustling noises ringing out all over the interior.

Theodore listened to the noise and tilted his teacup. The tea that Baek Jongmyung gave Theodore was an impressive emerald green, and it emitted off an intoxicating scent. Theodore took a slow sip and was impressed by the tea. “…This is a good fragrance.”

“It is called Longjing Tea. We only have a little bit, but it is worth giving to Sir Ted.”

“Thank you.”

Theodore had no knowledge of tea and thought it was simply expensive, but his thoughts were wrong.

Longjing Tea, one of the so-called four seasons, was divided into seven classes, with each one famous for the price gap. It had been different during the Baek Family’s prime, but now it was hard for them to obtain. The cup of tea which Theodore had just drunk was worth dozens of gold coins. It showed just how much Baek Jongmyung appreciated him.

As the air in the room softened and relaxed…

Knock knock knock!

A hard knock on the door strained the relaxed atmosphere. Baek Jongmyung sensed who it was and called out with a frown, “{Stop! Didn’t I say to not show up when I am talking with a precious guest?!}”

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