“This mansion?”

“That’s right. It is hard to find a suitable residence for Master Baek here, with this mansion being the only candidate.”

To be honest, he didn’t want to pay the price, but he had to take a big loss now. While the marquis vowed to reduce the damage somehow, Theodore made a strange expression and said, “How much were you thinking?”

“The same amount of gold that you originally paid?”

“Then I see no benefit in this.”

Theodore still had a lot of gold left, so he intended to profit from something other than gold. In order to achieve that purpose, the marquis and crown prince had to owe him something. They would be deeply indebted to him if they refused his request.

However, Marquis Piris’ mind wasn’t as good as Theodore had thought.

“…There is no benefit… Can you really say so?” The marquis asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know your identity yet, but haven’t you spent a year in Piris?”

The marquis was advising Theodore to be satisfied with a little gold in exchange for having hidden him and Randolph for a year. In the first place, it was a loss for the marquis to buy it at 1,000 gold. Marquis Piris might’ve retreated because he couldn’t use coercive means, but he couldn’t tolerate more damage to his funds. The marquis was determined not to give way any further.

Despite reading these signs, Theodore laughed slightly. He didn’t intend to get anything from Prince Elsid and Marquis Piris from the very beginning.

“Well, Lord Piris’ words make sense,” Theo remarked.


“However, I have a few conditions.”

Before the marquis could protest, Theodore turned to Baek Jongmyung and said, “These conditions are for the one who will become the owner of the mansion, not the prince and the marquis.”

“Hrmm? Me?”

“Yes, I would like to ask for three simple things.”

Simultaneously, Theodore raised his fingers as he began to explain the conditions. The flow of the story naturally switched to Theodore and Baek Jongmyung, with the marquis and prince becoming spectators. In fact, Theodore had no interest in them at all.

“First of all, we are going to leave here quite soon. I hope you will let us stay until that time.”

“That isn’t a problem. Rather, I am excited at the chance to develop a relationship with natives of foreign countries.”

“I am thankful for your words.”

Theodore was afraid there would be opposition from the prince or marquis, but they didn’t move as expected. The best thing was for Theodore to leave this kingdom quickly, but the next best thing was for them to be able to keep an eye on Theodore.

If Theodore and Randolph stayed at the mansion with Baek Jongmyung, a sword master who was equal to them, then it would be less likely for the prince and the marquis to miss Theodore’s trail. If Theodore couldn’t be controlled, keep him in a visible place and monitor him.

Theodore had accurately perceived that choice. Then Baek Jongmyung, who calmly accepted the first condition, prompted Theodore to say what was next. “Now, Sir Ted! Please tell us the second condition.”

“The second thing that I want to ask…”

As soon as the condition flowed from Theodore’s mouth, everyone in the room looked at him with a surprised expression. Only Randolph, who had been with Theodore for a year, laughed with an understanding expression.

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