“It’s stupid.”

“You can tell me Jazz, you know that,” I say wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“Can I? Because you haven’t really been talking to me the past couple of weeks,” Jazz said pouting while looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

“I’m sorry,” I say feeling honestly bad for not being a good sister. “My life has been hectic these past three weeks.”

“I wouldn’t know because you don’t tell me anything anymore,” Jasmine says with an eye roll. “I didn’t even know that you and Aiden had went on a date, let alone dated.”

I got tingles in my stomach when she brought up Aiden, and I remembered what he’d told me, not even half an hour ago. “I wouldn’t call a week and a half dating.”

“Yeah, but you still went out with him; and you didn’t even tell me. Nobody tells me anything. I didn’t even know that Robert and I had to get tested for bone marrow to help you while you’re in remission. I’m lonely all the time and you never even asked me how my date went. You just ignore me, and whenever I’m in the room with you its like I’m not even there. I just want things to go back to the way they were. Before you were sick and we were a happy family without having to worry about you dying in a couple of months.”

            I hold my sister as she cries and I can’t help but feel horrible. How could I be so wrapped up in myself, and being sad about Aiden and me not being together that I neglected my little sister? The one who looked up to me and though that I was her role model? It wasn’t until now that I realized that since my time was limited, that I had to be there for everyone in my life. This was the time where I am supposed to get closer to my family and be prepared to follow through with God’s plan; whether to die in less than two months or to have a successful chemo and surgery, and to go on with the rest of my life. No matter the outcome, I had to be the best that I could be now; the best daughter; the best sister; the best friend; and the best mate. It was never too late to start over.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper quietly, tears threatening to fall. “I promise that we will hang out more often. Whether it’s with Rhianan and Daniel, or with Aiden, or even all of us, you can come. I never did properly introduce you and Aiden to each other,” I grin.

“Yeah, you didn’t.” Jasmine grins back.

“So…” I poke her in the ribs, my grin getting wider.

“So what?” she asks smiling.

“How did your date with Jared go?”

Jasmine laughs lightly. “Sah’nai that was two months ago.”

I frown. It had been that long? “I’m sorry,” I say for about the fourth time that day. “But it’s never too late to catch up. How was it?”

“It was great. We had a lot of fun together,” she answers with a smile.

“Are you two still together?”

“Yup,” she grins, popping the p. “It’s been almost three months.”

“Aww, I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you,” she says and I smile as he blushes.

“Does he treat you good?”

“Of course,” she scoffs.


“What about Aiden and you? How did you guy’s date go?”

I sigh. “It was great. He took me on my dream date. We had a picnic on the beach and they we just lay there watching the stars afterwards.”

“Aww, that sounds so romantic.”

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