On the other side, Loren hit his forehead at his disciple’s stupidity. Perhaps it was thoughtless to just teach him battle magic.

Theo’s next words were like daggers stabbing Loren. “If your teacher tells you differently, can you really be proud of such a teacher? Or maybe you haven’t learned this part yet?”

“Kuk!” Philip grew silent as the nail had been hit on the head.

The expressions of the two magicians watching the argument were interesting. A smile broke through Vince’s poker face. Meanwhile, Loren’s face swelled like he was going to explode; his blood pressure rose because of Theo’s words.

Had a wise man said this? A person who lost to words could only swear or throw a punch.

Philip Gullock was a person who didn’t fall far from that category. “Shut up! Soldiers from the frozen ground, hear my call!”

As he drew up magic power angrily, the temperature around him fell rapidly. Frost covered the smooth stone floor, and a chill, which seemed like it would turn everyone into statues, began to gather. Once completed, Theodore Miller would find it hard to prevent the 4th Circle magic, ‘Frozen Orb.’

Of course, if it was completed.

“Don’t you know not to use big things?”

Theo raised his fingers like he had been waiting.


It was an action which was no different from when he cast Ignite.

‘Is he trying to do the same thing again?’ Philip scoffed and moved his head back. He hadn’t known it the first time, but he wouldn’t fall for something after experiencing it already. If Philip didn’t back away, he wouldn’t fall, and his spell wouldn’t fail again.

That was the crucial mistake.


“Keo… Huu…uk?” An unexplained pang occurred in the vicinity of his hips. The crystals which absorbed damage didn’t completely erase the pain.


Philip didn’t care about the last crystal which broke, but as he looked down, he managed to see what caused the terrible suffering. It was a sharpened piece of stone made to resemble a spear. The stone had emerged from the ground and pierced his hip at a precise angle.

Needless to say, it was a collaboration between Theodore and Mitra.

“That, cooperation, ha… keek.” Philip couldn’t finish what he was saying as he fell to the ground. For someone who wasn’t used to pain, this injury was really terrible.

Even the host turned to Theo with a pale expression. Theo scratched his head as if he had made a mistake.

“Mitra, let’s make the end a little more blunt next time.”

[Huing?] Mitra made a sound as she emerged from the ground and looked at Philip with a naive face.

* * *

Philip looked so terrible that the host called for a stretcher and sent him away. Damage was mostly absorbed by the crystals, so the host had never seen such a terribly wounded person before.

He tried to make a calm expression as he told Theo the result of the match, “Theodore, congratulations on your first victory in the Pupil Tournament.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“You have achieved one victory and obtained Philip Gullock’s four tokens. It doesn’t matter if you lose them, but you are responsible for any damages, so please be careful.”

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