With how it continued to dodge Link and attack from the blind side, shooting would be hard as it disappeared from sight the moment they had their eye on it. Then the orbs of electricity come to play and Sesshoumaru had to dodge while Link's Rubber Set kept him safe from being shocked. Link tried to lock Ganon with Stasis but it easily break through the rune's affect.

Once again, Sesshoumaru's voice can be heard calling out to Link as his eyes tracked the beast's path and Link countered the strike. Kagome shot her arrows while the beast was stunned by Link's attack and it turned its gaze on her. Her arrows were all deflected by its Guardian's sword, all but one. It struck the Malice formed arm and blew it off.

It was as she feared. Her purification power, though it works on most Malice and its many forms, Ganon was much too concentrated to be purified easily. It sneered at her, reforming its arm and disappeared. Just as quickly, Sesshoumaru appeared and deflected its attack on her with his massive sword. The two stared and growled at each other before Sesshoumaru pushed it back with a snarling roar, "NEVER!"

Link took the chance to attack the stunned beast with the Master Sword but Ganon disappeared. Sesshoumaru then stood guard over Kagome through most of the battle. It seemed that it recognized Kagome as a threat and split between attacking Link and nullifying her presence. As it dueled with Link, Kagome will aim and shoot. It will notice the attack and disappeared, her arrows somehow completely missing Link and ended up behind him. It will try to attack Kagome but Sesshoumaru will stop it every time.

Sesshoumaru couldn't go all out, his attacks would destroy the Divine Beast and Link will need its aid in the final battle. So he ended up tanking for Kagome, shouting incoming attacks at Link and ignoring the Malice tempting him to join it.

Link listened to Sesshoumaru's direction, attacking when it became distracted or injured by Kagome's attacks. Even so, the Thunderblight flitted across the space and each strike he blocked was worse than tanking a Lynel's Crusher. He could feel his very bone screaming in pain but he gritted his teeth, because only he could do this. Kagome and Sesshoumaru can only do so much, but without the Master Sword...

Each Blight he faced seemed to grow stronger than the one before. It was as though they gain strength from the defeat of one and adsorbed what scattered power into them. The Master Sword dealt greater damage than the normal weapon in his arsenal, the holy energy cut through the thick Malice like red hot steel through butter. And unlike other weapons, the Malice could not cling onto the steel and corrode it. What Malice matter that splattered on the blade hissed and boiled to nothing.

Another shot and the Blight's arm splattered to nothingness once more. Enraged, it floated higher and the situation became even harder as it summoned pillars of steel. Kagome could be heard calling out to him as Sesshoumaru pulled her out of the fallen pillars range as lightning strikes the summoned conductors. Link ran as far from the nearest pillar that have fallen by him as possible. Even through the Rubber Set, he could feel that numbing static energy.

A part of him wondered if this was the reason Urbosa fell....

His stamina was running low, but he gritted his teeth and continued his battle. Already the sun outside has begun to climb down. The battle has dragged long enough. Besides Sesshoumaru, whose only sign of fatigue was his sweating forehead, both he and Kagome has become more and more tired by the accumulating fatigue and tension. He needs to end this now!

As he thought back to all his battles, he decided to use Ganon's own ability against him. He looked at Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Once he caught their eyes, he signaled the Sheikah Slate but he need Ganon distracted. Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome who shared his thoughts before shooting the beast, catching its interest. Sesshoumaru leapt forward and swings his blade at the floating beast who had kept out of reach the whole time since it began summoning the steel pillars.

Screeching, it summoned more pillars. Link quickly aimed a Magnesis Rune at one of the nearest pillar and brought it close to the Blight, who was distracted by Sesshoumaru's sudden ferocity. Sesshoumaru noticed the floating pillar above the blight and flitted away as lightning fell on the beast. Fried by its own attack, it fell to the ground.

Sesshoumaru slammed the Double Helix into its abdomen while Kagome shot at both its arms. Pinned and defenseless, Link shot forward and dealt the final blow by slamming the glowing Master Sword right through its temple with a warrior's shout.

The creature silenced in a stun from the attack before it began to writhe as cracks began to form from the holy energy injected into it by the Master Sword started to invade its Malice created form. Sesshoumaru pulled back and took Link with him as he jumped in front of Kagome, placing his large sword before him to create an energy shield.

Kagome closed her ears at the inhuman scream coming the beast, the sound it made came as though from a village of people being tortured to death. It gave her goose bumps and cold sweats broke all over her body. It felt like years passed them by when the screams abruptly stops. By the end of it, she was shaking and choking for air. She could see Link talking to her but she couldn't hear him.

In a moment, Sesshoumaru was by her side. He placed his palm over her temple and suddenly she could hear him speaking, "...a mental attack. She will be fine but the next few days might be hard for her,"

Link frowned, "Why is she reacting so badly to it?"

Sesshoumaru gathered her shaking form into his arms; his sword strapped to his back once more, "Perhaps your mental strength had grown immune to Ganon's mental attack due to both the strength of your soul that had faced him on numerous occasions through your many incarnations as well as the Master Sword. As for me, my training as Tiangou included shielding myself from all forms of mental attack,"

Link nodded, "Kagome has none of that,"

Sesshoumaru nodded, "Her spirit is strong but I believe her meddling with Ganon's psychological attack on the Princess a few moons back had gained her his personal resentment,"

Kagome didn't notice that she was shaking and crying at the same time, only that nothing make sense and she feel so very sick. As the boys continued their duty, she couldn't do anything as she sank back into a state of depression. She could only hear the screaming, the tortured souls trapped by Ganon, and she felt so helpless.

She didn't notice when the spirit of Urbosa manifested and graced Link with her gift. She couldn't feel the worried brush of her ghostly touch on her temple, nor hear her prayer to Din to bless her with the Goddess's protection. She didn't acknowledge the change of view from the inside of the Divine Beast to the darkened sky outside and then the exchanging of arms as she was taken from Sesshoumaru by Buliara nor the frantic worry of Riju's.

As she was placed onto her bed, Riju worriedly asked Buliara to bring some cloth and water to help cool down her rising fever. She didn't recall almost choking on her own vomit as her body wracked with a strange sickness nor the worried Gerudo healer helping her spit it all out into a bucket.

After what feel like forever, she saw a tiny golden light that unfurled and became a tiny Zelda. Zelda stared at the sister of her spirit and wept, "Oh Kagome..."

Zelda was protected by Hylia's blood, making Ganon's mental attack on her null. It was the reason why he constantly starts psychological warfare with the Princess for the past one hundred years. Thus in an effort to hurt Zelda and Link, he turned the strongest of his mental attack on Kagome.

Knowing what the monster was aiming for, another emotional attack on her to weaken her hold on him, Zelda expended a small part of her to help Kagome. Kagome had helped strengthen her resolve just as it was about to break from her uncertainty now that Link's awake. The girl also almost lost her soul when the connection between her spirit and her body was already weakened for helping Zelda.

The least the Princess could do was heal what damage had been done by Ganon so she brushed her small hands on Kagome's temple and prayed to Hylia. Once it was done, Zelda smiled and whispered, "I truly yearn to speak to you face to face...sister of my heart, Kagome..."

Kagome finally fall into a deep sleep...

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