Related Songs In A Bad Timing

Start from the beginning

I started to feel claustrophobic and stumbled my way out of the dance floor and into the halls. "I'm better under your reflection but did you know did you know did you know know? That's anybody else that's met ya. It's all the same all the same all the same glow."

I hit my hips side to side as I turned around, my eyes narrowing around as I slowly closed my eyes and parted my lips. I rolled my shoulders and stretched my neck from side to side, swaying as I bounced a bit.

"Honey it's raining tonight but storms always have an eye have an eye. Tell me you're covered tonight or tell me lies tell me lies lies." I bounced and moved my arms around, my head nodding to the beat as I turned it side to side.

I looked down as I jumped around, slowly elevating my head to the ceiling. "I want you to know that it's our time you and me bleed the same light. I want you to know that I'm all yours you and me we're the same force." I ruffled my wet hair as I wooed in joy with a smile lingering on my face, my hips moving from side to side as I rolled them in circles.

"I want you to know that it's our time you and me bleed the same light. I want you to know that I'm all yours you and me run the same course." I put my hands above my head and stuck one leg out, rolling my hips around slowly in a seductive way.

"You and me run the same course." I jumped around to the beat of the music, slowly slowing myself down as Sebastian and the rest of the team made their way inside. I widened my eyes and was about to turn around when his eyes met mine.

I froze, he did too before his eyes darkened and I whirled around and lost myself through the crowd, knowing that it would piss him off. I jumped around the dancing crowd and waved my hair side to side, my hands on my skirt as I rolled my hips. I giggled with a bit on my lower lip and winked at Sebastian, scurrying again through the crowd.

I looked behind me as I made my way through the crowd, biting my lips with a teasing smile and turn back to the front. "Gotha!" I groaned when I hit into Skill and rolled my eyes. "Ah-ah-ah, you're not going anywhere." Skill grabbed my arm when I tried to escape him.

"Really? Last time I checked this was a free country. You can't grab me against my will." I yanked my arm away from his grip and scurried through the crowd. "Thanks for guarding my things."

"It was a pleasure." The bartender winked at me and slammed a glass on the counter. "It's on the house."

"Thanks." I picked up the drink and guided it toward my lips, slowly parting my lips to drink the beverage in one gulp. "I really needed that." I put the glass back on the counter and slid my jacket on. "See ya." I slid my handbag in the crook of my elbow and made my way through the halls and out of the building.

I pulled my jacket closer as my body came in contact with the cold wind, my champagne clad clothes plastering on my body like a second skin and my bra-less breasts perking at the cold night. I shivered slightly as my nipples twisted painfully and wished to have something to warm them up.

Maybe a hot mouth oh God I'm talking like a woman in a freaking haze. "You thought that you could escape me." I groaned loudly as I moved my hands up and down my arms. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"Oh so now you realized that I was gone ha?" I huffed sarcastically. "Just hours ago you ignored me and pretended that I wasn't there and now you act all mad and shit well guess what Sebastian, you can go fuck yourself." I pushed him out of the way and rounded my car, unlocking the doors.

"When did I ignore you? You knew that the boys would be there and that we were celebrating, I couldn't be just talking to you and give you all the attention." He hissed loudly, the annoyance clearly lingering in his tone.

I stopped in front of my door and stepped aside to look at him with my arms crossed. "Then why did you told me to come if you knew that you couldn't give me the attention I needed?"

"I thought that you wanted to come that's why I invited you to come, if you didn't want to come you could have just said no! I didn't force you into anything." He opened his hands as he shouted at me, the people in front of the club turning their attention to us.

"Well sorry for wanting to support my boyfriend, thank you for letting me know that I can't have the attention I need or better yet deserve. Go back to your 'girls' and 'boys' who clearly has all your attention." I said mockingly and sarcastically, my mood damaging more than it already was.

I stepped back to the side and yanked the door open, slumping inside as I closed the door. I put my handbag in the car seat and took my jacket off. I saw Sebastian sighed and walked toward my car, yanking the door open just as I pressed the lock.

I groaned when he opened the door before they locked and slumped inside of the passenger seat, closing the door after him. I ignored him and started the engine, driving out of the parking lot. "Now you're ignoring me."

I turned up the volume of the song playing on the radio and turned on the air conditioner. "Why is everything with you so complicated? Why do you make it hard to love you? Well I hate it. 'Cause if you really wanna be alone I, I will throw my hands up 'Cause baby I tried but everything with you is so complicated. Oh why?"

Sebastian leaned forward and changed the radio. "Baby, they don't know what we had before but it fell before our eyes, roller coaster, roller coaster pinning all around and around for a while baby. Roller coaster, roller coaster for a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down."

I groaned at the song and leaned forward to change it again. "You know fairy tales don't come true, not when it comes to you. Open up for the first time and you can bet that it's the last time."

"What are you playing at?" He leaned forward again and changed the radio. "On a plane, a train, an automobile doesn't matter I'mma put you down all the way down and it don't make no sense to me baby I'mma take it down on you babe."

"Put you down, this will show you how much I love you form of appreciation I'mma put you down. Ooh, 'cause you deserve the best and nothing but the best so I give you the best you've ever had I'mma put you down."

The air around us shifted into a sexual one and I couldn't help but side glanced at him, resisting the urge to jump his bones. I parked the car in front of my house and turned off the engine, removing the keys to get out as soon as possible.

The door behind me closed and I knew that Sebastian got out and was following behind me. Just as I turned around I was up and slammed against the door, my legs wrapping around Sebastian waist as his bulge pressed against my thong.

I hung my hands on his shoulders as my mouth moved hot on his, my lips burning at the force our mouths were using. I dug my heels in his jeans and arched my hips on his bulge, moaning in his mouth. "Let's go to my house."

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now