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Chapter 20: Crescent Moon God Arrival; The Magnificent Heaven Realm Part 3

The gods stared at the suspicious man with a frown and disbelief as they started whispering to each other.

"W-What is he saying?"

"Is that man crazy?"

"Maybe he's a fallen god?"

"What's his problem?"

"To dare curse us gods......"

"How blasphemous......"

The man, dressed in a simple white robe, stood gazing up at the gods with raised eyebrows. He ate bread from his hand and took a quick sip of grape wine. Xin Chunling, who was standing nearby with a tired expression, was startled by the presence of this suspicious man at the Moon Temple.

Xin Chunling sighed and spoke, "Brother, trespassers are forbidden in the Moon temple. Please take the bread and wine and step out of this place."

The man shifted his gaze at him with a frown, "Why?"

".......W-We're having a......ceremony......." Xin Chunling tried to resist snapping at the man and remained calm and composed in front of him with a gentle smile on his face.

The man pondered for a while before simply shrugging and nodding. "Fine. It's not like I want to be here anyway."

"You!...." One of the Martial God pointed his weapon at him with a raging expression, "How disrespectful! I can't tolerate this anymore if you continue disrespecting us!"

The man frowned at him, "Bro, you're overacting! Anyway, imma get out of here——bye! Have a great fucking ceremony! Hoho~" As he was about to exit the corner of the Moon Hall, he heard a soft fluttering sound accompanied by the clanging of metal in his ears. The man recognized this as a sign of trouble and quickly jumped back. He then used his bracelet to materialize something inside his head.

A soldier wearing silver armor and angel wings charged towards a suspicious man while holding a sharp silver spear. Just as he was about to attack, a small object flew toward him and got stuck in his armor. The soldier and the gods present there turned their attention towards Xin Yue, who was holding the object in his hands. There was a brief moment of silence before the gods started laughing and mocking Xin Yue from a distance.

"What is that——Hahaha! He calls himself a god?!"

"How shameful! He can't even land a safe hit on the soldier!"

"I bet he's a fallen god! Hahhahahaha!"

"Maybe he's originally a commoner that the Sun God took pity on and made him a god? Hahahahahha!"

"How weak! And what is that strange thing on his hands? Such a weak weapon!——"

A surge of pale, white spiritual energy shaped like a tiny crescent moon suddenly shot towards a certain god, catching them off guard. The god felt a sharp pain as the energy grazed their shoulder, causing them to bleed profusely. The other gods were frightened as they gazed upon the suspicious man who had aimed the strange weapon at them with glowing, bloodshot eyes. The man's eyes radiated a bright white light that left the gods stunned.

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | 天月神心月 (BL)Where stories live. Discover now