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Chapter 41 : The Third Trial, Part 5

"Tsk!" Qian Lian raised her sword, and its sharp blade cut through the soldier statue's fingers despite having a slim blade on her sword. A few of the spring blossom petals floated in her direction as she dodged the incoming attacks of the gigantic soldier statues in her direction.

Qian Lian glanced to her left and right. The white dimension was very open, and there were neither cliffs nor traps that could be seen in the beautiful temple. Tch! This place is too open and flat. If it could have a cliff, I would've lured these giants to the cliff and watched them fall. Their regeneration is too monstrous and quick, and I feel like I'm wasting my divinity on them. My energy is draining.

"Guys! I have a plan!" It was Shui Haixiao's voice that resonated on the small device that Xin Yue gave them. "I have a plan on how to trap the statues! Gather at the flower field right now! Hurry!"

On the other side of the messy battle outside the temple, the floor of the Divine Guardian's temple was now filled with small and large holes. Xin Yue brushed away the dust on his clothes and stared at the holes with a proud smile on his face. It's me! The modern man is in the midst of this weird ancient world! The world should rejoice in my high IQ! I'm the best!~

"Ah. There's no time to celebrate bombing the temple." Xin Yue shook his head and scolded himself, Though I used only small landmines, the impact was quite strong. Is it because I put so much gunpowder inside it? Either way, it's a good thing instead of using fragile grenades to destroy the floor of the temple.

The low growls continue to reverberate in Xin Yue's ears. Aside from the low growls, he was intrigued and terrified by an unusually disturbing sound below the temple. Xin Yue took a deep breath before stepping inside one of the large holes and hooking his grappling hook on the edge of the hole to keep himself from falling.

"Phew! It's dark!" Xin Yue said in his pants. He held his breath as he held on to the robe of the grappling hook and slid downwards the temple.

 "....." Xin Yue was speechless when he stopped going down the hole. He glanced at the rope of his grappling hook and scowled, "Tsk! How useless. I should've made it five hundred inches long instead of two hundred. Now I'm stuck mid-air. How genius, Xin Yue! How fucking genius!"

"Haa..." My divinity is draining... I can't use more of it if I haven't taken care of the Divine Guardian yet. Finding this place took me so much divinity... Xin Yue stared down at the pitch-black place below him and sighed, "I guess I have no choice."

Xin Yue let go of the grappling hook's rope without hesitation and fell into the deep pit. While his body was falling, he grabbed the dagger on his waistbelt with his right hand and groped a wall in the hole with his left. Fortunately, the rough texture of a wall was detected by his left hand, and Xin Yue promptly impaled the dagger on the wall, halting his imbalanced fall and allowing him to land safely.

With a safe landing, Xin Yue exhaled deeply and lifted his right hand. A glimmering white spiritual qi streamed from his hand, illuminating the dark pathway beneath the temple. He followed the growling sounds with his hearing, following his instincts. The region was very dark and it appeared to be huge, but it was only a one-path place, unlike maze-like pathways where people would get lost and then return to where they came from, so Xin Yue had no trouble following the sound.

When a cold breeze came into contact with Xin Yue's spiritual qi, the light on his right hand gradually dimmed, as if the cold air had been mingled with a strong deity. Xin Yue gulped hard and encouraged himself to continue ahead, both hands clutching on the floor to keep himself from falling as he followed the sound.

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | 天月神心月 (BL)Where stories live. Discover now