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Chapter 23: Brand New World Part 3

".......Actually, I don't understand....." Xin Yue spoke as he stared at the glowing white wisp in front of him.

"My Lord......" The white wisp lowered his gaze at Xin Yue's two silver bracelets that were elegantly embedded on his both wrists. "I beg you, please...... Please listen to this subordinate just once...."

Xin Yue frowned at the glowing white wisp, he was truly unaware of what was happening but he knew that if he didn't become a fully pledged god in time, he would certainly die. "Glowing old bulb..... I don't understand. Can you enlighten me just this once?" Xin Yue requested with his eyes filled with bewilderment and curiosity.

"My Lord. You are not just any god that emerged from Heaven. You are a God from a royal blood, a pure blood. So if you didn't follow your obligation as the Crescent Moon Successor before you turn twenty-five this year, your divinity will eventually fade as well as your soul. Didn't this subordinate remind you that the divinity of a god and their soul is connected?"

".......Y-You did." Xin Yue answered while averting his eyes away. "But what do you mean I'm of royal blood? Aren't I just a commoner in a remote village at the top of a mountain?" He asked with a frown.

The glowing white wisp pursed his lips as he stared at Xin Yue with its eyes wide open as if the wisp told him something it shouldn't have. "Your Majesty, the Moon God....... Please forgive this stupid subordinate...." The glowing white wisp murmured with despair.

Xin Yue frowned at the wisp's strange behavior, "What?! Just fucking tell me! Don't just keep secrets because I don't know what to do! You just suddenly appeared months ago and told me 'Hey, dude you're a fucking god. Be a full pledge god.'——Then suddenly, you're telling me 'Dude, you're gonna die.'——Like, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND?! DO YOU EXPECT THAT AFTER YOUR ONE STATEMENT, I WILL FULLY UNDERSTAND IT AFTER I HEARD IT ONCE?! DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!!!"

Xin Yue was hysterically screaming at the glowing white wisp as if he had gone crazy, he repeatedly slammed the snow-white ground and threw all the crystal debris everywhere as he continued to yell and curse the glowing wisp who was panicking and trying to calm him down. "M-My Lord, calm down! It was t-this subordinate's f-fault! P-Please, ease your a-anger!"

"Fuck you, you scammer old glowing bulb! CAN'T YOU SEE MY MIND! JUST EXPLAIN IT TO ME CLEARLY!!!! WHERE I CAME FROM! WHAT MY ORIGIN IS! AND WHO I AM!!!! DON'T FUCKING GO AROUND AND SAYING 'Dude, find it out yourself.' 'CAUSE I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Xin Yue yelled while pointing his index finger at the glowing white wisp who wished that the wisp was not his Lunar Essence.

"T-This subordinate will tell you everything, My Lord... So please ease your anger and listen to me carefully. This was supposed to be a secret and this subordinate is expected to be punished by the Moon God after I told this to you....."

Xin Yue closed his mouth and lowered his gaze to the glowing white wisp with his brows arched and his lips pursed tightly. The glowing white wisp repeatedly begs for forgiveness from the Moon God inside his mind before the wisp starts explaining, "My Lord, you are the Moon God's fourth son, the successor of the Crescent Moon, one of the Lunar Phases."

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | 天月神心月 (BL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz