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Chapter 17: The Honored Guest; Red Dragon Pavilion, Part 3

Throughout the week, Xin Yue was assigned to go inside the Red Dragon Pavilion in the northern part of Fengxian Mountain to assist Jing Lin's needs as per his orders. With that, his cleaning duty at the Fengxian brothel building was cancelled, and the manservants took over. Feng Xin worked hard in the Fengxian brothel's dining hall area to please the customers, but Madam Xingying told him that if a customer offended him, he had to report it to her.

"Haa. Life is shitty good," Xin Yue said, pouring himself another cup of tea and leaning against the bamboo chair inside the Red Dragon Pavilion.

"It is quite chilly; step away from the window or you might catch a cold," Banyue said from behind, sitting on the floor sharpening both swords.

Xin Yue snickered and shifted his gaze at him. "What chilly? My house back at the village was colder than this wind! This weather won't affect me!" He replied with an arrogant tone.

Banyue sighed and glanced at him. "At least put another layer of robe on and heat the teapot again because it's getting cold."

Xin Yue looked down at his cup of tea and noticed that there was no longer any smoke coming out of it. He shrugged and stood up, then grabbed the teapot, placed it on top of the charcoal stove, and began heating it while igniting the flint and steel on the counter's side. After waiting for the tea to heat up, Xin Yue became bored and wandered around the pavilion's living room. He noticed the two swords in his peripheral vision, which drew his attention and caused him to take a step forward subconsciously in their direction.

Banyue took a quick glance at him before proceeding to sharpen the blades of his two swords. "This looks cool," Xin Yue commented as he stared at the demonic sword.

The sword and its scabbard were completely black, giving it a simple yet mysterious and demonic appearance. The two tiny diamond-shaped ruby jewels on its hilt, as well as the large diamond-shaped ruby jewels on the bottom of its blade, were elegantly embedded. The sword was emitting a small amount of sinister energy, which made everyone afraid to approach it.

However, Xin Yue was a fucking idiot and stretched his hand to reach the blade out of curiosity. Banyue panicked and pushed him away, but Xin Yue was too close to his face, their lips almost brushing against each other. Banyue clutched his shoulder, but he staggered, losing his balance and collapsing on top of him. With his eyes raised, Xin Yue asked, "What? Am I not supposed to touch it?"

Banyue answered on top of him, "Yes."

Xin Yue arched his brows. "But why?"

"It's dangerous. If you had touched it earlier, you would've lost your hand," Banyue answered.

Oh sh*t, I lived. I promise I won't succumb to my curiosity in the future. I swear.... Xin Yue thanked Banyue ten thousand times inside his mind while torturing himself into nearly dying. He gradually remembered that he was still in this uncomfortable position, so he glanced at Banyue again with an awkward smile and said, "Uhh, Banyue?"


"Can you get off me? I feel uncomfortable."

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | Cultivation World Series 2 (BL)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum