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Chapter 58: The Soul's Reminiscence

Xin Yue looked across to Banyue. It was clear that he had forced himself to enter the room despite the several fatal wounds on his body that still needed time to heal. Banyue scowled a little and looked at his mother, who was sitting on the floor and peacefully drinking tea.

Anhua took a deep breath and raised her head to look at her son. She then pointed her tongue at everyone and spoke, "My tongue slipped son. I apologize."

After pinching the middle of his nose, Xin Yue turned to face Banyue. As he did so, he gazed at the bloodstain on one side of his body and the thick bandages covering the other, "Banyue, go back and rest. You're body hasn't yet recovered———" Banyue immediately grabbed his hand and dragged him somewhere. Xin Yue turned his head on Anhua who was grinning at them as she sipped on her tea.

They came to a stop at the balcony that offered a view of the entire Ghost City below. When Xin Yue arrived at the location, Banyue's hand was still clutching his wrist. Xin Yue bit his lip, sighed, and then spoke in a quiet voice, "Banyue, you're hurting me."

Banyue immediately released his hand on his wrist, stepped back, and turned away from Xin Yue as if he were a scared little child. After a while, Xin Yue realized that Banyue would not answer, so he pursed his lips and looked at him. Then, Xin Yue moved forward to the balcony, resting both hands on the railings and looking down at the busy ghosts of the city below.

"What did Mother said to you?" Xin Yue turned his head to Banyue when he heard him suddenly speak.

Xin Yue shook his head and immediately replied, "Let's not talk about it for now. You should rest——"

"What did Mother said to you?" Banyue asked again.

Seeing that Banyue insists on knowing what his Mother said to him, Xin Yue sighed and spoke, "I was trying to consider your condition so we won't need to talk about it for now, but you're persistent. Oh, well...." Xin Yue redirected his gaze to the city down below and continued, "She knew that this body is already dead, that my soul is colorless."


Xin Yue shifted his gaze to Banyue, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


"Why didn't you tell me? That you knew from the start?" Xin Yue repeated, his brows slightly frowning.

Banyue remained silent. Xin Yue didn't take his eyes off of him because he was curious as to why, but as soon as he saw Banyue couldn't provide him with any answers, he turned away and began to leave the balcony. Just as Xin Yue turned to head toward the hallway, he heard Banyue speak. "I.....know the owner of your body."

Xin Yue halted, he went back to the balcony with a deep frown and spoke, "Tell me everything. I have the right to know."

Banyue still averted his eyes in his direction as he started to speak, "I knew him since I was young. We always meet in a particular place up to the mountain but it stopped when my father descended to the Mortal Realm to get me."

"After many years of becoming a fully pledged god, I descended to the Mortal Realm. And so many people died, as well as my mother." Xin Yue listened quietly in front of Banyue, for some reason, his heart started beating loudly from hearing more, from hearing something that he was still not ready to know. "I saved my Mother's soul, and I realized that she was originally a demon. I sent her here and shared some of my demonic energy with her so that she could survive here on her own." Oh, so that's why she became some big shot.

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | Cultivation World Series 2 (BL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora