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Chapter 43: The Chaotic Intrusion Part 2

Xin Yue shot them a sarcastic look before turning his focus back to Banyue's inherent holiness. The visitor gods cast a glance at the pallid players before speaking, "My goodness.... Is anyone hurt?"

Dan Cianxi shook her head and answered, "Fortunately, no one was hurt because of His Highness Xin Yue's fast decision-making. He made us a veil that can breathe through the demonic aura." She pointed the gas mask on her face.

The Gods frowned, "V-Veil that can breathe through the demonic aura in the air?"

"Is there such things?"

"Should we talk about the Heavenly Blacksmith about this?"

"The Crescent Moon God is a genius. To come up with a veil that can breathe through demonic aura like that....."

"Should we talk to him?"

"H-How would I dare?! Didn't you see his attitude before the trial started?!"

"What if he scowls at us?!"

That's right. I will scowl at you, fuckers. And I can hear your voices. What's the point of whispering?.... Xin Yue raised an eyebrow at them and remained sleeping next to Banyue, who was constantly providing him with Divinity to help him recover his strength, as the Gods continued to assist the more vulnerable participants. As Xin Yue was attempting to unwind, he was interrupted by a conversation.

"Your Highness, how about you? Are you hurt?"

Xin Yue glanced up. With his long, wavy white hair, the man was of medium height and was grinning at him. Though Xin Yue turned to look behind him, he saw no one else with the man. After giving the man a brief answer, Xin Yue cleared his throat and turned back to face him. "No."

The man slightly frowned and tilted his head, "What about that bandage on your arm? Isn't that a wound? I can sense demonic energy from it."

"Uh....." Xin Yue looked at his injured arm and was at a loss for words. The man came up to him before he could respond, gently took hold of his injured arm, and began taking off the bandages.

"You shouldn't let demonic aura enter your body, Your Highness." The man said as he removed the bandage, "His Highness Jing Lin made a good decision to wrap your arm with bandages because if your wound got exposed to the demonic aura in the air, it will worsen even more to the point that it will a toxic poison to your body."

Xin Yue frowned. Why is he telling me this? Is he scolding me or something? As he was going to speak, the man put his left hand down to his arm, and as he did, a bright light and a warm, stinging sensation entered Xin Yue's injured arm. "It will sting for a bit but bear with it, Your Highness." The man said as he continued to heal Xin Yue's wound.

Xin Yue looked from the man with the white hair who was bandaging his wounds to Banyue, who was sleeping next to him and receiving divine powers all the while. Unsure of what to do, Xin Yue finally sighed and relaxed on the grass, allowing the two to take care of him.

What will happen after this? What if I didn't become a fully pledged god in time? Will I die just like the old glowing bulb scam said? Tsk! What should I do..... This is so difficult. I don't want to stay in this place anymore but I still need to succeed in the trial no matter what just to live.... Xin Yue felt lightheaded from so many thoughts racing through his head. He felt as though he had spent a year in the ancient past, yet it had only been for a few months, as he gazed in a trance at the illusionary sky that was now covered in a thick red mist. Suddenly, several things happened to him.

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