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Chapter 35: Clouds of Agony

Xin Yue remained motionless, staring around. It was completely white, with no other shades of color mixed in, and there was no way out. Xin Yue's feet began to move forward, but a strange feeling engulfed his entire body, making him shudder in fear.

"I'm..." Xin Yue stared down at his feet in a daze, "not moving at all."

He attempted another step, but he was still in the same spot. Because of the pure white color that surrounds him, he appears to be stationary rather than moving. Xin Yue gave up and remained motionless in his place. He still had the sniper rifle in his hand, but even if he did, there was no way out of here.

Xin Yue looked down at the sniper rifle and clicked his tongue as he returned it to its original shape. "It's too quiet. That bastard. Why did he suddenly teleport me into a creepy place? We're not even that close, to begin with."

I know that the battle arena doesn't have a time limit, but I'm worried about Guan Xiushi. That scaredy-cat must've been running away right now—no wait. If I am in his kind of illusion, then is my body sleeping in reality? Then, if that's what it was, I'm in great trouble. Shit..... I'm too focused on surviving, to the point that I didn't even look at the opponent's background. My divinity too... I should've asked that glowing white bulb about those young'uns...

Xin Yue paced back and forth as he pondered intently for a while, "Shit. I can't even destroy this illusion. What if my real body out there was also moving like this? I might accidentally kill everyone without knowing it. Recklessly moving is a bad decision."

"If it's too hard for you, just call my name. I'll get you out of here."

When he heard Banyue's voice inside his head, Xin Yue came to a halt. His words remained vivid, and they were frequently repeated. Xin Yue clenched his fists and frowned, his head down on his feet. Should I call Banyue's? NO! NO! NO! Xin Yue suddenly slapped himself; the large impact made his cheeks red and swollen as he got a grip on himself and lifted his gaze with a determined look.

"Fuck. It's too early to give up. You've experienced worse than this, Xin Yue! Get a grip of yourself! You're not weak!"

He was about to take another step forward when he noticed a silhouette in his peripheral vision. Xin Yue raised his gaze with an expectant expression, hoping to summon the person who had passed by on him, but what he saw terrified and delighted him at the same time.


When it heard Xin Yue's call, the passing silhouette came to a halt. When it came to a halt, its figure became clearer and clearer until an old woman stood still and looked at him from a distance, dressed in an old, long brown dress with a wife's thick scarf covering her shoulders down to her waist. Xin Yue was stunned and stood motionless, staring at the woman in front of him. His grandmother had died when he was still a child.

Xin Yue ran quickly in the direction of his grandmother and opened his arms wide. He was about to hug his grandmother with longing in his arms, but Xin Yue came to a halt as he passed by the figure of his grandmother. Xin Yue took a deep breath and slowly turned around. His grandmother was still staring at him, but there was no hostility or smile on her face; it was as if a dead person was staring back at him with a lifeless expression.

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | 天月神心月 (BL)Where stories live. Discover now