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Chapter 40: The Third Trial, Part 4

The trial was still ongoing, and the gods were anticipating what was about to occur. Dan Cianxi and Shui Haixiao were hiding behind a large boulder in the flower field when they heard a voice on the small device Xin Yue had given them.

"U-Uhh... everyone?" It was a feminine voice.

Dan Cianxi pushed the small button and replied, "Yes, what is it?" She asked while looking at Shui Haixiao, who was giving her a meaningful gaze.

"U-Uhh." The female's voice seemed faltering and scared, but she still tried to make her voice clearer. "We were at our designated position on the west side of the wide lake. This place is filled with human statues. I don't know—it seemed weird to me. I'm scared, Sister Cianxi."

"I understand," Dan Cianxi replied as she nodded to Shui Haixiao. "For now, try to be calm and alert. There might be suspicious things or creatures in there, so prepare your weapons," Dan Cianxi instructed.

"Yeah," the woman replied, and the conversation came to an end. Shui Haixiao made a circling motion with her hand, and two to three small blue mermaids appeared. The small blue mermaids flew around Shui Haixiao's body, making high-pitched sounds. "Hihihihi!~ We'll play later! Go to the west side of that lake for now!" Shui Haixiao said as she pointed in the lake's direction.

The mermaids nodded with their tiny round heads and then vanished from view of Dan Cianxi and Shui Haixiao. Dan Cianxi clutched her waist belt tightly and cast her gaze around the room. We can't fail here. This is my chance to prove myself to my father. I won't fail. I'll be a full-fledged god!

"Okay." Xin Yue tapped the stone to the ground and glanced at the participants. "Before I make a plan, I need to know all of your abilities first. You can just tell me some of your abilities, not all, since it may be confidential to some of you."


"Who among you had crowd-control abilities?" Xin Yue asked.

"Me!" Shui Haixiao raised her hands. "I can do wide-range attacks too! But I'm best when it comes to crowd control!"

Dan Cianxi nodded beside her. That's right. And that is why Shui Haixiao-shijie won the second trial in only five minutes.

"Mmn." Xin Yue nodded while putting his hand on his chin. "I see. The others?"

"Me too."

"I am also!"


"Me, Your Highness."

"I also have that kind of ability."


"Oh, so seven crowd control in total..." Xin Yue drew on the ground and redirected his gaze on everyone again. "How about stuns? Paralyze abilities? Or abilities that can do fatal damage to someone?"

Dan Cianxi raised her hand and said, "I have that ability, Your Highness. Though I usually battle in close range."

"Me too. But I can also battle with long and close range." Xuan Feng raised his hand.



"I also have that!"

"I too!"

"Me, Your Highness."

"Add me also!"

Crescent Moon God, Xin Yue | 天月神心月 (BL)Where stories live. Discover now