Chapter 51

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Ryujin POV

Dad eyes wide open after hear what he said. Not only dad, but me. I shook my head. No! My uncle is not a bad person. No! Suddenly, mom screamed and I turned to see what happen. I froze in my place. I don't want to believe this but what I see seemed real. My dad collapse after uncle Dong Wook stab him at his stomach. Mom quickly run to Jeongyeon unnie who also froze in her place.

"Jeongie, run! Protect your sister. Go! I will handle this." Mom said to Jeongyeon unnie.

"No! I won't leave you." She said crying.

"Please Jeongyeon. Run! Get some help and protect Ryujin." Mom said tearing.

"Awee, how sweet! Don't worry. After I play with you mom, I will come play with you and your sister okay?" Uncle Dong Wook said smiling to them.

"Go!" Mom said as she tried to stop uncle Dong Wook.

Then, Jeongyeon unnie run to the room and before she closed the door she saw uncle Dong Wook kick and stab mom multiple times. I was frozen in my place seeing all the scene. I'm crying hard. Few second after I was bought to the room. Its was the scene when my house burning. I saw a the girl kid was crying as Jeongyeon unnie hold her tight. And now I believe it was me. There's a thing fell on her back and her leg was stuck. Her head was bleeding but she seemed calm or she just don't want to show how scared she is in front of me. But her face getting pale. She was protecting me. My shoulder was burning a bit.

"Unnie, I'm scared. Its hurt." Kid 'me' said while crying hard.

"Shuuush. I-it will be al-right. Unnie w-will sa-ve you. I'm gonna m-make sure you w-ere okay. We a-re gonna be a-alright." Jeongyeon said to me.

"Promise?" I said still crying but point out her pinky finger to Jeongyeon unnie.

"P-pr-promise." She replied smiled assure me.

End of flashback

I woke up and sit up straight, looking around.

"Ryujin? Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked me worried.

I just sobbing as I remember the dream. Chaeyoung and Nayeon unnie was hugging me and try to calm me.

"I- I saw ev-everything.." I said pulled away from the hugging.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I saw it. I remember it. I saw what happen that day. I remember who is Jeongyeon unnie is. I remember my parent. I know who is Uncle Dong wook is." I said.

"Oh Ryujin." Bang Chan oppa said hugging me.

I'm still crying.

"She dead because she save me. My parent dead because they wants to protect us. Because of me, all of them dead." I said crying hard.

"No. No. Its not your fault." Bang Chan oppa said try to calm me.

Then, I remember something.

"Wait, I see her lying on the bed. Coma. She's not dead yet." I said to them.

"What?" Everyone seemed confused hearing me.

"Right. Ryujin said that she saw Jeongyeon unnie lying on the bed. But, uncle Dong Wook secretary already take her." Chaeyoung said.

"We have to save Jeongyeon unnie!" I said scared.

"Jeongyeon? What happen to her? Isn't she dead?" Bang Chan oppa asked confused.

"I- we don't have time for this. Later I will explain. But, now we have to save Jeongyeon unnie. I'm sure uncle Dong Wook plan something for her. Please. We have to save her. We need to save her. I can't lose her for second time. Please!" I beg to them.

"I don't know what are you talking about. But I'm in. I can't lost you too, Ryujin." Bang Chan oppa said.

"Okay. What's the plan?" Nayeon and Yeri unnie asked.

Jeongyeon POV

"So, do you have the solution uncle?" I asked uncle Dong Wook.

"I'm still trying to find out for something. But, I found something interested. And that's why I'm calling you. I might think this could help." He said.

"What is it?" I asked excited.

"But first of all, I need you to listen to me carefully. It might be dangerous. So, if you want to stop we better stop now." He warning me.

Hearing he said that, I'm hesitate. What if there something happen? But if I don't do this, I still will be gone or turn to something else. So, better disappear other than changes to a monster right?

"Wait, how dangerous it is?" I asked.

"I don't know. If anything happen, you might be disappear." Uncle Dong Wook said.

"Fuhh, that kind of dangerous eh?" I asked laugh nervously.

"So, you want to do it or not?" He asked.

I take a deep breath. I nodded.

"But, before that I would like to write a letter to my friend. Well, in case right? Can I?" I asked.

"Yeah. Up to you." He replied and left me.

Dong Wook POV

After I left her in the room, I locked the room. Finally I can smile. All my plan were happen according what I want. I can't take any risk this time. Finally, my plan go through as I expected. I smirked as I see my secretary.

"You can start prepare everything. And make sure no one or anything destroy my plan. Not this time." I said to my secretary.

"Yes sir." She said and walk away.

"Its been a long years. Finally you got everything you want, Dong Wook. No one could stop you this time." I said to myself laugh.

Yes, I plan everything. From the start. I hate my dad so much as he always love my brother more than me as he always think I was the problematic and trouble to the family. From that I plan everything. I make the plan. I make my dad hate my brother until he kick them out. I make he believe me. And then I kill him. But, what I didn't know that old man also had his plan on everything to destroy me. He give all his wealth to that freak. That freak!

But I guess fate was on me went she didn't dead and her sister didn't dead. For all this time I have been keep them until I find her soul. And once again fate on behalf me when I found her and she didn't remember anything after 10 years right before she disappear. I have to make sure everything is going to be perfect. I can't lose my chance again. This is my last chance. After this, I guess they were nothing or useful to me anymore. I laughed. Finally I get what I want.

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