Chapter 8

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Nayeon POV

I can't believe she just screwing the poor old guy like this. I helpless nodded at him and quietly picked up my groceries and rushed out of the store. I swear, I won't come here again. The whole way I drove quietly but I wanted to burst out in anger. But I didn't want to risk making a complete fool of myself anymore as I'm with this manipulating asshole ghost. Inside my head I was finding a thousand ways to kill her. Oh, wait! She's already dead. That's too bad.

I hardened my grip on the steering wheel as we drove back home. I parked the car in the parking level and stomped upstairs to my apartment not caring the fact she followed me or not. Finally I reached my apartment and closed the apartment door behind me. I turning around to see her already sitting on the couch flicking the channels on the television with a bored expression on her face.

"What the fucking hell was that?" I yelled at her finally letting my anger out.

"What?" She asked with her eyes set on the television screen.

"Oh please. You know what I mean very well." I said laugh sarcastically with my arms crossing across my chest.

"Oh that? Very well. I'm just having fun." She said shrugged.

Before I could say anything, she cuts me off. She looked straight at me.

"Listen here bunny, I thought after I let you know how your fucking nerdy goody two shoes cheater boyfriend cheating on you.. You are going to get the hell out of here." She cried out loud.

I just froze in my spot as I don't know how and what to react to. The fact that she called me bunny and she know how my boyfriend cheated on me. Wait! Of course she know, she's the one who sent me the notes. G! With the grim look on her face, she got up and floated towards me. Her forehead was almost touching mine as she looked at me with those beautiful eyes. Wait! She's pretty. Her face is pretty. Her eyes is pretty. Her mouth is pretty. Ehh? G! Stop it Nayeon.

"I will make sure you are gonna leave this apartment. Soon or else. Or you have to bear the consequences." She said gritted her teeth.

"Today was just a trailer of what I'm going to do to you. So, be ready sweetheart." She whisper at me making me shivers.

She smirked and looked at me with a challenging look. Before I could response she turned away disappearing into the thin air.

Jeongyeon POV

Who is she think she is? How dare she let out her anger at me? If I don't help her just now, she might be the victim of the asshole guy. And that old man, she think he was a victim? Idiot. If she know that he was stole the money every time his duty to buy some drug. Arghh! That girl really make me angry. Its been a long time I feel like this. Wait! Yes! Its been a long time I was talking to someone. I mean a human. A real human. Not a ghost. I sighed. Well, its been 10 years actually I'm dead. Floating around without aimless and being ghost for this long time, I think I already forget how to have a feeling. I sighed again.

I know. I was terrible and what I have done to her was terrible. But, I was joked and just having some fun. Like I said, its been a long time I have someone to talk to. But, its weird actually she can see me. Until now, I don't know why she can see me. But right now, I'm using my skill to disappear from her sight. I know she was angry and don't want to see me. That's why I'm disappear.

"I'm home." Her sister voice said.

"Oh Chaeyoung ahh, I'm at the kitchen." She said.

"Unnie, I bring my friend here." Her sister, Chaeyoung said.

"Really? Wait." She said excited.

I just rolled my eyes. Why she being excited all over her sister bring a friend back home?

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