Chapter 5

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Jeongyeon POV

Shit! Why did she screamed? Did she see me? But how? Then, I saw her body fell on the ground. Shit! Did she die? Or just faint? Did she have heart attack? God! What should I do? I slowly walked to her and used my leg kick her arm slightly. Shit! She's not moving. I slowly put my finger on her nose to feel if there's a breath or not. I sighed in relief. She's alive. I stand up and rubbed my chin, should I picked up her or should I leave her here? Aish, I can't think. I scratching my head and I sighed again. Then, I picked up her and put her on the couch.

I decided to wait for her to wake up. I have to make sure if she really can see me or not. She looked so calm when she's sleeping. After an hours, she finally wake up. She's groaned a bit and slowly open her eyes. Then, she suddenly sit up quickly and eyes widen. She must remember something that make her shocked. I could see her face pale and shaking a bit. Then, I slowly leaned closed to her. Right now, my face and her face really just an inched. I waved my hands in front of her and suddenly her eyes widened. She screamed loudly and making me screamed too. Then, she punched me right to my face. What the fuck!

"Ouch!" I said.

Did she just punched me? Wait! She just punched me. What the hell? She can touch me? How is that?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" She screamed even more.

Then, I smacked her head making her stop. Yeah! I can touch her too. What is happening?

"Ouch! What the F-." Before she could finish her words I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shut up! You hurting my ears." I said.

"If you screamed again, I swear I will cut you tongue. So, you better shut your mouth when I remove my hand. Understand?" I said sternly at her.

She nodded her head eagerly. I looked at her and sure enough, I remove my hand from her mouth. But to my surprise, she screamed one more time and push me hard until I fell on the ground. Shit! She really book her death. I glared at her and I could see her gulped hard.

"Fuck you!" I yelled.

Nayeon POV

I never screamed like that in my life except the time I saw a snake in my backyard. The ghost approached me somehow I couldn't back. My body was frozen with shock. He stomped towards as if he wanted to go through me but somehow he bumped into me and I fell on the floor. Wait! I thought ghost can go through people? I looked up to see him confused as if he was wondering the same thing as me. But soon his confused look was replaced by anger. I gulped in fear. Okay he looked scary now as his costume and make up as mad hatter make he looked even scary. The whole time I was quiet and observed his movement. Next thing I know a cold metal hit my back of head and a sharp pain spread through my skull and I blacked out once more.

I woke up this time just to feel a cold water being splattered on my eyes. The back of my head hurt like hell. I groaned and opened my eyes to see a nylon rope wrapped around my chest. I wanted to get up but I couldn't as the rope pulled me down. Looking around I noticed my hands and legs were tied up too. What the fuck is going on? Then I remembered the 'mad hatter' and everything. I looked around for the source of all my nuisance. There he is sitting on the couch in front of me.

Now , I observed his features even more carefully. He's not in his costume anymore and changes by navy blue or black boxers and sport bra. Wait! Its that sport bra? G! There is a twin mount. So, that's mean he is not he. He is she! Her features was so handsome and makes me think she is he. She is handsome with messy blonde hair. The well sculpted body of her had muscles bulging out and her abs. G! I wanna run my hand across it. Okay Nayeon no checking out the ghost who tied you up to your own sofa. Shit! She is a ghost! Suddenly she looked at me and gave me a cheshire cat grin.

"What's up?" She gruff voice made me shiver.

Not because it coming from someone who probably already death but her deep baritone awakened my sense.

"Just peachy." I replied sarcastically.

I tried to sound calm because I didn't want to show any sign of fears. But inside I was afraid of her. She's a ghost and God knows what she's capable of. She grinned at me. I must said she had an evil grin but a melting icecaps one.

"Sooo.. Are you a ghost or something else? Because as I know ghost can penetrate anything and yeah they are invisible." I broke the silence and asked as a matter.

She got up form her couch and floated towards me. Her feet was a few inches of the ground.

"Listen kid. I don't know how you can see me. Or how you can touch me. But yeah. I can penetrate everything you see." She said in a condescending tone passing through the couch.

Kid? I rolled my eyes. She's the one who is the kid. Ignoring my thought I tried to get up from the couch.

"Why did you fucking tie me up in my own house?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

She looked at me gritted her teeth too.

"Who's the one punch me? Who's the one when I told her to stop screamed but keep screamed? And who's the one push me hard on the floor? You better be grateful I didn't cut you tongue out." She said.

"And you said what? Own house?" She let out a sarcastic laugh.

"I have been haunting this house since forever. I thought after causing some paranormal activities around the house that I learned from those shitty horror movie, you are gonna leave the hell out of here. But, you seem very adamant about staying here." She said crossing her arms over her chest giving me a sour look.

"G! So, you are the one who has been randomly slamming door over the place and flicking the lights?" I asked letting out a throaty laugh.

"That's so classic." I said.

She looked really offended by my comment. Then, she smirked.

"Oh, babe. I have some classic plans for you." She snickered.

Okay. She was very intimidating, but I like the way the word 'babe' rolled off her lips. G! What's wrong with you, Nayeon? You just had your heart broken for god sake. With a man! She's definitely have this handsome face but, she's a woman for sake.

"Now, get dressed." She commanded.

"Excuse me! Stop commanding me in my own house. And for your information and record, I'm not going anywhere with you!" I retorted while attempting to cross my arms around my chest, the restrains bit into my skin.

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