Chapter 10

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Nayeon POV

Its been a two days after the incident, that ghost didn't bother me. I don't know how should I feel. Should I feel relief? Or happy? Or guilty? Yes, I feel guilty about that. I'm sure enough I didn't mean to said that. Like people said, when you are angry don't said a word because the words coming from the anger will make you regret. Yes, now I'm regret for what happen. I sighed. I miss my sister. I know its just been two days, but like I said this is the first time she been away from me.

I was hungry but I'm too lazy to cook. But being a broke as I am, I have to brave myself to cook for a dinner. As soon as I come in to the kitchen, I noticed that a lot of cucumbers were dumped into the trash. I leaned towards the trash and just to be greeted by a sharp sour smell. They were pickled cucumbers that I just make it a four days ago. I searched through the cabinet to find and empty jars. Unscrewing the jar I found that something was floating in it. With the help of wooden spoon I lifted the thing up, careful not to spill any sour vinegar over my counter top. G! It was a bra.

I quickly washed the fabric under the tap ignoring how the wet fabric felt in my hands by then the veins on my forehead were probably visible. I recognised the fabric as my bra! Worried about my limited collection of my underwear, I rushed to open the other jars to find the same thing. THE STUPID GHOST PICKLED MY BRAS!! G!! She really did that! Oh My! My jaw was physically dropping on the floor as I couldn't believe my sight. 

Did I said I regret what I did? Nope! I didn't. She really deserved that. That bastard! I was in such a panic that I failed to notice that the TV in the living room was turned on and there was no one in the house except me. The familiar sounds of laughter echoed in my room. Approaching the armchair, I was greet by the ghost who was scooting on the couch as she watch something on the TV. I couldn't believe her nerve. I went in front of the TV with my bra in my hand. I make sure to keep the bra at my arm's length as it smelled horrible. 

"You fucking pickled my bras?" I yelled at her.

Jeongyeon POV

I looked at her with an amused grin as I was thinking something. But, then I started to laughed as I remember that time I pickled her bras and seeing her reaction now just wow! I laughed. She must be very mad right now. I can see that. She just wait for me to finish my laugh as she tapped her left foot on the carpet impatiently crossing arms over her chest. Well, that what you got it when you messed with me. I still remember what she said two days ago.

I smirked as I remember how this girl really make my anger boiled. How could she said about my family and I death? I know that fire won't burn this house. I sighed. Actually, its been 10 years I been haunted this house. I know that this house was burned and my family and I was dead because of that. But, why I'm still here? Why my family was not here? Its been 10 years and my memory little by little was deleted. Its like God want me to forget about what happen.

Yes, to me honest, I'm actually don't quite remember what happen. I don't even know how many members of my family. And I don't even know if my family already death or not. This fucking memory only showed how this house burned and I just know I have a sister that was survive. I don't even know her name and how old she is. I sighed. I looked that bunny was cleaned up the messed. But, I know she was feel guilty for what she said as I saw in her eyes just before I'm disappear. But, that didn't stop me to make her get out from this house. This is my house and no one could changes that.

"I'm hilarious aren't I? Well, I'm just being creative you know." I said as my laughed died down and I pretend to wipe my fake tears.

She rolled her eyes to me. I chuckled. I bet she must been annoyed by me right now. Before she could said anything, I cuts her down.

"I told and warned you before. If you don't get the hell out of this house or else you have to bear the consequences." I said slowly as I gestured my hands toward her bras.

I sighed and shrugged.

"Sadly, you didn't listen to me and I can't help to continue being creative." I continued and started laughed again.

"No! I won't and I'm not leaving this place at any cost." She shout at me.

She looked at me with anger and then smirked.

"But, you are the one who will leave this place. I'm going to get rid of  you very soon." She hissed at me with an evil grin on her face.

What the heck? Did she really think she could get rid of me? Yeah, she wish. The whole time I'm just looked at her with bored on my face as my eyes traveled with her. Before she could walk up to this kitchen counter to grab her backpack, she disposed her bra into the trash making a face. Rummaging through her backpack, she found the metal container. She carefully laid her back down on the counter and rushed to stand in front of me. The heck?!

Taking a deep breath, she started chanting the mantra and started rotating her head like crazy people. What is she doing? After finishing the first part of mantra, she started hoping on one foot around me as she went to the second phrase of mantra, I guess. Then, she sprinkling the water towards me. The whole time I'm just showing dumbfounded expression on my face as I observed every move of her.

She started hoping harder and chanting the mantra all over again. I'm so confused right now. What the hell she think she is doing? Then, she stopped. I think her feet starting hurts and she looked at me with confused. I furrowed my eyebrows in confused too. What the heck?

"What are you doing? Ahhh, why I'm getting hot?" I said.

Then, I could see she was grinned. Oh My! Did she just ..

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