Chapter 6

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Jeongyeon POV

This girl could be more stubborn huh? Alright then. Lets see who going to win.

"Alright then. If you prefer being tied to this chair for the rest of the day, I'm okay with that. Honestly, I have no problem with that. At all." I said innocently.

There we go. She looked like she wanted to gouge my eyes out. I think I got her though. She might realised that no one here to rescue her if I left. She had to wait for her sister back home. Speaking of her sister, she's weird. I had observed her for a moment and I can tell you that she's had full of character. I don't know. She looks like she is. She even seem like can sense my presence. Whenever I was near her, she will looked around as she felt me near her. That's why I didn't show off whenever she was here or when she's with her sister. My thought was interrupt by her voice.

"Jeez, okay okay. Where are we going? And how am I supposed to get dressed if I was tie up like this?" She said in her annoying voice.

She raised her hands up to show me her tied up hands. I rolled my eyes as I groaned but I slowly bent down and untied the ropes around her chest and then her legs. She moved her legs allowing some blood circulation as they were numb from being tied up for a long time. I guess. Then, she noticed that I didn't untie the ropes around her hands. Well, I might be traumatic from her last punch. What? Her hands was so big and it hurt okay.

"And how am I supposed to get dressed without using my hands?" She asked in annoyed expression on her face.

Oh my god! She's so demanding. I rolled my eyes again. What if I untied her hands, she would punch me again? Or push me? Or slapped me? G! After mentally debating with myself, I finally untied her hands. As my hands worked around the ropes, I swear I felt something whenever our skin brush each other. I swear I could see, she also flinched whenever we touch. Its felt like an electricity. After I untied her hands, I quickly distant myself from her. Being scared she would punch or slapped me, but luckily she don't. She touch her wrist and rubbed it softly.

After I untied her hands, she went to her room to changes. She was wearing her sweater with her plaid pants and glasses.

Even with that, she's looking stunning

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Even with that, she's looking stunning. Wait! What? I warned her if she tried to escape, I wouldn't mind going through the door whether she was dressed or not. I even volunteered to join her but she shot me a dirty look. Well,we both are girls even I'm not full a girl. Ha ah! That's another story to be told. I smiled as she following my orders but its not like she can do something about it. After all, I'm a ghost who can penetrate walls, who can appear and disappear out of nowhere. So, yeah. She have no choice after all.

So, she drove to the nearest store while I sat beside her looking out of the window with bored expression on my face. What can I said, it been 10 years I been here. Then suddenly she gasped making me turn to her. What's wrong with this girl?

"Oh God! I forget to tell Chaeyoung that I went out. She didn't even have a keys to get inside the house. Shit!" She cried out placing her palm over her head.

"Chaeyoung? You mean, that small girl living with you? That weird girl?" I asked.

Without answering my question, she glared at me.

"That's my sister you talking about, idiot!" She chimed.

"Ya ya ya. Whatever. You should thanks me you know. I'm already helping you." I said rolled my eyes.

"What did you do? You didn't do anything to Chaeyoung, did you?" She asked me with a panicked expression over her face.

"Nahh. I make your asshole boyfriend text her that you're going out with him. If she wants she can go out with her friend until you call her to back. I also make sure your asshole boyfriend has transfer money to your sister. And I put the keys under the pot. So, you're welcome." I said wiggle my eyebrow.

She titled her head slightly in term of confused. She's cute though.

"Okay. What you mean by make him text?" She asker confused.

"He can see you too or what?" She asked more in curiosity.

I chuckled.

"No. He can't see me." I replied looking outside the window.

Suddenly, she stop the car and looked at me wide eyes.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"Oh, sweetheart. You have no idea what I can do." I said smirked.

She gasped and looking shocked. Then, I let out a small laugh.

"Lets just say that I have some special manipulating skills that I'm going to demonstrate on you now." I said looked at her and give her a grin.

I give her an order to to follow me the store before disappear. Right now I'm at the store waiting for her. Where is she? Don't tell me that she run away? Nahh, she won't right? After a few minute, finally she show off.

"You couldn't be any more late huh?" I said to her annoyingly.

I started to floated towards the many aisle in the grocery store. She taking the cart and following behind me.

"Not like you, I have to park my car and walk here, idiot." She said bark back to me.

Hmm, she right. But, still I hate waiting. I ignore her and went towards the aisle which have the array of different varieties of chips. Hmm, nyum nyum. I stopped towards them looking with satisfied grin.

"Take all the Doritos." I order pointing towards the colourful packets.

She rolled her eyes. I think she's getting annoying by me. But, do I look like I care? Like I said before, she can't do anything after all. She just stay still looked at me with her annoying face. She seems debating with herself, so I casted an annoyed look on my face while crossing my arms over my chest. I can see her face a bit pinky and I wonder why. But she quickly shook her head as she trying to throw her thought far away and then looked at me with serious face.

"What if I don't? You're not my boss. You can't demand and order me when I don't want to." She said challenge me crossing her arms just like me.

How dare she is? I smirked. She really thought she can challenge me? You wish girl.

"Well, do you remember what I told you in the car just now? I think you really have a short term memory. But, its okay sweetheart. Lets me told you one more time. I really have a manipulating skills. And I will make you." I said smirked to her.

With that, I floated towards her making she step a back and I leaned in lacer my mouth against her ears.

"Pick up that damn Doritos." I whisper shouted at her.

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