Chapter 34

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Jeongyeon POV

Now we are at home busy eating. G! This girl is really good at cooking. But I think I could do better. I could see how much she care and love about her sister. Seeing them like this make me wonder how I am with my sister. How I wish to remember about that. But somehow it make me wonder. Why I just can't remember about my family? And why Nayeon can see me? Is that I'm a medium too? Or my sister is the medium? And why every time I touched Chaeyoung I could see that flashback. But it always that flashback.

"Hmm, can I ask you something?" I faltered.

"Yeah, sure." She replied still eating.

"Where is your parents?" I asked.

She and Chaeyoung stopped eating and looked at each other. Oh no! Am I asked the wrong question? Chaeyoung nodded and Nayeon clear her throat and straight up her posture.

"They passed away. Both of them having a car accident. So, leaving me and Chaeyoung all alone." She said smiled a bit but I know its just for cover her sadness.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked you." I said with concern.

"Don't be and its okay. Its not your fault." Chaeyoung replied.

"No. I mean it must be hard for both of you. And raising Chaeyoung all alone and going to school alongside. No wonder both of you are so close to each other." I said.

"Yeah, it is. But, we have gotten used to it. Honestly I am. Actually, I tried to avoid or ignore the topic until now. But truth be told, I really miss them, especially on their birthday and death anniversary." Nayeon said tried to looking all strong.

But, she is strong. They are strong.

"I can relate too. I was all alone in this world. Not just that, I'm totally alone. Until both of you came." I said and paused.

"You know, ghost actually linger on the earth when they have unfinished business in this world." I continued.

"But you were killed in a fire like your family. How come you are the only one left?" She asked looking all curious.

I smiled at her before I answer her question.

"Bunny, my parents might have been killed in the fire, but I wasn't." I said as my voice become heavy.

"What do you mean? Actually what happened on that day?" Nayeon asked.

I froze in my seat. I didn't answer. I just stay silent. Actually, I don't know what should I answer. Because I don't fucking remember anything about my parent. Pathetic? Yeah, I'm pathetic. Chaeyoung and Nayeon looked at me in worried and concern. Chaeyoung shook her head to Nayeon signal her to stop asking.

"I'm sorry. You don't need to answer that." She said holding my hand.

I just smiled. Chaeyoung looked at me like something was in her mind. I wonder what is she thinking. Didn't she know anything about my flashback every time I touch her? Or she's the one who make the flashback? I know every medium have their own ability. I wonder what Chaeyoung and Yeri ability. Maybe I should asked her?

"Hmm, Chaeyoung. Can I ask something?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded her head.

"Did you know what you ability?" I asked.

Chaeyoung wiped her mouth while Nayeon was looking at us in confused.

"Yes. I can get into someone mind. Or manipulated someone mind." She replied.

"Oh." That's the only word I can said.

Then, realisation hit me. I looked at her wide eyes and she nodded.

"But I can't get through you mind. There's like something block you mind." She said as she can read my mind.

G! Of course she can. She have that ability. Nayeon looked at her sister in shocked.

"That's mean you can read a mind?" Nayeon said.

"Yes unnie." Chaeyoung simply replied.

"But how?" She seemed confused.

"When I was kid, I always have this ability. Because of that, people bullied me. Not just of that, seeing ghost not helping at all. I can read their mind and seeing what the other can't see. Maybe because of that they thought I'm different or more specific I'm an alien. No one wants to talk to me or play with me. That's why, I develop Chaengie and granny. Mom knew about this as she said she also have the same ability. And then, she passed away. But before that, she already give me a book about the medium. So, that's why after mom passed away I start mediation. But you thought I'm just joked." She explain.

"Oh Chaeyoung. I'm really sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry." Nayeon said as she hug her sister.

"Nahh, I'm okay. But its better you don't know. If not, you would be scaredy cat. And it would be trouble for me." Chaeyoung said chuckled.

Nayeon slapped her arms slightly and pouted. I just smiled.

"Seeing both of you like this make me jealous. I know I have a sister, but to be honest. I can't remember anything about my family." I said sighed.

"I can help if you want. Besides, you have to be hurry if you want reborn. Its been 10 years you linger around. There's must be something that make you still lingering in this world." Chaeyoung said.

"Can you?" I asked in hurry.

"If you want. But there's a lot work to do. And I need Yeri Unnie help. My power just not enough. Its like something have block you mind. Something strong." Chaeyoung mumbled.

"I will let Yeri know about this. I'm sure she glad to help." Nayeon said.

Chaeyoung nodded her head. I smiled. Thankfully I have this two sister. But I can't help to think about my uncle. Since Sana told Nayeon about my uncle, I keep thinking about him. Why am I feeling uneasy as I remember him? Why must he hiding from the other? Where is he bring my sister? And why I can't get through my sister? Normally, if your related been thinking about you, a ghost feel it. But not me. Or my sister doesn't remember about me? There's a lot thought keep running in my mind.

"We will get the answer soon. Don't worry. We will help you. You got us." Chaeyoung said holding my shoulder.

G! I forget she can read my mind. I nodded my head. I know this is must be god job for bring them to me. To help me. And I trust them.

- what kind of superpower you want if you does have a power? -

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