Chapter 49

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Chaeyoung POV

"Chaeyoung, who is this?" Ryujin asked pointing at my sketch.

I froze at my place.

"Hmm. T-that's hmm- Nayeon unnie's girlfriend." I said nervously.

"Oh. She seemed cool. Handsome and pretty at the same time. Even I didn't see her yet, I can feel she's nice and cool. Can I see her? Did she always come here? Is she nice?" She said excited.

"Hmm- maybe?" I replied.

"Why you look nervous? But, why I feel like I have seen her before? Maybe I had came across with her somewhere? Or- hmm. I don't know. But I feel like I know her." She said as she keep focusing on the drawing.

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"Erghh, maybe?" I said not sure what to said

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"Erghh, maybe?" I said not sure what to said.

She just keep looking at the drawing, caress the drawing and admired the drawing. I just looked at her as I feel hurt, sad and guilty because I couldn't said anything to her. As much as I want to tell her but I can't.

"Hmm, so our plan still on?" I asked to dragged her attention back to me.

"Uh-huh, you can invited Nayeon and Yeri unnie too. More people more fun." She said looked at me and smiled.

But then, she back again looking at the drawing.

"She's beautiful." She mumble.

"You know right, she is Nayeon unnie's girlfriend?" I tease just to control my guilty.

She laughed. Hard. Just then she turned to me. And shook her head.

"I know Chaeyoung. I know. Just, I admire her beauty. That's all. Okay, I'm done admire her beauty as I don't want you think that I would stole your sister girlfriend or you think I'm creepy to admire someone else girlfriend." She said joked.

Then we both burst on laugh.

"Its not. I'm glad you find her beauty. I'm also thought the same with you." I said smiling.

She smiling.

"Well, see you this evening. I already prepare everything. You guys just have to come and enjoy. Alright? See you." She said hugging me and walk away.

Fuhh! I think if she take much longer time, I might told her everything. I sighed. I still think its unfair for Ryujin for not know everything about her family but again who I am to against this idea. An hour later, Nayeon and Yeri unnies was coming back from their work. I told them the plan and they gladly agree especially Yeri unnie. She's too excited to go to Yoo Dong Wook's house.

"Unnie, faster! We already late!" I yelled to them.

I sighed. They always take their sweet time every time they get ready. I don't know what they doing.

"Wait! I have to look presentable to visit Yoo Dong Wook's house, you know." She said laughed.

"Yeah, whatever. Its not that uncle Dong Wook at home. So, faster unnie." I said getting annoyed.

After 30 minute waiting, finally we drove to Ryujin's house. Ryujin keep calling me but I didn't bother to answer it because I know she might nagging for coming late. 15 minutes in road finally we arrive. But I don't know why, I felt uneasy when I standing in front of the door. I notice Yeri unnie looking uneasy as me or I just imagine. I shook my head and ring the bell. A few second later, Ryujin open the door and quickly signal us to keep quiet. She signal us to come in and rushed lead us to her room. I notice she seemed scared and shocked. When we already inside her room, she quietly lock her door and looking at Nayeon unnie.

"Ryujin?" I called her.

"Huh?" She seem lost.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

"Hmm, take a seat unnie. You two can pick any movie to watch. I will going downstairs to bring some snacks. Hmm, Chaeyoung. Can you coming with me?" She said looking nervous.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Any movie? Are you serious Ryujin? Okay then." Nayeon unnie said smiled to Ryujin.

Then, we went outside but we are not going downstairs. She dragged me to another room and close the door. Not before she make sure no one is following us.

"Hey, what's up dude? Why are you look so nervous and scared?" I finally asked.

"Hmm, Chaeyoung. Don't be shock after I say this okay. I might be wrong or imagine a thing. But I think I need to tell you and maybe we can find it out either its true or not." She said held my shoulder.

"Uh, okay." I replied start to nervous.

"When I'm coming home early, I might see or not Nayeon unnie girlfriend with uncle Dong Wook." She said.

Seriously, I'm shock but I maintain cool.

"But-." She cuts me.

"That's not the problem Chaeyoung." She said.

Now, I'm confused.

"Huh?" I asked.

"She might know my uncle or something. I don't know. But what I'm saying is, after I see her, I was happy. Because I finally see her in person. So, I follow them as I want to introduce myself to her but what was the shocking is, I found one room that I never see before. So, I'm curious to know what's inside the room. I went to the door, open it and I'm shock. There's the body lying on the bed with medical supplies as she might be in coma. I went inside to take a good look, and guess what? Its Nayeon unnie's girlfriend. I'm too shock and scared make me run from the room. Then I call you, but you didn't answer." She explain.

Wait! I trying to process everything she said. Oh! My! God!

"Wait. What you trying to say is, someone is lying on the bed and being coma at your basement house? And it is Nayeon unnie's girlfriend? Jeongyeon unnie? But you see her before with your uncle? Isn't?" I asked to make sure everything I got it true.

"Yes!" She answer with confident.

"Shoot!" I said in shocked.

"We must to tell Nayeon and Yeri unnie!" I said.

"No. No. What if I'm wrong? I don't want Nayeon unnie be sad or shock. What if we both going there and check first? Maybe I'm too obsess with her that's why I seeing her. Well, not like I'm obsess like obsess, we just talked about her right. Anyway, you get it what I'm trying to say right? So, how is it? We go and check it first?" She suggested.

I take a deep breath before nodded. She's right. I have to take a look first before I told her the true and before I told Nayeon unnie. So we walked to the room she mention early. As we standing in front of the door, we hear footstep coming to our way, we quickly hide. Its uncle Dong Wook secretary. She open the door and then went out with the bed. I take a look at the person on the bed but its cover by the blanket. After she gone, we come out from our hiding.

"Hmm, what's now? She already take her. But, I'm sure its Jeongyeon unnie." Ryujin said.

"Lets go to Nayeon and Yeri unnie first. I think you need to know something." I said.


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