Chapter 50

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Ryujin POV

"Ryujin, there's something I think you should know. But promise me, you will stay calm. If not, it would be worst to you." Chaeyoung said.

I wonder what she's gonna tell me. I nodded to whatever she said. Nayeon unnie and Yeri unnie seemed not agree for whatever Chaeyoung want to said. But Chaeyoung seem serious.

"Ryujin. You know I can see the ghost right?" Chaeyoung start to speak.

I nodded my head.

"Okay. Hmm, don't freak out okay. Actually, Jeongyeon unnie is a ghost that stay at our apartment. Do you know 10 years before that apartment once got burn? So, she and her parent was die because of that." She continued.

I tilt my head in confuse. Did she just tell me that Jeongyeon unnie, who is Nayeon unnie's girlfriend is a ghost? But wait!

"Wait! Wait! But I saw her with my uncle. I told you right? I saw her!" I said to them.

"Wait! You see her?" Nayeon unnie asked in shocked.

I nodded my head.

"Let me proses okay. If she's dead, then why I can see her? Why Nayeon unnie can see her? Why Yeri unnie can see her?" I asked.

Chaeyoung take a breath before she speak.

"Because Nayeon unnie is my sister. So, being same womb, she can see certain ghost and surprise, that ghost is Jeongyeon unnie. And Yeri unnie same as me. She's a medium. In you case, I don't know why you can see her. Either she's the medium or you are the medium. Being amnesia maybe you can't remember anything, but that's why you can used your ability if true that you are the medium." She explain.

"What do you mean by either I'm the medium or she's the medium?" I asked in curious.

But none of them try to replied my question.

"Because Jeongyeon is your sister, Ryujin." A man voice answer my question.

I turned to see who's voice is, and I'm shocked. Its Bang Chan oppa. What he means by Jeongyeon unnie is my sister? And how he know about Jeongyeon unnie?

"Wait! How do you know about Jeongyeon?" Yeri unnie asked in shocked.

"Yeah, how do you know about Jeongyeon? And do you know Jeongyeon?" Nayeon unnie turn to asked him.

"I'm her childhood best friend. Basically, wherever she go, I go with her. And that day, I was there. I'm the one call the rescue. Unfortunately, I'm too late to save my best friend." He said sadly.

I could see everyone shocked hearing his explanation. But I don't know. I try to remember anything but I can't. Is it true that Jeongyeon unnie was my sister? Arghh. My head my hurt. Last thing I heard that they called my name.


"Ryujin? Ryujin?" Someone called out.

Then, I turned around to that voice coming from. Its someone looking at me smiling. Then I run to the voice and hugging her. Its my mom. I miss her so much. I could feel my tears running to my cheek. I don't even notice I was cry. For the long time, finally I got to see my mom again. I miss her so much. I always had this dream but now its all connected. I was the kid.

"Mama, when unnie will coming back? I miss her? And is dada already buy a cake?" I asked my mom.

"Yes baby. Dada will come back with a cake and your unnie will coming back soon. So, go take a shower and help me to cook some cookies for your unnie. Both of you like cookies right?" My mom said.

"Yeay! Cookies! Cookies!" I said happily.

Then, suddenly I was bought to the kitchen the moment I and my mom enjoying making a cookies. I smiled seeing me and my mom happy and it felt like it just happen yesterday. I started crying again. Then the bell door ring and we stop doing what we are doing. My mom put her  finger into her lips signal me to quiet and I followed my mom action and giggle. The the door open and man voice could be hear. Both of us was hiding at the back kitchen counter and I still giggle.

"Honey? Ryujin? Where are you? I'm home. Look what I bought." He said and put the box on the kitchen counter which I guess it a cake.

He keep searching for us as he walked towards room, bathroom and then as soon as he walk to the kitchen and went to kitchen counter, he was attack by a flour. I laughed seeing he was covered by the flour. He just stay froze at his spot while the two was laughing. Then he running to them to catches both of them and the kitchen was mess. Its my dad. My dad! I laughed and crying at the same time.

Suddenly, I was brought to the room. There's my mom getting me ready. I guess its my sister birthday party. As we have fun and talk, the door bell ring and my mom smile at me.

"Maybe that's your sister. Lets go." My mom said to me.

I nodded and walked hand by hand with my mom towards the living room. But there's no sign of my sister but some 'ahjussi' sitting on the couch with my dad sitting across him. As he turned, I smile because its my uncle. But the kid which is me seemed scared at him and hiding behind my mom. My mom held my shoulder and smile.

"Ryujin honey, can you go play at your room? Waiting for your sister there? Mom and dad want to talk to your uncle for a moment. Can you?" Mom said softly at me.

I nodded my head and my mom kiss my forehead. The kid me walked to my room and play. My mom sit at next to my dad and held my dad hand. Surprisedly, I'm still here hearing and watching them.

"Why are you here Dong Wook?" Dad asked my uncle.

"Well, I just want to see how your life now. Hmm, dad miss both of you and the kids." Uncle Dong Wook said.

Dad and mom stay silent.

"Hmm, where is the other one?" Uncle Dong Wook asked.

Again, mom and dad stay silent.

"So, did you tell dad?" He asked my dad.

"No. I won't tell anything to dad. But please. Stop whatever you're doing. You already got what you want. So, why bother to ask me again?" Dad said firmly.

"You know hyung. I won't be like this if from the start you're stay away from us." My uncle said smirk.

I could see mom hold tightly dad hand and she looked scared. I wonder what are they talking about. Then the door open and reveal, Jeongyeon unnie? Is this real? Is she really my sister? Again, I didn't notice my eyes already tearing.

"I'm home." She said making everyone turned to her.

"Oh, uncle. Are you here to celebrate my birthday?" She asked happily.

"Haa, yes. Today is your birthday. How old are you again?" Uncle asked.

"I'm fifteen uncle. Hmm, where is grampa? Is he still mad at us?" She asked sadly.

"Hmm, no. He was going to somewhere. Far away." He said looking at my dad smirked.

Hearing that dad and mom eyes widen.

"Di-did you.. how could you?" Dad said in shocked.

Uncle Dong Wook walked slowly to dad with smirk still plastered on his face. He leaned closer to dad.

"Well, it time for him to go. Soon it will be you and your family if you don't listen to me." He whisper.

-What's going on here? What actually happened to Jeongyeon and Ryujin?-

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