Chapter 23

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Nayeon POV

"Are you sure this is the address?" Jeongyeon asked taking the little piece of paper in her hands, in which the address as written down in neat handwriting.

"Yeah. That's the only one I could find according to Sana." I said took a bite out of her nacho.

She groaned sit next to me. I technically was laying on the couch at the living room while eating some homemade nacho and watching TV like typical Saturday night before Jeongyeon came in and started interrogating me. When Jennie and I were still friends, we used to go to club sometimes and sometimes I would just spend my Saturday nights with Jin Young. We used spend countless hours watching some drama or movies, snuggled under a comforter. The memory of it left a void in my heart.

Jin Young is a year older than me, so he had graduated and moved to Seoul last year with a hefty scholarship from ** University. After my graduation, I decided to moved to Seoul because I just want to be close to my boyfriend. Then, after I can't effort to pay a rent I had to moved here. Well technically I don't want to moved here as this apartment was old. But I don't have any place to go beside this apartment so, there we are living here. Besides, I don't have to pay the rent and the extra point is Jin Young was living close to me. Then, Jennie decided to join us as her family was thinking to moving here too. I still remember the day she told me the news, we squealed together in joy for an hour. I thought I would finally get my best friend and boyfriend together and I wouldn't be alone in this big city. But of course they couldn't keep their pants on and ended up betrayal me.

Jin Young and Jennie have been trying to reach me. But I didn't even read their messages and leave unread at my phone. The countless missed calls from them and I even blocked them. But none of them had the balls to show up in front of my doorstep and confront me. Not even Jin Young who technically lived 2 meters away from me. We would occasionally bump into each other but I would just slam the door in his face not giving him the chance to talk to me. My thought was interrupted by Jeongyeon who groaned in frustrated next to me.

"But I checked there. He definitely doesn't live there anymore. So, are you sure this is the address?" She grimaced at me.

"Apparently, your uncle got in trouble with ghost. He has been a recluse since then. But, Sana said you once told her that your uncle want to settle up and wants to gather with your family. Its not my fault though. Its your uncle but you don't even know or remember his name. There's a lot people with Dong Wook name." I said in annoyed tone.

Then, I gasped.

"Now, I remember. Don't tell me you think that Yoo Dong Wook was your uncle?" I asked unbelief.

She just shrugged.

"You too full of yourself. Definitely he's not your uncle. Just look where you live and he live." I said shook my head.

I distractedly started to flip the channels in the tv with the remote. Once again I heard she groaned in annoying.

"You are useless." She sighed sinking further into the couch.

She frustratingly running her hand across her messy hair. She was dressed in a bomber jacket with short jeans. Well, to be honest she looking cute today but of course I won't tell her.

"You are the ghost who didn't do anything except for finishing my food. Who's useless now?" I retorted.

"Ouch, touché." She said touch her chest.

"I'm back!" Chaeyoung shouted as she walked to living room.

She flopped between me and Jeongyeon and heavily sighed. Then, she moved lay her head on my lap and put her legs on Jeongyeon lap. Weird. When did they become this close?

"Tired?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's a lot thing I need to do. Oh, yeah. You said you have to do a extra shift tonight?" She asked me back.

Opps, I forget about that. I looked at Jeongyeon but she just ignore my glare. Her eyes was on the tv.

"Hmm, Yeri offer to do it. So, I let her be." I said.

"Yeri unnie? I miss her. When can I see her? Oh, I went to Ryujin house today. Her house is huge! You should come but you are not allowed." Chaeyoung said.

"Eh? Why though? I want to see that huge house also. Its been 10 years I leaving here. I want some new view also. I bet there must be a lot of food." Jeongyeon said.

"Whatever." Chaeyoung said.

Now, it more make sense. Chaeyoung isn't the biggest fan of Jeongyeon. I bet she still upset about Jeongyeon call her 'Schizophe'. And when I told her about Jeongyeon was the one who's gobbling up our missing food she got even more disconcerted about it. But, just now I just seen they click. I don't know what happen. Then, suddenly my eyes catch something.

"Why is your bag is moving?" I asked pointing at Chaeyoung's bag.

The front pocket of the bag stirred making a distinct squeaking noises.

"Oh, I almost forget about him." Chaeyoung said picking up her bag and unzipping it.

A little white rat popped out of the bag and landed on Chaeyoung's lap. G! Is that a mouse? G! I jumped out from the couch, recoiled landing behind the couch and yelling like crazy.

"GET THAT VILE CREATURE AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted at Chaeyoung.

"What?" Jeongyeon asked with smirked on her face.

I know that smirk. I know! G! Help me lord. I was crouched behind the sofa with my arms rested on his knees. On the other hand, Chaeyoung was howling in laughter. They are mean!

"This is for my experiment. I just bought this with Ryujin. We had to observed his behaviours. So, you have to bear with him. And his name is Donut. Donut, meet my unnie, Nayeon." Chaeyoung said introduce her rat to me.

Eeewww! How come they could be relax seeing this creature?

"How can you possibly name this gruesome creature after my second favourite food!" I glowered.

Chaeyoung pursed her lips to keep in her laugher while that annoying ghost already burst in laughed.

"You mean Donut?" Jeongyeon asked me feigning innocence taking Donut from the couch and holding it out towards me.

G! She are so mean!!!!

"Get it away from me!!" I sputtered jerking back.

"Why are you afraid of him? I mean, look. He's so cute. His teeth almost look like you." Jeongyeon said distractedly stroking Donut's smooth snow coloured fur.

"Chaeyoung!! Get it out of here or away from me!" I shouted and they just laughed at me.

G! Since when they being click like this to team up teasing me like this? Shit! Then, the buzzer went off and Chaeyoung walked to the door. She opened the door and paused. Then, she moved a bit just to reveal Jin Young.

"Nayeon." He called me softly.

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