Chapter 2

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Nayeon POV

I walked back to living room and plopped myself into the couch. My eyes keep roaming around and I can't help felt shivering through my body. So, I decided to distract myself and text Jennie, my best friend.

Me : Hey! Wanna hang out at my new apartment?

Jennie : Hey! I'm sorry Nabong. I can't. My grandma came over. She's a pain in the arse. I'm currently on my class of life 🙄

I chuckled as I read her text. Well, Jennie's grandma can be a very annoying at times. She thinks Jennie is not a 'proper woman'. So, she decided to teach her to do household chores. She said it was class of life. Once, she made her debone fishes the whole day and later Jennie couldn't move her fingers as they were so numb.

Me : Aww, that's too bad. By the way, good luck! Don't sleep at the class 👻

Jennie : 💆🏻‍♀️😩🙄

With that I shoved my phone into my short pocket. I sighed and stood up headed over to Chaeyoung's room. Before I could knock on the door, she opened the door and glared at me.

"Hmm, hello?" I said.

"What's with this all the negative energy?" She asked observing her surroundings.

"Huh?" I asked in confused joined her looking around.

"I'm sure it is because Jin Young came over." She said with an irritated expression on her face, placing her hand on her hips.

I rolled my eyes at her. Well, Chaeyoung thinks Jin Young and Jennie have a lot of 'negative energy' around them. She even suggested that I shouldn't be friends with them. The Chaeyoung 'granny' said to me once told me that, she don't like Jennie. She think Jennie was a bitch. The '5 years' Chaeyoung also said the same thing that she don't like Jin Young and Jennie. So, I could conclude that she's really don't like them. But, well I think she was wrong. Jin Young is such a sweet person same as Jennie. Maybe her look was a bit bitch, but she's a sweet girl. My sister can't get any weirder, can she?

"Whatever. I'm bored. Lets do something." I chimed ignoring her rude comment about Jin Young.

"Oh oh. Lets watch, Pingu!" She chimed excited.

Oh no here she goes. The five years Chaeyoung!

"No! We are not watching that penguin waddles around muted." I immediately grabbed the remote control of her reach.

"Why not?" She pouted at me and crossed her arms on her chest.

Aww, she's too cute. I pinched her cheek making she pouted even more. I chuckled.

"Because, we are gonna make a tower of chocolate cake!" I exclaimed.

Chaeyoung's eyes grew wide with excitement and she immediately rushed to the kitchen taking out the ingredients. For a few hours we talked about random stuff while baking. Chaeyoung told me stories about her first day at her new school as we baked the cake. I was finishing the last touched put on icing on my cake that's when Chaeyoung chimed in.

"Wait. You know, I can feel another presence here." She said looking at me.

Oh my! G! Great! Just great! Here we go again. But wait! What about the door? For some reason I couldn't help myself but agree with Chaeyoung. Nope there's no such a thing as ghosts! G! I need to stop hanging out with this Chaeyoung.

"Its done!" I said.

Chaeyoung rushed to one of the many cardboard boxes to fetch two plates for us. She helped herself to take two slices of cake and rushed off to the living room to watch her Pingu. She finally got things her own way. I thought to myself as I let out a small sigh. I took one slice and went to join Chaeyoung. We fought over the remote and at last I won. So, we ended up watching 'penthouse'. The whole time Chaeyoung was bored and finally she fell asleep.

Well, she might be small but I'm not strong enough to carried her to her room. So, I just tuck her a blanket and went off to wash the dished. As I was keeping the chocolate cake inside the fridge something strange caught my eyes. I couldn't help but notice the fact that a huge part of the cake was missing. I didn't remember Chaeyoung helps herself to a second serving. That's a huge chunk of it missing. Maybe she was hungry as we couldn't grab a lunch with all the moving going on.

"Wait. You know, I can feel another presence here."

Chaeyoung words replayed on my mind. G! What if there is? What if rumours about this house being haunted after the great fire is true? Oh God! I'm going crazy. The whole week I ended up spending my time unpacking. But guess what? I'm still not done anything yet. There's a lot I want to dispose including my clothes, photo albums etc but I couldn't bring myself to because those things held so much memories. The sad thing is, my boyfriend nor my best friend didn't come visit me the whole freaking week. 

Jin Young was too busy with his stupid assignment and Jennie was busy with her grandma as her grandma have not left her yet. My college starts in a few weeks so it would have been better if I got to hang out with those two. But yeah, things happen and its didn't happen like I want. Chaeyoung was too busy with her meditation and she didn't want to hang out with me. Sometimes, Chaeyoung make me think if she really can see a ghost. Yeah, if she can see the ghost maybe the character was a ghost? I quickly shook my head. Whatever are you thinking Nayeon, you have to stop it.

Speaking for Chaeyoung, she keep tell me that she felt something or she can sense another presence at our house. I don't believe it and don't ever thing about it, but its really give me a goosebump. More over, I have been noticing something uncanny about my new apartment. Okay, it might be cliche or what, but be ready to hear the most cliche horror movie dialogue ever. I feel like I'm not alone. I feel like, there is unwanted presence lingering at my new apartment. Okay. I'm sure enough that I'm not unaffected by Chaeyoung's word. But the stench seems to get even more horrible despite all the air fresheners I have used and worst of all I can't find the source of it.

I checked everywhere for any dead rats, but failed to find a furry corpse. The other things that seem suspicious, our food keep disappearing. Like yesterday, I cooked spaghetti for brunch yesterday and saved some for Chaeyoung. But at the time Chaeyoung came back it was gone and only a dirty plate white plate which perhaps licked clean. Chaeyoung even called me fatso and grumpy all day because she thought I eat her food. That kid really need to control her mouth. I love my sister but I don't like other Chaeyoung. You know what I mean right? Lastly, the doors keep slamming on my face all the time but the outside there's no sign of wind. I swear its getting weird and weird. I'm starting getting paranoid these day but I have no choice at all.

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