Chapter 46

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Nayeon POV

We decided to call a cab as Chaeyoung said we might not get in there in time. As we waiting, suddenly someone called for Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung." We turned around to see its Ryujin.

"Ryujin. What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Hmm, I'm just bored. Just thought wanna hang out with you." She said.

"Are you going out?" She asked.

"Hmm, actually yeah. I'm sorry." Chaeyoung replied.

"Oh, its okay. Then I will just heading back home." Ryujin said smiled.

"Wait, did your uncle was at home?" I asked.

"No. He say he had some work to do. So, I guess he might be at his office." Ryujin replied.

Then as cue, our cab arrived and we bit our goodbye to Ryujin.

"Now, tell me what's going on? Why suddenly you dragged me here? What do you mean by we have to save Jeongyeon?" I asked curiously at Chaeyoung.

"She was here early. She came to said a goodbye to us. She's going to leave. And she said she want to talk to you for the last time. But I guess she didn't. Not after she saw that asshole was at home." Chaeyoung said.

Damn it! She definitely saw Jin Young kissed me! G! She might have wrong thought. G!

"By the way, why did that asshole doing at our house?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I thought Jeongeyon already gone. So when he was in front of me, I just need someone listen to me. But I guess, he thought differently." I said.

"Asshole." Chaeyoung mumble.

We arrived at the office. And weird no one is here. No even a guard. So we passed through without any problem. As we reach the top level which is Dong Wook's office located, wind was blowing everywhere. It was so strong that it was preventing us from coming inside.

"Nayeon, Chaeyoung! Stay away from here!" Uncle Dong Wook screamed over the wind. 

Jeongyeon was sitting in between the holy circle and she looked ill. She was lying on the ground unconscious. I looked at Chaeyoung.

"Stay here. I need to save Jeongyeon." I said to her.

I rushed inside trying to bring myself inside as the wind was so strong. The darkness enveloped me and Uncle Dong Wook was muttering the verses.

"PLEASE STOP IT!" I screamed the wind backing me away.


But its doesn't stop me. I can't let her go just like that. I'm not ready to let her go yet. I rushed towards Jeongyeon and backing her away from the holy circle. Crossing the holy circle felt like a stab in the heart. I ended up on Jeongyeon, her body shielding me from the fall. I felt the light headed and the whole room was spinning around me. At that time, all I care is I wanted to know if Jeongyeon was okay or not. But before I could do that I passed out.





The place was illuminated, the ray of light was blinding me. I covered my eyes, not being able to see the figure striding away from me. I took a few step, still shielding my eyes from the rays of the light.

"Jeongie.." I cried out.

"Is that you?" I asked.

No answer, instead the figure started getting away from me. I could see it from the corner of my eyes.

"Jeongyeon!" I screamed.

"PLEASE! COME BACK!" I cried out loud.

After a elongated pause, she turned around.

"I have to go Nayeon. I'm sorry. I have to go." She said.

I couldn't help myself but I was sobbing now. I was still shielding my face from the harsh rays. Hopelessly, I ran towards her.

"Jeongyeon, please come back." I pleading.

"Don't go." I said.

"We need you." I cried out.


"NAYEON!" Someone from distant called me.

"Wake up! Are you alright?" Still sound distant.

"NAYEON!" She screamed.

I opened my eyes to see, those beautiful eyes staring at me. I could stare at it forever. Wait! Is that?

"Jeongyeon!" I breathed out.

Is this real? Is this real that Jeongyeon actually back?

"Thank god! You are alright!" She said staring at me looking relieved.

"I thought- I thought I lost you." She said as the pain evident in her eyes.

"You didn't leave me." I whispered.

I felt too weak to talk. Is like my body was drained out of energy.

"No. I couldn't. I just couldn't leave my dummy girl alone. I don't know what dummy thing will she do without me beside her." She joked.

"You save me." She said as her lips quirking up to a smile.

"Hmm, you are not getting rid of me just yet." I smiled back to her.

"Good. I don't want to." With that she placed her lips on mine.

The kiss was slow and sweet as if she was trying to promise me how she won't ever leave me.

"UNNIE! You're alright!" Chaeyoung voice could be hear.

We broke apart as Chaeyoung running towards me to hug me. She was crying into my embrace. She hugged me tight.

"Yes." I said breathlessly.

"Never leave me." She whispered pulled away.

"Never." I promised still feeling a little woozy.

"Hope you're okay Nayeon." Uncle Dong Wook came towards me.

He touching my forehead to check my temperature. He looked so out of place in my apartment. He was still wearing his suit and look like he just came out straight from the magazine. He is a good looking man. So, I guess it was in their genetic because Jeongyeon and Ryujin also beautiful as well. I wonder how their parents looked alike.

"I'm okay. Just a bit weak." I said.

"I'm surprised you're alive even. Turns out you barely touched the salt. If you had you would have been dead." He explained.

"Now don't said that. She's alive and that's the matter." She said to her uncle.

Then she turned to me and look damn serious. But damn, she look so hot though.

"Promise me that you won't even put yourself in danger again. Not for me. Ever." She said earnestly looking into my eyes.

"I won't." I replied.

But honestly not once I didn't care about my life. I just wanted Jeongyeon with me forever.

"Okay love bird. I'm going home. But Jeongyeon, we need to talk." Her uncle said.

Jeongyeon nodded and walked out with her uncle. They looking serious and I wonder what will they talk about. I turned to Chaeyoung and I notice she have the expression that show me that she know what will they talking about. But she quickly compose herself as she notice I been looking at her.

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." She said.

I smiled. Didn't know my baby sister is already growing up.

OH MY! GDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora