Chapter 38

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Nayeon POV

"I swear this looks like a haunted house. Are you sure you want to go inside?" I asked taking a good look at the house in front of me.

We as I, Yeri and Jeongyeon decided to pay a visit to the address we got from Jeongyeon's friend. Yeri was investigate about Jeongyeon's past through her school teacher which lead to her friend's. To be surprised, she was a popular kids at her school that time. They told that she used to live her with her family along with her grandfather before moved to the apartment. They said that her family was rich but they don't know why though they moved to the small apartment.

Jeongyeon and Yeri was suggested that we should come here to search for something. But I was quite doubtful about it because it looked more like an abandoned haunted house. The windows were pitch black that you couldn't see anything inside the house. The walls were a murky grey which were once I presumed was white colour and the roofs were old like so old that in some of the places the roof was worn out. There was trail of algae on the walls and the steps with zero sign of human life. The bad stormy weather added to the haunted house.

"Seriously Nabong? We just drove four hours to find this house. Not like you didn't see ghost right now." Yeri said.

Yeah, she's right. Even now I'm here with a ghost. So, why should I bother. But! This looked creepy as hell. But the fact we had drove for four hours just to find this house seemed not worthy to leave just like that. Its seemed this house was covered by something that we can't see it. The fact this house just actually 15 minutes away from my apartment. I sighed.

"As much as you said right now it right, but it didn't push that fact this house is looked creepy as heel. Don't tell me you didn't feel that way." I said.

She looked to the house and then looked at me.

"You're right. This looked creepy. Maybe coming here at night doesn't sound good. Hmm, maybe we can come back tomorrow?" Now she talking.

"Seriously guys? Don't be scaredy. Lets go." Jeongyeon said.

But I and Yeri was stand still didn't move at all.

"Come on! Its didn't looked creepy at all." She said.

I make a face. Seriously this didn't look creepy?

"Well, it is creepy. But just let go okay. I'm here if you have to deal with ghost. Remember, I'm a ghost." She said.

Well, she's right. I grabbed Yeri and we walked hand by hand to the house. Jeongyeon followed us behind still deep in her thoughts. Upon turning the knob, I discovered the door was unlocked. I looked at Yeri and Jeongyeon who just nodded at me to go on. The door creaked indicating the hinges were rusted. The air smelled of dust, spider webs covered every nook of the house and I got my phone out to use it as a flashlight. I blinked adjusting to the pitch darkness of the room.

"Why this house looked like it just being idle? The furniture and everything just look fine?" I asked shock.

Well, everything inside the house just looked fine except fully covered by dust and spider web.

"I don't know. Just find something that you guys think its useful." Jeongyeon said floating around.

I still hold Yeri hand as we both don't want to let go. Yeah, we are scared as hell here. We looked around to find anything but nothing. Even this house seemed like fine but I notice one thing. There's no picture at all. I notice the frame was empty and I bet Yeri notice it too. We keep going through the entire house until we find one hiding room. We looked each other and hesitant either we should open it or not. Yeri nodded at me and I hold the knob door. I take a deep breath before I open the door. As soon as we open it, my phone ring and both of us screamed out loud.

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