Chapter 7

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Nayeon POV

Did I really challenge her? That damn annoying ghost? G! You go girl.

"And I will make you." She said smirked at me.

Not gonna lie, she's damn fucking hot with that evil smirked. With that she floated towards me making me step a back and she leaned in. She put her mouth against my ears. I kind of shivered in response. Damn it.

"Pick up that damn Doritos." She whisper shouted at me making me jump a little in surprise.

Suddenly, I was lost in a trance just processing this words. Somehow, my body was telling me to do that but my mind resisted. With that, almost involuntarily I started stuffing the cart with all the Doritos. I have no idea what come over me. I just couldn't control myself. Like my body has its own brain. G! As I was loading my cart with Doritos, I saw a very good looking guy coming towards me. He was about my age and he wearing a jeans and a turtle neck sweater. He smiled at me and took his sweet time observing as if choosing something.

"Looks like you have a party at your house." He said gesture towards the pile of Doritos in my cart.

I smiled and before I could say something in a flirty way, a voice inside my ears starting interrupted my thoughts as if eliminating everything that I was about to said.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

"I'm eating for two." I said robotically as I stroked my tummy.

What the hell? G! I'm sure enough this must be that ghost doing. I rolled my eyes mentally. Oh my! G!!

"Uh huh." He nodded lightly and eyeing me.

Before he could said anything else, I interrupted him.

"Yup. This is my third actually." I said with a straight face.

Wait! No! What the hell Nayeon? G! Did she just make me a mom? Let me remind you that the whole time this asshole ghost was shouting in my ears telling me what to do.

"Hmm, you seem very young. Are you sure?" He asked scrunching his eyebrows together with a worried expression on his face.

"Yes, because I'm a bubblehead. Oh, and I'm gay." I said him curtly with that I pulled of the cart away from him

Before I can make a bigger fool out of myself its better I left and leaving the guy shocked behind me. The whole time the ghost kept her mouth on my ears following me. Finally, I came to my sense.

"You fool! What the hell is that?" I whisper shouted at her.

Well, I don't want anyone to be freaked out by the fact I was talking to the air. I knew for the fact that no one could see her except for me. People might think I was crazy talking to no one. But, she not listening. She was laughed her ass off placing one of her hand at her abdomen and the other one on her hips. I was so irritated by her now. I wait for her to finished laughing. She dramatically whipped her fake tears of her cheeks with the back of her index finger looking at me with an amused expression on her face.

"I told you before. I have a special skills. And I will make you if you don't follow my orders. You are the one challenge me." She said shrugging.

I groaned and rolled my eyes annoyed by her.

"I have more plan for you." She continued shoving me to another aisle.

G! What the hell did I get myself to? I sighed.

"Take these." She said pointing at the stack of condoms.

I froze on my spot.

"What do you need for?" I croaked.

She chuckled at my response and she approached me. As if I can read her mind, I barked away.

"No whispering. I can take them by myself." I said.

Then, I started stacking the cart with the condoms. G! This is going to be so embarrassing to ring them up. I started heading towards the counter with my head down. I didn't want to show my face as I was carrying a heap pile of Doritos and the stack of condoms. Oh my! This is embarrassing. I can feel people's stares on me but I ignored them. I sighed. I bet my face was red right now. I placed my cart against the counter. The old man cashier started scanning the Doritos.

The whole time I kept my head down while the ghost analysed the whole situation. The old man hesitantly picked up the condoms and started scanning them. There were 55 of them. G! The ghost's eyes gleamed in mischief as if she planning something. I saw she grinned evilly and she started approach me. I knew what she was going to do but before I could back away, she wrapped her arms around me and place her mouth against my ears. Oh my God! Oh my Ghost! Oh my! G! Not again!

"Stop moving." She said.

Almost instantly I was fixed on my spot. She let her hands fall to her sides letting me go and missing her firm grip.

"Could you hurry up. My boyfriend is waiting for me." I heard someone said that to the old man.

Oh, wait! That was me. I rolled my eyes mentally. This stupid ghost again success to embarrassed myself. He looked up at me and quietly nodded and then continued his work.

"He's a-about your age.. He doesn't have the s-stamina like he used to. I had to rush in the m-middle.. For this." I said.

I picked up one of the condom packets clearly referring to the facts that I was having sex with my old man before I came here. I couldn't believe what I was saying. G! If I was embarrassed so was he. His ears was so red and he straightened his glasses with his free hand. My cheeks were red and I ducked my head even more. The only person who was enjoying this whole situation was the ghost. G! I hate this ghost! She let go of me and started roaring with laughter. He clear his throat.

"That would be 87.50." He said clearly ignoring my gaze.

What? I didn't have that much right now. I looked at the ghost and mouthed her that and she instantly stopped laughing.

"Watch this." She said smirked.

Then, she placed her mouth near the old guy's ears.

"Tell her its free." She shouted in his ears.

G! She did not!  Suddenly he looked straight as if I lost in thought, his eyes became glassy. His whole demeanour changed. After the ghost yelled at him the second time, he looked at me.

"Its free. You don't need to pay." He said.

-Our Jeongyeon did it. And I'm so proud of her. Thank you Jeongyeon and thank you Twice for the great performance. And I still can't move on from Michaeng back hug. I love them so much!-

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