Chapter 25

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Nayeon POV

Did she really asked that question at me? Seriously? I was pissed at her but I decided to stick to my calm composure.

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong with her? Can't I friend with her?" I asked.

"Don't you remember what she did to us? She left us! And remember we had a fight with her? She blamed everything on me." Jennie said a bit irritating and brush her brunette locks back.

"We? I don't remember if I had a fight with her. I didn't argue with her, you did. Besides, she's the only person who I keep in touch with regularly except for Chaeyoung." And Jeongyeon, I said.

But of course I said it to myself instead of saying out loud about Jeongyeon. Jennie's expression turned guilty and soften after hearing what I said. Maybe it reminded her the reason I don't talk to her and Jin Young.

"So, how have you been?" She asked sadly.

She looked at me but quickly avoid my eyes as I looking back straight to her eyes. How have I been? Sulking. Crying. Or occasionally angry at myself for being so naive? All those times I had to miss our movies nights because some of Chaeyoung emergency came out and so Jin Young and her would end up spending time together. I'm pretty sure they would doing more than watching a movies. I couldn't bring myself to think about it.

"Bad. Not good. Not okay. Well, its not everyday you get cheated by your best friend and boyfriend. Do you?" I snickered very much irritated by her question.

She open her mouth but close again. Before she could say anything we got interrupted by Yeri.

"Your strawberry shake." Yeri placed the sweating tall glass in front of me.

"And your coffee." Then she placed the steaming hot mug in front of Jennie.

"I will be back with the rest of the order later." She said.

But before she leaving us, she shooting me a 'are you okay?' look towards me as she seeing my grim expression. I returned her a nod to say that I was okay or at least I was trying to. As Yeri left us, Jennie held my hand and looking all desperate.

"I'm so sorry Nabongs. I swear it was purely unintentionally. I- I was- never meant for this to happen. I swear. Please believe me." She said all desperate but she didn't dare meet my eyes.

I chuckled. I don't know why I think its funny. Unintentionally? Is she fucking said that?

"Yeah. You mouth just accidentally happened to land on my boyfriend's dick. Right?" I said gritted my teeth so hard

I was surprised that words were actually coming out from my mouth. I was losing a little by little. I don't know if I could control it anymore.

"We just hooked up a couple times. And I swear its was the last time you when- you caught us. I swear- nothing much happened between us. You know how Jin Young was not my type. I tried to reach you and tell you everything but I didn't get a chance  to do so." She said.

Again, I chuckled as I think its funny. Not her type? But she still dare doing that. Pathetic. I was surprised that she still had the audacity to talk to me. Hook up a couple time? Like that piece of information makes me feel better.

"Let me asked you, do you think I'm a fool?" I asked her.

But she didn't answered. She just looked down as she don't know what to said.

"You know very well that I never judged you for not being able to keep your pants on. I will never judged you. But, you never. I repeat, you should never supposed to hook up with your best friend's boyfriend. I will never thought you could dare do that to me. I'm your best friend. You know how much I love both of you. But you two still choose to betrayal my trust. Just like that. Are you think I'm a fool?" I cried out attracting a little attention from the faraway table.

I was glad that the diner wasn't full. People soon got back to their business after I shot them a glare.

"You know what- I'm tired of apologising. It was just a couple times and you already make big scene like this. Its not like we were hooking up regularly behind your back." She spat.

I held an incredulous look on my face. The person in front of me was definitely not my best friend. The best friend I knew. She might be blunt but she was a nice person. But not the person in front of me now. This was a different person. She was the bitch that my ex boyfriend cheated on me with. I couldn't take this anymore. My temper had reached its peak and I was losing all my patience. So I did the one thing I didn't expected myself to do. I got up from my seat and threw my cold strawberry shake on her fcae. G! Did I really did that? Woah! The pink stuff not only covered her flawless face but it dripped down to drench her top and most of them was in her impeccable brunette hair. She looked at me in shock, her jaw dropping.

"You bitch! Why did you do that?" She screamed while wiping her hands with tissues, attracting attention to our table.

"You bitch! You deserved it! And I think that not enough for you. Maybe I should do it couple times like you said." I said bitterly with a saccharine smile plastered over my face.

"I will never talk to you ever again!" She cried out picking up her clutch from the table and standing up.

"Cool." I shrugged.

"And fuck you!" I said proudly showing her, my middle finger.

She glowered at me and left the diner before she could further embarrass herself. I just watch her walked away. I felt a little lighter. There was too much anger building up inside me and I needed a release. But a significant part of me was sad to lose my best friend. But this is not the Jennie who I knew before, the one who I became friends with. This Jennie was the one who was not guilty of betraying me and ruining our perfect friendship. The cold air hit my face before I know I was dying the tears on my cheeks. I didn't realise I was crying. I decide to wipe it and get dressed in my work outfit which I packed it up before heading here.

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