Chapter 18

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Chaeyoung POV

After I having a little talk with the ghost, she's actually are not that bad. Sometime I feel like I was talk to someone I know. I feel comfortable talking to her. But, one thing that disturb me is the scene that the house burning. Yes, I saw that scene as I hold her hand. I saw how she hurt while saving the kid. It must be her sister. I know why she was cry last day because I also saw what happen. But, I don't want to let her know that I know. You know what I means.

"Hey, wassup?" Ryujin patter my shoulder.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"You are space out. Everything okay? Did someone messed around with you again?" She asked worriedly.

I shook my head. Yeah, she know that I was been bullied and she also know about my condition. That's why I feel comfortable with her. She's a nice person. She always protect me. But, there's something about her that make me feel sorry. Even she look tough, I know deep inside she was hurt. I don't want to asked her if she didn't fell comfortable to talk about it. I respect her privacy. But, she didn't know about me being a medium. I just don't want her to freak out if she know about it. Its enough with the DID.

"No. I was just thinking about something. That's all. So, where are we going to go after this?" I asked her.

"How about my house today? My uncle won't be at home today. So, how is it?" She suggest while wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckled. Wait! She's remind me to someone. But I can't recalled it.

"Sure. Why not. I'm curious about your house." I said smirked.

She just laugh. Well, I never been to her house. And I never see her uncle. She said her uncle was a business man and always busy. But when even we talked about her uncle, there something expression in her face that I can't described it. It looks like scared but longing at the same time. I don't know. And she never mention about her parent or other family member. As I said, I do respect her privacy. If she wants to talk about it, I will listen. If not, I won't push her.

"Tadaaa! So, this is my sweet home." She said as we entered the gate.

Wow! Her house was big. Like a castle. I never thought I could enter this kind of house. I knew that she was rich but I never thought she was this rich.

"Woah! Your house looks like a castle. Wow! You never tell me that you would this rich. I feel like I was not suitable to be your friend." I said.

"Nonsense. How could wealth will be the reason for someone to be a friend? I can be friend with anyone I want. And no one could be suitable than you." She said.

I just smiled. See, she's so sweet. We were greeted by her maid. I looked around this house. Its big but its feel empty. She sighed.

"Its feel empty right?" She asked in sadness.

I just keep silence. She turned looked at me with smiled.

"Lets go. Let me show you around. Then, we can having a dinner. I bet you would like it. Oh yeah, why don't we call your sister and invited her here too? I don't know why, your sister make me feel comfortable and remind me to someone." Ryujin said.

"Are you sure? You don't know my sister well. She can be annoying if she wants." I said.

She laughed at my comment.

"Come on. That's would be fun." She said.

"Okay okay. Let me call her first." I replied.

After a two rings, Nayeon unnie pick up the call. Unfortunately, unnie has to work part time as her colleague was sick. So, she has to cover up her shift. Ryujin a bit disappointed but understand. Then, she show me round her house. It was so big and I think I could lost if I was alone. But I notice one thing, there's no picture of her family. I wonder why. It weird right? But I don't think I can asked that as its kind of rude if I asked that question. After having a tour we stay at her room.

"So, do you want to asked something? I know you have something to said or asked." She said while sitting on her bed.

"Hmm, I don't know if I should asked or not. Well, that's you privacy." I said shrugged

She laughed.

"I knew it. You must be curious of myself. I think its time for you to know about me as well. Its not fair and I think that's what a friend do. Trust each other." She said.

I nodded. She patted place next to her and I sitting where she patted. She take a deep breath before she started.

"Well, where should I begin. Hmm, lets say you and me there's no much different. I just live here with my uncle and he the only family I have. My parents and the other was dead. I don't remember what's actually happen as I was just 5 years old when it happen. But according to my uncle, he said that my family was dead because of my house catch on fire. So, after that he raised me." Ryujin said.

No wonder she never mention about her family. She don't even know what happen to her family. I feel sorry for her.

"I know you must been thinking how come there's no picture of my family right? I wish I could have one but, there's nothing could be save on the fire." She continued but I could hear her voice was shaking.

I hold her hands.

"Its okay Ryujin. That's enough for me." I said.

She shook her head and continued.

"It sad actually when I don't even remember was happen to my family. And more sad when I don't even remember my memories. I don't even remember my parent face. Every time I asked my uncle, he was avoid to answer about it. I know he also feel sad to losing the only brother. I know how he feel. Even he didn't talk to much with me, but I knew he love me." She said already tearing.

I pulled her and give a hug to her. I didn't even know her problem. She always be a happy go lucky person. I patter her back until she calm down. Then we pulled away.

"I'm sorry because you have to heard that." She apologise to me.

"Its okay. I'm glad you are trust me. Thank you." I said smiled.

"I think there's one more thing you should know about me." I continue.

She looked at me confused.

"I can see people who already dead. In another word, I can see ghost." I said.

Her eyes widened and she gasped. Opss! I think she scared of me. I just smile nervously.

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