Chapter 44. Pirate's Escape

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..........................back to my perspective..............................

Zelphine: Zero!..Zero!! What's the matter?!

Zero: Huh...(smiles) Nothing at all. I was just trying to remember, but I guess I hurt my head by overthinking.

Zelphine: You shouldn't push yourself too hard! Besides, once we get to reflection falls, you'll regain your memories. So just wait until then and don't push yourself!

Zero: (smiles) Haha...o-okay.

Just then, we heard a "Blast!"and the boat violently shakes. Startled, me and Zero went on deck.

Zelphine: What's happening?! Is it another attack from the sea monsters?!!

Captain Sigrun: Lad!! How does it look up there.

The pirate up on the crow's nest looks into the telescope. His face then grew pale.


Captain Sigrun: Lad!! What's going on!! Spit it out already!!!

Pirate: (horrify) It's the marines!!! They've got us outnumbered!!!!

Captain Sigrun: Woah! Woah! Lad, calm down! Now, say it from the top.

Pirate: T-the marine ships...they cover the entire horizon and are headed towards us!

................................change perspective................................

On the largest navy ship, the admiral stares at the pirate ship. The admiral was wearing a white uniform and hat with a red cape on the right side of his shoulder. The color of his hair was just like his cape. Just then one of the navy men saluted.

Navy men: Admiral! We've discover one of the pirates out in sea.

Admiral: (smirks) The long wait was worth it. (Serious) Sink the ship.

Just then, all the white ships fired their cannons.

...............................change perspective...................................

The navy fired their cannons, they all miss but the impact rock the ship.

Axel: Captain! What are your orders!

Captain Sigrun: Isn't it oblivious?! We gotta outrun them. Ralph! Turn the ship towards 4'oclock!

Ralph made a sharp right turn on the ship. We all held onto something tightly. As we were sailing, more white ships appear in front of us.

Captain Sigrun: Hm..This isn't good, they're trying to surround us. Ralph! Turn it towards 9'oclock this time!

Ralph: But captain..! That area is known for forming massive whirlpools!

Captain Sigrun: Not to worry, we're going to sail through the whirlpool and this time, I'll be taking the wheel. Finn! Call your buddies for me and tell them to help steer the ship!

Finn: Aye sir!

Finn jumped into the water and turned into a shark man again. He then bit his arm and let his blood diffuse into the water. After a minute or so, four sharks gather near him. They began to bite him but in a friendly way.

Finn: Easy there! I love you guys too but we're in a desperate situation here. C'mon guys! We gotta steer the ship.

As we were approaching the whirl pool, Finn and his four sharks help steer us through the gap. The ship began to wobble as we held onto something sturdy.

Finn: Hang in there Sammy! Samuel, push a little harder! Sam, go help out Samantha!

Finn and his sharks pushed through while the whirlpool tries to suck them in. Just then, one of the sharks were pulled in by the whirlpool.

Finn: Samuel!!!

As Finn was about to let go of the ship to save the shark, Captain Sig yelled out.

Captain Sigrun: Don't lose focus Finn! If you do, we'll all go down!!

Finn: B-but!

Captain Sigrun: Do you want your buddy's sacrifice to be in vain!! Now stay focus!

With those words Finn pressed on. Just then, the boat began to tilt towards the whirl pool.

Pirate: Captain! What do we do, of we fall any further, we'll be sucked in!

Captain Sigrun: Hm..looks like I have no choice then. Doris! Throw a bomb on the side of the ship to put us on course!

Doris: But won't that damage the ship!

Captain Sigrun: What can I say? It's better than being dead.

Doris lit the bomb and set it on the side of the ship facing the whirlpool. It then exploded and damaged the ship but the impact set us on course again. After that, we were able to make it to the other side of the whirlpool. The navy wasn't able to follow us because their ships were too large.

In the afternoon, the pirates rebuild the ship. Finn was sitting on the side of the ship with his legs hanging a few feet above the water. He had a sad expression on his face as if he was mourning over a lost friend. In his case, his friend was a shark. Just then, something jump out of the water and bit his foot in a friendly way. When Finn saw the shark, his face perk up.

Finn: S-Samuel?..Is that-! It is you!!!

He jumped into the water and began biting the shark as a way to show his affections. Oh well, at least we made it out in one piece and nobody got hurt.

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