“Well, I believe in waiting until—”

“Not another Bible-basher, are you?” Zayn rolled his eyes. Liam felt slightly ashamed, but he knew he wasn’t that kind of religious.

“I’m not strict, but I can’t. My parents would kill me.”

“They’ll only kill you… If they ever find out.”

That’s when Zayn smashed his lips hard onto Liam’s, catching them before he was able to respond. Every piece of Liam’s mind was still trying to fight against any urges he had to go through with it with him, but they were slowly dying and surrendering to Zayn. The worst part: he didn’t feel bad anymore.

“I’m gonna have to pray for forgiveness after this.”

“No use praying!” Zayn chuckled and caught his lips again in a more heated make-out session.

The older boy tried playing with luck and moved his hands down Liam’s back, placing one on his backside as the other travelled to his crotch, which alarmed him.


“Just let me show you.”

His hand disappeared under Liam’s trouser, under the thin layer of his underwear and softly gliding his fingers along the younger boy’s quickly hardening member. Liam’s breath hitched; much to his own surprise, he was enjoying this. A lot.

“I thought you didn’t want to… Changing your mind?”

His voice disappeared. It was replaced with deep breaths and small quiet gasps as Zayn continued, soon wrapping his long fingers around it firmly.

“Z-Zayn… Please…”

“The boy is begging now, is he?” He made slow strokes up and down, and as he was inexperienced in sex and never touched himself, every other movement made him bite his lip hard. It was preventing him from cursing under the great pleasure he was receiving under the touch of Zayn’s hand against his length.

“Zayn… Oh, so good…” Liam’s head fell forward, his chin resting on his chest as small moans and sounds escaped. Zayn sped up, pumping him as quick as he possibly could. His wrist was starting to ache, but that wouldn’t stop him. He watched as the younger boy unravelled into a mess in front of him, so close and so desperate to stay silent. His lip was pressed hard between his teeth, almost drawing blood in the marks being made, but couldn’t keep quiet for long as he felt the sudden rush of heat in his lower stomach. Again, as he had no experience in anything that was happening, he was slightly scared of the feeling. His fear showed enough for Zayn to see, and the frustration from Liam trying to prevent it from going further.

“Just let it go, Liam. It’ll make you feel good.” He whispered into his ear before creating a red mark on his neck. He took Zayn’s advice and released his grip on whatever was happening, and felt that rush drop to his privates. Seconds later, he let out short breaths and one last shaky moan as he came in to Zayn’s hand, and some little white stains on the inside of his trousers.

Zayn raised his hand out of Liam’s trousers and licked the substance left on his hand. Liam leant back onto the cold wall behind him, almost losing the strength in his knees to stay up.

“Zayn… Oh my goodness, what was that? It felt… Felt so good.”

“Liam, it’s an orgasm. It’s the result of when you have sex with someone; or when they blow you, wank you, anything that gets you off.”

“Isn’t that…? I shouldn’t have done that! I’m not in a serious relationship. My parents will kill me.”

“You’re not in a relationship? Well…” Zayn held Liam’s hand with his clean one, tangling their fingers perfectly. “You are now.”

“I wasn’t just a little thing for you?”

“Of course not! I want to be with you… If you let me?”

“Zayn…” Liam thought about it, and then smiled at the other boy. “Be my boyfriend.”

They both kissed one last time before Liam checked his watch: 1:03. They had a few minutes before their last class starts.

“Wanna come round mine later?” Zayn offered. “I have the feeling I wouldn’t be allowed round yours.”

Liam laughed. “Sure!”

They walked out, their hands still fitted together. One last kiss pressed on his cheek and Liam left to go to class.

“Meet you outside!” He shouted to the disappearing boy. “Love you babe!”

Liam blushed and giggled like a little lovesick kid – in a way, he is.

“Love you too!” He waved back for a short few seconds then continued to class.

“I wonder… If he’ll show me any more of this sex stuff…” He smirked to himself. “Just have to wait and see.”

Ziam (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now