THC & Confessions

Start from the beginning

Liam was jarred from his thoughts from a buzzing coming from near his head. Looking up he saw his phone flash with a text message. Figuring it was probably Harry or Niall telling him how much fun he was missing he lazily grabbed it and stared at the screen bored. But the name that flashed was one that made his pulse quicken and palms sweat just a little. Zayn.

Hey man, I want some company. Care to join me in my room? xo -Zayn

His breath became shallow and his palms started sweating even more making the phone slip from his grip. Zayn wanted to see him. Alone. “Okay calm down dude, he’s a friend who wants to hang out. Chill.” he whispered to no one in particular. Calming himself down with a few jumping jacks and throwing on a shirt he made his way down the hall to where Zayn was staying. He knocked softly a few times hearing a muffled “Come in, it’s open!” through the metal. Even his voice through a door made his knees a little weak.

He entered the room that was exactly like his to be hit with a cloud of smoke and a smell he didn’t know. Coughing slightly and waving his hands in front of his face he found Zayn on the couch watching a Disney movie and singing softly to the words. Noticing his arrival, Zayn lowered the volume of the movie taking a long drag of a brown looking cigarette. Smiling up at his brown eyed friend Liam noticed his eyes were glassy and slightly pink but the hazel and gold in his eyes seemed even more brilliant than ever. He sat gingerly upon the couch and smiled shyly back at him watching Zayn light up the funny cigarette again. “Zayn, what is that?” He asked pointing at what was dangling between those pink lips that looked so delicious.

“It’s a blunt Liam, want a hit?” He declared passing over the smoking substance. “You mean that’s weed? ZAYN?! You’re doing drugs?!” Liam started to holler. Zayn only replied by giving him a crooked grin and hushing him. “Chill out babe, it’s only weed. Josh got it for me. If you don’t want a hit that’s cool. I can put it out if you’d like.” He commented leaning forward to stub out the smoking blunt. “No! No it’s cool. I um…yeah I’ll try it.” Liam slowly reached towards Zayn’s hand while blushing at the fact that he just called him ‘babe’. He would never in his life ever try any drug, alcohol was pushing it but it was Zayn and as childish as it sounded, he wanted to be cool in front of him. Liam knew that he didn’t really care especially saying that he’d put it out but Liam wanted to prove to Zayn that he could hang too.

So he took the blunt and held it to his trembling lips and inhaled a hit that was too big for him. He hadn’t had the smoke in his lungs for more than two seconds before he began coughing so hard his eyes watered and face turned red. Now that his head was shaved you could even see his scalp turned pink. “Whoa babe, easy. You gotta take it slow okay? Here, let me show you.” Zayn giggled patting Liam’s back. He sputtered a bit and looked at Zayn with absolute embarrassment. “Sorry Zee.” He said defeated and felt ashamed that he couldn’t even smoke with Zayn; what a loser. “It’s okay love, watch me. Have to take it slow.” And he lifted the still smoking object to his lips and sucked in a slow drag, his cheeks hollowing over those amazing cheekbones that Liam didn’t miss out ogling over and the ember glowed beautifully against his skin. He brought the blunt back down and motioned for Liam to come closer. He hesitated but seeing Zayn motion faster since he was losing much needed oxygen he moved quickly. Zayn put his warm hand behind Liam’s neck and softly toyed with the short hairs there making him melt. 

What he didn’t expect was for Zayn to softly press his lips against Liam’s and slightly force them open while he began to gently push the smoke into his mouth. His eyes fluttered close as he felt those incredibly supple lips against his and the smooth smoke start to pour in. He inhaled easily and this time he didn’t need to cough. Zayn pulled away and gave Liam a small smile as Liam exhaled all the warm smoke that made his insides tingle and his head swim, although that could’ve been because of the lip lock as well. “How was that?” Zayn asked taking another hit and sucking it deep. “That was, that was great.” Liam had his normal smile that reached his eyes plastered on his face. Yeah, he was a light weight, already feeling what it was like to be high. Not only off of the weed but also off the fact that he got to feel those lips against his.

Ziam (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now