The Porn Star ;) (Part 2)

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He was having fun and feeling good for the first time since his night with Zayn. Louis took him to a quite very expensive restaurant. It was very nice and the atmosphere around them was good.

In a sudden Louis’ eyes widened and he kicked Liam’s feet from underneath the table. Liam turned around and there he saw Zayn, with the other guy he was linked to having his arms around him, waiting to be given a table. And to Liam’s misfortune, or maybe fortune they were given the table right next to theirs.

Liam sunk in his chair hoping Zayn wouldn’t see him.

“Go talk to him,” Louis said but Liam shook his head.

Everything was going quite smooth until the guy decided to kiss Zayn right in front of Liam, and Zayn responded with a depend kiss. Liam’s heart got broken into million pieces, not only he had to see Zayn with another guy, but he had to kiss him right in front of him.

He got up of his chair and excused himself to the bathroom, rushing there before the tears began falling down his eyes.

He got in front of a mirror his hands resting on the sides of the sink, thinking of how stupid he was for falling for someone like Zayn. He wasn’t sure if Zayn had seen him or not but he was hoping he didn’t.

He returned back to the table but didn’t sit down, “Lou, let’s leave please!” he said and Louis nodded. He got up and walked away, accidentally hitting the chair where the guy who was with Zayn was sitting. He straightened himself up and excused himself.

Zayn looked up at him but instead his eyes met Liam’s. He looked at him surprised but Liam turned away and began walking out. Zayn got up off the table and followed Liam out leaving Louis and the other one up to their excuses.

He arrived by Liam outside and he took his wrist turning him around to face him.


“Oh, hey. Didn’t know you were here. Sorry I have to go!” Liam said turning around again.

“No wait. Where have you been all these weeks? You haven’t called or anything!”

“Oh, um sorry.”

“Where have you gone that morning? I looked for you everywhere, I thought you would have stayed!”

“Well I didn’t know you wanted me to stay. It looked like you didn’t anyway.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Li!”

“Um, just around two days after you had already found someone else. But anyway forget about that. I have to go.”

“No Liam wait. I only was with him because of you.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Why you? Liam you were the first guy I took home. The first one whom I remember your name and age, and the only one I can think about at night. But apparently you didn’t cause the first chance you had you left. I asked everyone about you but you seemed to have vanished for weeks. I know I am what I am but I was ready to change for you Liam. I was ready to give up on my job and fame if you wanted me. I couldn’t stop thinking of what might had happened wrong and what have I done for you to leave.”

Liam stopped listening at somewhere around, ‘ready to change for you’ and ‘give up on my job and fame if you wanted me.’ He didn’t hear the last sentence coming out of Zayn’s mouth.

“What? You would do what?” Liam asked.

“I would have given up on my job Liam. I was already planning to do so. But then you left and there were no reason for me to do so.”

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